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Repair Me

Repair Me (Kin #1)(40)
Author: Jennifer Foor

She smiled. “I am happy. When we met I was running from the pain of what Mack did to me. When you left me at the motel, I felt more alone than I ever had before. It was like Mack didn’t even matter anymore. All I wanted to do was find you.”

I felt terrible for leaving her there, but worse because I’d slept with Ash. “I didn’t know how much I wanted you until you weren’t there anymore. I know we were just strangers, but I shouldn’t have done you like that. I should have been able to say goodbye to you, or admit that I wanted to see you again. Instead, I f**ked this up and made you hate me.”

We had stopped moving and were sitting there, with me still inside of her. The mood had changed in a matter of seconds and the topic needed to be worked out before we could go forward.

She placed her hand on my cheek and I leaned over to kiss it. “I didn’t hate you, Ford. Don’t you get it? I wanted you for myself. I felt like I wasn’t good enough.”

That made me laugh. “Darlin’, you’re the best I’ve ever had.”

She smiled and blushed at my compliment, then leaned in and kissed me slowly. It was packed full of emotion and I was done trying to pretend that having feelings for her was a bad thing. I wanted to care about this girl and call her mine.

We kissed, our bodies coming to a laying position. Sky still straddled my body, but our chests were pressed together. When she started moving again, it was slow and more intense. Our hands were entwined together and our eyes fixed on one another. Our powerful connection was giving us new highs that neither of us wanted to come down from. We didn’t hold back and when we climaxed, we did it together, while our lips and tongues connected as well.

I’d promised her that we’d stay up all night talking, but we ended up falling asleep right after we finished. We’d drained all of our energy and neither of us wanted to admit what was really happening between us, yet I think we both knew the truth. I could see myself falling hard for Sky and I could only hope that she was going to do the same with me. God knows I didn’t deserve her, but while I had her, I wasn’t going to let anything come in between us again.

Chapter 17


Waking up in Ford’s arms was like being in Heaven. The smell of him reminded me that it hadn’t been a dream. We lay in bed the whole morning talking and learning about each other. When our stomachs started growling, we got up and dressed so that both of us could go out to get something to eat. He said his aunt owned the diner and that she made the best pancakes that I would ever have in my life. Since we’d skipped dinner, I didn’t care what I was eating as long as it took the pain in my stomach away.

While driving, he pulled me over to sit next to him, holding my hand the whole way. I leaned my head on him and appreciated how close he wanted me to be. When we got inside, Ford walked around the counter and kissed the familiar older woman. He smiled and led her over to where I stood. “Sky, this is my aunt. Everyone calls her Viv.”

I smiled and looked at the lady, who was eyeing me up and down. She pointed at me. “I remember you. My nephew brought you here a while back and paid for your meal. Then he left that night without sayin’ goodbye.”

I felt so uncomfortable.

He grabbed her shoulders. “Stop teasin’ her. She thinks you’re serious.”

The lady finally smiled and winked at me. “I’m just kiddin’ with ya sugar. Any friend of Ford’s is a friend of mine. Are you two here for breakfast? Joe made the bacon crispy, just how you like it.”

Ford turned and waved to the guy that was cooking. “What’s up?”

“What’s up, cuz? Who’s that pretty piece of honey?”

“Someone you can’t have!” Ford said sarcastically.

I waved to the guy, before being carted to a table. “I take it that’s another cousin of yours? How many do you have?”

“A few.” He handed me a menu and looked around, before his aunt brought us two coffees and a cup of milk.

“Would you like anything else to drink, hun?”

I shook my head. “No thank you.”

Ford poured half the milk into his coffee and added some sugar. He took a sip and then sat his cup down. “You met Shayne already. He has a sister, named Peyton and a brother Parker. They’re twins and they’re eighteen. My aunt and uncle have their hands full when it comes to them. Shayne was eight or nine when they were born, so he really isn’t that close to either of them. That’s all the cousins that I have on my mom’s side of the family.” He motioned his head toward the kitchen. “Joey is my aunt’s son. He’s the same age as me and we went to school together since kindergarten. I played football and he played soccer. I played baseball and he played lacrosse. My first car was a Ford, his was a Chevy.”

I put my hands up for him to stop. “Okay, I think I get what you’re saying. Obviously, you are pretty opposite.”

“I keep to myself, when it comes to my family.”

I stirred the cream and sugar up in my coffee and took a sip. “Has it always been like that?”

“No.” He played with the rim of his cup. “After Harley passed away.”

I felt stupid for asking, but Ford reached across the table and smiled. “I’m sorry.” I said quietly.

“It’s not your fault. Besides, I want you to know.”

We were caught off guard when two plates stacked high with pancakes and bacon were put on the table. His aunt walked over to the counter and grabbed the bottle of syrup, then brought it back to our table. “Enjoy.”

I look at the gargantuan pile of hot cakes and didn’t know where to start. “Ford, I can’t eat all these.”

He’d already started shoving some in his mouth. “Just taste them before you make any quick decisions.”

I grabbed a knife and started buttering each of the pancakes, then , one at a time, I put syrup on each one. Ford was shoving bite after bite into his mouth. When I still hadn’t taken a bite, he put down his fork and grabbed mine. He loaded a giant bite on it before shoving it towards my mouth. I opened it, feeling like he was going to force-feed me if I didn’t.

He was right. They tasted fantastic. I savored the taste with every single chew. “They’re delicious.”

He smiled and grabbed his fork again. “There’s only one thing that tastes better.”

“What’s that?” I took a sip of my coffee.

