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Repair Me

Repair Me (Kin #1)(46)
Author: Jennifer Foor

When he finally took it into his mouth, he jerked his fingers roughly at a harder pace. I felt his teeth dragging over my nipple right before he bit down and pulled. My head fell back as I kept rocking. “Oh, God, yes…It feels so good. Please, don’t stop!”

He sucked harder and the pain was pleasure. “I want more than this truck allows.”

I started to tremble, feeling butterflies running through my body. “You can have anything you want.”

He patted my side. “Slide off.”

I did what he said and watched him open the door and climb out. His erection was easy to spot sticking up from under his shorts. He held out his arms. “Come here.”

I let him grab me out of the truck, but he flipped me over his shoulder and started carrying me like that up the stairs to his place. “Ford, I can walk.”

I couldn’t see where we were, but I heard him open the door and start talking. “What the f**k are you doin’ here?”

I patted on his back for him to let me down. Of course, he was rock hard and my bra was completely hanging off, under my shirt, as well as my pants being totally unbuttoned. Ashley sat on the bed with her legs folded. I was at a loss for words, considering I’d wanted to beat her ass earlier.

“I came to apologize! I didn’t think she’d still be here.” She motioned towards me.

Ford reached for my hand. “You need to leave, Ash. I don’t know how else to put it. We’re through. I’m with someone else and there’s nothin’ you can do to change that.”

She started to cry as she ran out of the apartment. Even though I didn’t admit it, I felt bad for her. She obviously loved him.

Ford turned and looked at me. “Are you alright?”

I nodded. “Yeah, but I think you should check on her. I might not like her, but I don’t want any accidents happening because she was too distraught to drive.”

He grabbed both sides of my cheeks and just looked at me for a second. “I don’t deserve you.” I watched him walk out of the apartment without saying anything else back to him.

Five minutes turned into ten. After twenty, I started to wonder what had happened to Ford, then the worry set in. What if he really was some kind of player? Was he out there getting head from her, while I waited in here? I tried to shake off the nonsense sort of feelings I was having, but they wouldn’t go away.

Then it really hit me.

I was falling for him.

It couldn’t be possible.

But I was sure, that’s exactly what was happening to me.


The last thing I wanted to do was walk away from Sky while having a stiff erection that was calling her name. Ash had caused enough problems for us already, and I really didn’t feel like giving her another second of our time together. Still, to keep the peace, I decided to take Sky’s advice and go check on her. I couldn’t have her blaming me for something bad happening, which she definitely would have done.

Ash made it to the bottom of the steps before she plopped down and started crying. By the time I made it down there, she was in full-blown sob mode. I sat a couple steps behind her. She turned, to check to see if it was me, I guess. “Just go away, Ford.”

“You obviously drove here to see me. I ain’t leavin’ until you tell me what you want from me.”

Ash turned around again. Her makeup was smeared all down her face. “I wanted you. I came here to make that clear, but you were too busy with HER!”

I stood up and grabbed her by the arm, forcing her to walk out front with me. I didn’t want Sky to have to hear her calling her names, which Ash was famous for. “Look, I ain’t tryin’ to hurt you, Ash, but I’m with Sky. I don’t know how else to make that clear.”

“She’s not right for you. I’ve given you so many years. How can you just walk away from that?” She covered her face and cried harder. I felt bad, so I wrapped my arms around her and let her cry.

When I felt her putting her arms around me, I pulled away. “This is why I can’t be your friend. I give you an inch and you want a f**kin’ mile.”

“You’re mine! You promised we’d always be together. You said we’d get married. What happened to that?” Her defensiveness was making me think she wasn’t going to stop harassing Sky until she made sure she didn’t want anything to do with me.

“Things changed.”

Offering her a simple explanation got me nowhere. “No! You lost your sister. I lost my friend. We should have gotten through it together, but you pushed me away. You ripped out my heart, Ford. I gave you my soul and you threw it away, for some cheap piece of ass. How could you do this to me?”

The name-dropping had begun. “Things changed a long time ago, Ash. Sky had nothin’ to do with it. Harley didn’t have anythin’ to do with it either. I cheated on you years ago. You want the damn truth, well there it is!”

She put her hands to her side and walked up to me. “You’re lyin’.”

“The hell I am. We were at a party over at Pete’s place. Guys started doing body shots off of your bare chest. So I took your friend in the kitchen and I f**ked her brains out.”

She slapped me hard across the face. “Who was it?”

I figured she wouldn’t remember. We partied with a lot of people and narrowing it down to one night was impossible. “It doesn’t even matter. I tried to spare your feelin’s, but I think I knew back then that things weren’t goin’ to last. We grew apart, Ash.”

She ran her hands through her hair and screamed out into the night air. “Why is this happening to me?”

I leaned against the building and watched her losing it right in front of me. She paced back and forth a dozen times, talking under her breath. Finally she stopped right in front of me. “I hate you!”

“No you don’t!” I started to laugh at her comment and she shoved me.

I fell back against the wall and tried to catch myself from losing my footing. Ash started to back away. “Fuck you, Ford!”

“Whatever!” I shook my head. “Don’t come back, Ash! I ain’t even kiddin’.”

I watched her peel wheels out of the parking lot and onto the road. Once she was gone, I climbed the stairs to my apartment. Sky was sitting there on the bed and she looked upset. I kneeled down in front of her. “What’s wrong, darlin’?”

Chapter 20


I didn’t mean for Ford to see me so upset. It was too soon to be showing my feelings for him. Falling for someone so soon was unheard of. It had to be lust and the excitement of being with him again. Yet I found myself sitting there and wondering about things that only someone in love would be feeling.
