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Repair Me

Repair Me (Kin #1)(47)
Author: Jennifer Foor

I didn’t just want to know how things went, I wanted details. Ford was obviously down there for quite a while, so naturally, I wanted to know every detail of what they talked about. I wanted to know if he told her he would always love her. I wondered if they talked about what would have happened if his sister had never died.

What was wrong with me?

I didn’t want to be this girl that clung to her man in fear of losing him. That’s what forced men to go and do it. If Ford felt smothered he wouldn’t even want to be with me. I had to get myself under control.

Ford was still waiting for me to respond to his question and secretly I was beginning to freak out. “Nothing.”

He ran his hands up my thighs. “It don’t seem like nothin’ to me.” He looked behind him and then back to me. “Look, I didn’t mean for you to have to deal with her again. I swear, she’s lost her mind.”

I shrugged. “I get it. She wants you and is willing to go to extreme measures to make that happen. If I were her, I’d probably be doing the same thing.” It was hard to keep looking him in the eyes when I said the next thing. “You’re pretty great, Ford.”

Ford clenched his jaw and stood up. He pulled his shirt over his head and climbed onto the bed. He pulled me down beside him and moved my clothes out of the way to look at my new tattoo. “I can’t believe you did this.”

“Why? I’ve done crazier things in my life.”

He made a face and then smiled. “Like sleepin’ with a complete stranger?”

“A very sexy stranger that kissed like no other man on the planet.” I traced a tattoo on his arm. It was a long dragon, with tribal designs and a rose around it. “Is this new?” I didn’t remember him having it last time.

“I added some more to it a couple weeks ago. I get bored, easily.”

His comment caught me off guard. “Should I be worried?”

He fell down on his back and rubbed his face. “That came out wrong.” He rolled back over. “Nothing about you could ever make me bored.”

I rolled over and lay on his chest. His arm wrapped around my back and he kissed my head as I got comfortable. “You don’t know that for sure. I could be horribly jealous and overbearing.”

Ford rubbed my back. “I don’t really care. It ain’t like I go out anywhere. My life is here and so is my job. Aside from rescuing beautiful women who drive their cars in farm fields, I don’t get out much.”

We both laughed at his comment, and I kind of figured that I was the only woman he’d ever rescued like that, but it didn’t stop me from asking. “How many women per year do you rescue?”

A little chuckle escaped him. “On average, maybe thirteen a month. I’m startin’ to think that they’re wreckin’ just to spend the night with me. Word gets out in small towns and from what I hear, I got mad skills.”

I smacked him lightly on the chest and laughed some more with him. “You did not just go there! Oh my God!”

He sat up causing me to do the same. “See how lame I am?”

I leaned in and kissed him slowly. “I kinda like lame.”

He brushed the hair out of my face. “I kinda like you.”

As his tongue entered my mouth, I forgot all about him being outside with Ashley. All I could think about was being alone with him, in his bed. His hands started to explore my body, but when he reached between my legs, I lifted my body and screamed. The pain was horrible.

Ford laughed and buried his head into the pillow. “Guess that means I don’t get any of that tonight.”

How could I have been so stupid to think I could just get that part of my body pierced and not feel pain? I lay down next to him and rubbed his back. “We can do other things.”

He rolled over and looked at me. “Sky, it’s probably better that somethin’ is preventin’ us from that. With you havin’ to go home tomorrow, I’d rather spend more time just hangin’ out. Now, with that bein’ said, I want you naked in my bed, no matter what we’re doin’.”

“I thought getting the piercing was going to be sexy.”

Ford cleared his throat. “Take off your shorts.”

I stood up on the bed and shimmied out of my shorts, letting them fall down to my ankles. He pointed to my panties and motioned with his finger for them to go too. “You said no sex.”

“I know what I said. Now come down here and let me see it close up.”

I got down on my knees and watched as he got his “close up” look. I got hot watching him looking at my pu**y like he was studying it. He ran the back of his hands up and down my inner thighs.

“Does it look alright?”

He groaned and looked up. “Do me a favor. Don’t you go showin’ anyone else this. I want to know that I’m the only man that gets to see it.”

I smiled and sank down onto the bed with him. “I promise.”

He rubbed our noses together. “How about we get in this here bed and watch scary movies until we’re scared shitless and can’t fall asleep without holdin’ onto each other, after we make sure all the doors and windows are locked.”

“I love scary movies!”

He started laughing at me and grabbed the remote for the television. “Good. You can hold me when I get scared.”

A little while later we were curled up under the covers watching movies. Once again, it felt natural. Ford was proving to me that our attraction wasn’t just about sex. Sure, we were totally naked, but just being in his arms made me feel satisfied. More than ever, I was sure that what I was feeling for him was the real thing.


Just like the times before, waking up with her in my arms was the best feeling ever, unfortunately, it also meant that she had to go home today. After she walked into the bathroom, I got up and followed her. She was using the bathroom and looked shocked. “Can I pee in peace?”

I had my back turned to her. “We all pee, Sky.” I put the toothbrush in my mouth. “Besides, I’ve seen every inch of your body.”

I heard the toilet flushing and felt her walk up beside me. She held out her hand for me to give her my toothbrush. Like the day before, I handed it to her without argument. She stood there naked brushing, while I watched. “Stop it!”

I could tell she felt uncomfortable, so I kept at it. “What did you want to do today? Want to go pierce your ni**les or get your neck tatted up?”
