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Repair Me

Repair Me (Kin #1)(44)
Author: Jennifer Foor

I folded my hands in my lap and watched him finish getting dressed. Then he jumped onto the bed next to me with his cell phone in his hand. “I need to call my buddy and make sure his piercer works on the weekends. You want to come outside with me so I can get some service?”

“Do we have to climb on a roof?”

He chuckled. “Not usually.” Ford stood up and grabbed my hand, pulling me up with him. “I can get a signal by standin’ outside my door. Sometimes it will ring in the kitchen. It all depends on the damn weather.”

“You didn’t tell me that when I was here before.”

He shook his head and opened the door. “You never asked. Besides, before I got you naked, we weren’t exactly on speakin’ terms.”

I leaned on the door across from him. “So, you were going to murder me, weren’t you?”

“Nah, the freezer downstairs was already full.”

I shook my head and crossed my arms. “Glad I put out then.”

He smiled and started to talk to whoever was on the other line. Realizing that I was actually going to let some strange person see my private parts made me feel uneasy. I should have told him never mind, but didn’t want him thinking that I was a sissy. I was trying to be sexy.

I was such an idiot.


I could tell she was nervous, but a part of me wanted to see if she actually had the nerve to go through with it. She was quiet for the first part of the ride. Since I had her right up against me in the truck, I wasn’t too concerned about her saying anything. Besides, we hadn’t had that much sleep and I knew she was tired.

When we were about twenty minutes away, I grabbed her thigh and rubbed up and down it. “You alright?”

She nestled her head into my arm. “Yes. I guess this person is used to seeing naked parts?”

How could I not laugh at that? “Yeah, I’m pretty sure.”

“Do you think it will hurt?”

I pulled over in a parking lot and looked at her. “Sky, why are you doin’ this if it’s botherin’ you that much?”

“My friends at school got it done. They said that it made their sex even better. I figured since ours is already amazing, it could make it spectacular, like mind blowing.”

I leaned over and kissed her tender lips. “It’s already mind-blowin’ to me, darlin’. Why do you think I was so glad to see you last night? Every night since we were together has been awful without you. I was startin’ to wonder what you did to me, those nights.”

Sky began to laugh. “I didn’t do anything, but the feeling is mutual.”

“Just to be clear. You don’t have to go through with this for me. I like you just the way you are.” I reached my hand between her legs and rubbed. “It’s goin’ to be hard to be gentle when all I want to do is have this in my mouth tonight.”

She made a funny face. “Keep driving. I want to do something crazy!”

“Yes, ma’am.”

The tattoo shop was like every other one I’d been in. The sound of the devices were something that you could always pick out. The buzzing got quiet as the artist noticed us standing at the front counter. I recognized him as one of my buddies. He shook my hand. “What’s up man?”

I motioned toward Sky. “This is Sky. I told you what she’s lookin’ for.”

My friend smiled and I knew right away what he was thinking. The blood started boiling and I clenched my fists to prevent from saying something that would cause a confrontation. He wanted her, though. He may as well have just come out and said it from the way he was staring at her. I knew I had to make things clear, immediately.

“She’s with me, Chris. Just so we’re clear.”

He held up his hands. “Sorry, man. You’re damn lucky, that’s for sure.”

Sky nudged me in the side. “Embarrassing!”

“Sorry,” I whispered. “He was standing there f**kin’ you in his head.”

While Chris walked into the back, Sky put her hands on her hips. “Are you jealous? Worried I’m goin’ to rip off my pants and let him take me in the back?”

I cocked my eyebrow. “That ain’t even funny.”

She started laughing. “Yes, it is.”

I got up close to her. “We need to make somethin’ clear, right now. This thing is exclusive. I ain’t into sharin’.”

She reached between my legs and grabbed a handful. “I don’t share either, just so we’re clear.”

I put my hand over hers and applied pressure. “Oh, we’re very clear.”

Chris came back out and cleared his voice to get our attention, but Sky was slow to remove her hand. “So, you can both come on back. Trina does all the girl piercings.”

I didn’t know Trina, who turned out to have blue hair and more face piercings than I could count, but she wasn’t Chris and that was good. The thought of him seeing my girlfriend’s pu**y wasn’t cool with me after I caught him eyeing her up.

Trina explained all of the details of the procedure to Sky. After she filled out a couple forms and paid her money, she picked out the jewelry she wanted and got undressed. I sat in a chair in the corner of the room watching her.

Trina walked out of the room to get something.

“Ford, come here.” Sky waved her hand.

“You backin’ out?”

She shook her head and smiled. “No. I just wanted you to know that even if things don’t work out with us, every single time I touch this piercing, I’m going to remember you being here when I got it. I’ve wanted it for a while, but it never seemed right. Thanks for bringing me.”

I leaned down and kissed her as Trina came back into the room. Sky grabbed my hand and asked me to stay. Honestly, I didn’t like watching. There was blood and it was just weird. I thought about not being able to kiss her there for a while and it made me sad. I’d just got her back.

Sky seemed uncomfortable during the procedure and she took an extra-long time getting her shorts back on. “You ready to go?”

She shook her head. “How about a tat? I want one.”

“You’re glutton for punishment today, ain’t ya?”

She grabbed a book and started flipping through it. “Come pick one out.”

“I have plenty, in case you haven’t noticed.”

“I think you should get one on your cock,” She giggled.

“Well, I think you’re insane.” I reached over and grabbed her breast. “Maybe you should tat up your ni**les.”
