Read Books Novel

Repair Me

Repair Me (Kin #1)(39)
Author: Jennifer Foor

“I can’t imagine what it’s like for you. Did she even know about your sister?”

I was nervous when I mentioned her. When we first met Ford had made it clear that Harley was a touchy subject.

“My uncle told her. She didn’t show up to the funeral. In some ways, I blame her for everything.” I could tell it was a hard conversation for him.

“Why the dirt bike?”

He looked down at his chest and touched the tattoo. “Harley and I used to race motocross when we were kids. She may have been a girl, but she was damn good. When she died I wanted to get a tattoo for her, so I picked somethin’ that we both loved.”

“Was Ashley your first?” I immediately changed the subject, thinking it would be better if we stopped talking about his sister.

He chuckled. “Nah. When I was younger, I wanted to run. One girl wasn’t going to work for me. I thought I could sample them all.”

I must have got this weird look on my face, because he grabbed my hands and started laughing at me. “Are you a jealous person, Sky?”

I tried to shake off his question. “No!”

He held my hand and kissed it. “I never said I slept with all of them. I just said I wanted to, for a time. When I finally settled down with Ash, I was content. We were good friends, like I told you before.”

“If you wouldn’t have lost your sister, would you still be together?” I turned beet red asking that after he’d just said I was jealous. “I just…I want to know if I have to worry about you changing your mind.”

“Honestly, if we were still together, I’d be miserable. I changed and she didn’t. Ash wants to party all the time and doesn’t care about having responsibilities. I’m twenty-three and I need to act like an adult. She still acts like she’s sixteen.”

Satisfied with his explanation, I reached up and kissed him. “I still can’t believe I’m here with you.”

He kissed the top of my head before pulling me on top of him. His hard erection was pushing on my leg. Ford reached up and massaged my br**sts. He groaned. “I needed to feel you to make sure I wasn’t dreamin’ all this.”

I laughed and leaned down to kiss his lips. When I pulled away, his eyes were just opening back up. “We’re not dreaming.”

As he adjusted, I felt his erection pressing against me. He knew what he was doing, because he smiled, giving me a certain look like he was reminded me what I was doing to him.

I reached down and let my fingers slide over the smooth skin of his penis. He groaned again and grabbed my arm, making me stop. “If I agree to stay up all night holdin’ you and answerin’ anything you ask, can I please f**k you, now? I’m dyin’ here, darlin’. You got me so worked up I can barely think straight.”

I sat up and rocked my body around. “Maybe you should beg me,” I teased.

He put his hands on my ass and steadied me. “I can flip your fine ass around and just take it, seein’ as I know you want it as much as I do.”

Sensations went through every inch of me hearing him say that. I licked my lips and looked into his eyes. “You’re right. I want to feel your hard c**k again making me scream out in pleasure, but I’m afraid I need to know exactly how bad you want it, first. So tell me, Ford. How bad do you want me?” I ran my fingertips over my ni**les, while waiting for him to answer.

He ran his hand down between my legs, rubbing me in the right place to make me close my eyes and lose my focus. When he brought his fingers up to his lips and sucked them, I thought I was going to have an orgasm just sitting there. “Mmm, you taste like I remember, sweet like honeysuckle.”

My body began moving without me telling it to. I was so turned on. “Beg me.”

Ford took my body and pushed it down to sit on the top of his legs. His erection flung forward and he took it into his hand. The next thing I knew, he was taking it and rubbing it over my heated sex. The fire had already ignited and I was beginning to lose control over myself. “Oh yeah, you know I don’t have to beg. You want my dick and you know it. Touch yourself for me.”

Ford was right. He didn’t have to beg, or even ask for it; not when I was willing to just give in and do whatever he requested.


I tried to hold out, and it would have been so much easier if I hadn’t gone for so long. Beating off to memories of her was nothing like having her sitting on top of me. It was taking all that I had to withstand my urges. She wanted me to beg, but I wasn’t the kind of man that needed to. I knew she would do what I asked, without argument. We were both in it for the same outcome.

This was so different than when we were first together. Something had changed between us. Maybe it was the anticipation and the fear of never seeing each other again. Perhaps it was the fact that we’d left things so unfinished. At any rate, I had her right where I wanted her; where I needed her to be.

Sky closed her eyes and reached one hand down to her pu**y. I licked my lips again watching her moving her fingers over her clit. “Do it harder. Make yourself cum, Sky. I want to hear you cry out for me.”

Her normal pattern of movement became vigorous as she whipped around and began to scrunch up her face. With her eyes still closed she cried out. I reached up and pinched her ni**les at the same time. Her body arched and she lost control of herself as she climaxed.

Sky opened her eyes and bit down on her bottom lip, while moaning. “That wasn’t fair.”

“I thought it was pretty damn cool.” While joking, I looked down motioning that I was still standing at attention.

She giggled and grabbed my cock, slowly guiding it to slide right in. The pleasure that I got out of that first thrust took me back to the first time I had her. Her tight pu**y accepted my girth, while her movements transcended like a bucking stallion.

Sky ran her hands through her long hair. I sat up, taking her right breast into my mouth. I liked the way her ni**les felt when they rubbed against my tongue. My teeth drug against that sensitive part of her skin.

“Don’t stop,” She cried.

With my other free hand, I reached down and started rubbing her clit. Her rhythm sped up as she rocked her body into mine. Then, all of the sudden, she stopped.

“What’s the matter, darlin’? Doesn’t it feel good to you?”

Tears started to fall down her pretty cheeks. “I’m sorry. I just thought I was never going to see you again.”

I stopped messing around with her tender parts and wrapped my arms around her back, kissing away the tears on each side of her face. “That ain’t a reason to cry. You should be happy. I know I am.”
