Read Books Novel

Repair Me

Repair Me (Kin #1)(45)
Author: Jennifer Foor

She grinned and looked right into my eyes. “I will if you will.”

I just shook my head and stopped looking at her. It wasn’t that I didn’t like her sense of humor. It was the opposite. The more funny things she said, the more I wanted to find a back room and take her in it. “Don’t tempt me, little lady. I like it when you talk like that.”

She stood up, holding a page open. “I know what I want!”

I peered down at the book and saw a tiny cluster of hearts. It was cute for a girl. “They’re nice. Where do you want them?”

She pulled down the top of her shorts. “On my hip.”

I let my fingers trail over her hipbone. She smiled and watched me doing it. “That’s sexy.” I grabbed the book and pretended to look at a page. “Oh, I know what I’m gettin’.”

She tried to see the page and I kept it up high. Finally, I put it down. “Just kiddin’. I’m goin’ to wait to get work done. I don’t want any part of me to be sore when I have to rock your world tonight.”

She raised her eyebrows at my comment. “I won’t say no.”

“You never have, darlin’.”

I didn’t care if Sky wanted to stay and get some work done. She was coming home with me and that was all that mattered. Come Sunday, she’d be heading back home. This time, I knew how to find her again. We could talk every night and see each other on the weekends. As much as I thought it wasn’t possible, I saw myself being with Sky and having a real relationship. It was about time that I let myself be happy again and I knew she could make it happen.

Chapter 19


The piercing was uncomfortable, but the tattoo hurt like a bitch. Ford sat in the corner trying hard not to laugh at me, considering all the tattoos that he had on his body, I was sure he knew how it felt. His showing off finally stopped when the guy turned off the machine and wiped antiseptic around my new artwork. I loved the hearts and felt like they looked sexy. After paying him, I followed Ford back to the truck. We climbed in and I saw him staring at me. “What?”

“I’m just happy, that’s all.”

His words kept making me smile. “I am too. We need to thank your cousin for getting us back together. If it hadn’t been for his meddling, we never would have found each other.”

“Yeah, I think he and I are pretty even. I’ve done a lot for that bastard through the years.”

I wanted to know little details like this. Anything that Ford could tell me about himself or his family made me excited “So, what exactly does that mean?”

“Let’s just say that I lent him money when he was in trouble, that he’s never paid back. I took the blame for him when he and his brother drove a four-wheeler through their neighbor’s fence. I took the blame for smoking up in his room when we were teenagers, too. The list goes on and on.”

I was laughing at him halfway through his confession. His face looked so angry. “So, can I blame you for my new tattoo?”

“Do you plan on me ever meetin’ your parents?” He looked serious.

“Um, yeah. I was going to ask you to come next weekend, but you have to be here for your mother.”

He shook his head and looked forward at the road. “That ain’t happenin’, Sky. I know you think I should be there. Hell, everyone else thinks I should, too. Shit needs to be proven to me before I can welcome that woman into my life with open arms. Honestly, I don’t know if I will ever be able to do it. She’s taken too much from me.” He reached over and grabbed his pack of cigarettes off the dash.

I got quiet and watched him light one up and roll down his window. The topic had stressed him out. “I haven’t seen you smoke this much.”

He looked at the cigarette like he hadn’t noticed he had it. “The shit just frustrates me, Sky. She hasn’t been around in over ten years. We found her in a real-life crack house. My dad thinks that a few weeks in the hospital is goin’ to make her all better again. You didn’t see him drinkin’ himself to death day in and day out. I can’t watch him do it anymore. I won’t!”

I reached over and grabbed a cigarette out of the pack. While stunned over what I was doing, I caught Ford off guard and grabbed his to light mine. I tucked it back between his lips and puffed on mine, coughing almost instantly.

Ford pulled it away from my lips and tossed it out the window. “They ain’t good for you.”

I grabbed his and did the same thing, turning to him and smiling after I’d done it. Without saying anything, I climbed on top of him, while he drove, straddling his legs. I kissed him softly, running my hands over his ears. “Forget about everything and focus on me, Ford. Let me be your distraction.”

It was a good thing that we were driving down a deserted highway, because he kept veering off the side of the road as I kissed him. The more I did it, the more he matched my motions. I opened my eyes and watched him trying to stay focused on the road. It was obvious that he was having a tough time.

My piercing felt like it was pinching me, but I couldn’t let a little pain get in the way of distracting my pain-stricken guy. He needed to know that he was my first priority.

Thankfully, we made it back to his place in one piece. If I had to pick a way to die, though, I’d pick being on top of Ford and feeling his kisses.

Even though we’d made it back to his place, we didn’t exactly get out of the truck. Ford had me where he wanted me and he wasn’t going to let me off of him until he was done with me.

The stubble on his face, tickled my neck as he made his way up to my ear. “Lift up your shirt.”

I did as he said and held onto his head when he dove right in, taking one of my ni**les into his mouth. My back pressed hard against the steering wheel as his hand and mouth explored my naked skin.

I wasn’t just sitting still while all of this was going on. My natural reaction was to begin rocking my body back and forth. I wanted to know that he was rock hard under that pair of shorts. “We should go inside.”

He took one hand and reached it up my shorts. “Oh yeah, you’re so ready.”

I felt his fingers entering me. He made sure he stayed away from my swollen clit. I could still feel what he was doing, and the pain from the piercing was bearable. I rocked against his fingers. “Suck my nipple. Bite it!”

Ford teased my nipple with his tongue, getting it so close but never touching it. I moved myself to try and make contact, but he was too quick. It was making me hotter and I didn’t know if I wanted him to suck on it or keep playing around.
