Read Books Novel

Repair Me

Repair Me (Kin #1)(38)
Author: Jennifer Foor

“Fine. I go first.” She walked around me, looking me up and down. “What am I guessing?”

“Favorite car.”

She raised her eyebrow. “Of course. What a typical guy question.” She walked up and kissed me on my neck softly, whispering her answer in my ear. “A Ford Mustang, Shelby. Any year will do, but I bet you get a hard-on every time you see one that’s a classic.”

I ran my hand through her hair and watched her looking at me. “New rule. If we both guess, than neither of us have to strip.”

“Bring it on.” Sky backed away from me and started playing with the bottom of her shirt. She teased me by showing off her abdomen then letting the fabric go.

I cleared my voice. “Jeep. Soft top.”

Her mouth dropped. “How did you know?”

I took a sip of my beer and shook my head. “When you thought I wasn’t payin’ attention, I was. I saw you eyein’ a couple of em’ up when we were at the beach.”

Sky walked over to the bed, looking back to make sure I was watching her. She sat down on her knees and folded her arms across her chest. “Food.”


“Shit!” She remembered that she’d already told me. “That’s not fair!”

I couldn’t stop laughing. “You better make a good guess, or else I’ll be seeing what’s under that little skirt you’re wearin’.”

“Fried chicken?” she guessed.

I took a few more steps and ran the back of my hand over her cheek. “Chicken is good, but I prefer spaghetti.”

She threw her arms up. “How was I supposed to guess that?”

“Why don’t you stand up and lose that skirt, beautiful?”

She rolled her eyes but did as I requested. I watched that little skirt fall to her feet. Surprisingly, she was wearing the tiniest pair of panties that I’d ever seen. She squeezed her legs together, noticing what I was looking at.

“Spin around,” I demanded.


“I can’t believe you wore them on a blind date. Were you plannin’ on showin’ him your goods?”

Her hands went on her hips again. “Are you kidding me? I didn’t even want to go.”

I tugged on the elastic to her panties and licked my lips. “I sure am glad you changed your mind.” She was watching me, so I leaned in and kissed her pu**y through the fabric. Sky ran her hands into my hair. I looked up and kissed her there again. “Next question.”

“Virginity.” She whispered.

I chuckled and kissed her inner thigh. “Sixteen.”

She threw a little fit. “Ugh, this isn’t fair. How do you know all the right answers?”

“I guessed.”

She fell back on the bed and looked at the ceiling, then leaned on her elbow. Her hair fell down over her shoulder. “Fourteen.”

I climbed up, running my hand between her br**sts as I made it to her neck. I let my fingers slide over her tender skin, before kissing it. “I was fifteen.”

She said nothing as I ducked back down and helped her remove her panties. Seeing her and smelling her made it so hard to keep this game we were playing, going. I wanted to kiss her there, and continue until she screamed out my name.

Sky grabbed me by my hair. “No way, mister. We are seeing this game all the way through.”

I climbed up and lay next to her on the bed, while laughing. “We are postponing the inevitable, darlin’. You’re goin’ to be naked in just a few minutes.” I knew my jokes were more serious than I led on. Sky was the only woman that had made me so crazy. One way or another, I was going to find out a way to keep seeing her. I knew I had nothing to offer her except a rundown business and some f**ked up relatives, but I was going to do whatever it took.

Sky sat up and removed her shirt and then her bra. She scooted herself back and got under the covers. “I forfeit.”

I fell down across her covered up legs and started laughing. “You took the fun out of it.”

“Ford, take your clothes off and lay with me. Spend the night with me without having sex. If you behave, I’ll give you whatever you want for breakfast.”

I stood up and started removing my clothes. “You don’t get how hard this is goin’ to be for me. Not seein’ you was torture, but this is goin’ to f**kin’ kill me.”

I climbed under the covers and grabbed her into my arms. She giggled and wrapped her arms around me. “Behave and it will be an all-you-can-eat buffet.”

“Shit! You’re makin’ it worse.” She and I both knew that my c**k was ready to go. Still, I knew she was worth the wait.

Chapter 16


It wasn’t like I didn’t want to have sex with Ford. I’d been dreaming about it for weeks, thinking it was never going to happen again. Now that we had a second chance at getting to know each other, I wanted to do whatever it took to make it work.

Ford claimed that he had nothing to offer, but he was wrong. I didn’t care what he did for a living, or where he lived. I admired what he’d given up in his life to help his family. Since his mother was coming back into the picture, I found myself wondering how he was going to handle it. He’d already sacrificed so much. How much more was he willing to lose of his own life to help them?

Ford held me tight in his arms, like he feared I was going to get up and leave without saying goodbye. I guess it was because of his guilty feelings about leaving me in that motel room. I too, wrapped my arms around him, appreciating the fact that it felt so right.

Trying to sleep naked next to someone that turned me on so much was hard. Ford kept readjusting himself and I could feel why. He was hard as a rock. “Am I torturing you?”

He laughed and moved the hair out of my face. “I’m alright.”

I buried my face into his neck. “Can I ask you about your family?”

“You can ask me anything you want.” I appreciated that he was opening up to me. It made me feel like he trusted me.

“How do you feel about your mom? Are you happy that you found her?”

He took one arm and put it behind his head, looking at the ceiling as he spoke. “Honestly, I don’t know how I feel. The woman abandoned us. She walked away from her family, and did God only knows what, for years. Now, all of a sudden, my family is ready to forgive her.”

I traced the lines on one of his tattoos. This particular one on his chest was of a dirt bike. Underneath it were the initials H.C.
