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Repair Me

Repair Me (Kin #1)(57)
Author: Jennifer Foor

When my mother told me what she’d plan, I didn’t even consider the consequences. An opportunity to be with Sky was all I had wanted for weeks. I waited until the girls left, showered and grabbed a change of clothes. The hour drive was nothing when I considered what it would mean to have her in my arms again. I never once considered that she’d reject me and I’m so glad she didn’t.

After finally getting out of the truck and turning off her car, Sky pulled me inside of her house. We didn’t even leave the foyer before things began to intensify. Being without each other had only made us want each other more, if that was even possible. Her button down shirt came off with one rip. As our mouths collided, I heard the little buttons hitting the floor. Neither of us cared. We were in the heat of the moment and nothing was going to distract us.

Sky’s kisses were ravenous. I could tell she’d missed me as much as I missed her. It wasn’t just the idea of being with her again. My excitement to touch her and spend time with her meant more than anything to me.

With her shirt and bra off, I tugged down her black jogging pants and saw those little hearts on her hip. It took me back to when I thought we were going to be together for a long time. I pulled her pants off of her legs and lifted her into my arms, carrying her up the steps. Once we reached her bed, I laid her down and pulled my shirt over my head. “I dream about you every night, darlin’.” I loosened my belt and unfastened my pants, letting them fall to the floor. Nothing was between us except for our underwear.

I lifted Sky’s leg up in the air and kissed the back of her knee, while running my hands up the underneath of her thighs. When I reached the elastic of her panties, I let my fingers slide inside of them. Her ass was just as smooth as I remember it. When I’d reached the top of her panties, I pulled them down slowly, taking my time admiring her little pink pu**y.

She trembled beneath my touch. I got turned on knowing that I was still able to turn her on in a way that no other man had. Sure, it had only been several weeks, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t have attempted to be with someone else to try and forget about me.

I ran my hand over her smooth pu**y and she let out a little cry. When I looked at her face, I could see that she had tears falling down her cheeks. “What’s wrong?”

I stopped what I was doing and leaned in to kiss her.

She cried harder.

“I’m sorry. I promise I’m not sad. I didn’t think we’d ever be together like this again. I’m just so happy.” She sobbed and wrapped her arms around me.

“Please don’t cry, darlin’ I didn’t come here to make you sad. I came here because spendin’ another minute without seein’ you was killin’ me. I’ve got to rectify this situation so we can be together again.”

She shook her head. “You can’t. You have a baby on the way. I won’t let you risk losing your child over me.”

I kissed her lips and then her tears, making sure I didn’t miss one before pulling away. “I meant what I said, Sky. I’m in love with you. It ain’t goin’ to change because of a kid. I’m still goin’ to be a dad whether I’m with her or not.”

Sky took one of my hands and intertwined it in hers. She sniffled and looked up at me. “You’re right, but that won’t stop her from keeping the baby from you. I love you too much to risk that happening because of us being together.”

I couldn’t help but smile. “I’m sorry. I don’t mean to be happy when you’re so sad. It’s just…Well I never heard you say that before. I think I needed to hear it, especially considering how hard it’s been without you.”

“It’s the truth. I started falling in love with you the first time we met. It’s only grown stronger since that.”

We kissed, slowly, letting our tongues brush as we connected emotionally and physically again. I could feel it in the way she moved that things were intense for her. As much as she wanted to be with me, she was torn to do what was best for my unborn child.

For a second I even considered what would happen if Ashley lost the baby. Could I go on and live the life that I wanted with Sky? She certainly didn’t deserve to have a baby. Then it hit me. “I’ll make her hate me.”

Sky opened her eyes wide. “What are you talking about?”

“Ash. I will make her wish she never knew me. I may have agreed to be with her, but I don’t have to be nice. Hopefully, she’ll hate me so much that I can talk her into terminating the pregnancy. It’s not like she wants the kid. It’s just a pawn for her to get what she wants. She always told me she didn’t want kids, but would only have them for me.”

“I don’t think she could hate you, Ford. Haven’t you noticed what she’s done to be with you? She knows that you can’t stand her, but she still wants you anyway. How much more convoluted can you be?”

“That bitch has no idea what’s about to happen.”

Sky smiled. “Although I don’t agree with terminating a child, I can see where your plan would give us hope. I’d do anything to be with you, Ford. I will also wait, if that’s what you want me to do.”

I ran my lips over her neck and made my way to her ear. After nibbling on it, I kissed her lobe. “You don’t have to wait if I can still sneak to see you.”

She pulled away. “How?”

“I’ll get Shayne to help me. He seems like he’s just as pissed about us breaking up as we are. I guess he has to hear all about it from Lacey.”

Sky sat up, knocking me back down to kneel on the floor in front of her. She put her arms around my neck and leaned her head into mine. “I don’t know if I want to be the other woman in your life, Ford.”

“You won’t be, because you’re the only woman in my life and my heart. Now, where were we before all that happened?”

Sky wrapped her legs around me and leaned back, pulling me back up on top of her. She giggled and leaned in to kiss me. Before our lips made contact, I pulled back. “Say it again. I need to hear it before I make love to you.”

She licked her lips and smiled. “I love you.”

Chapter 26


I could have said it a hundred times and it still wouldn’t have even touched the surface on what I felt for this man. When he said those words to me, I thought I was going to pass out. Every day that had gone by without him was torture. Now that he was here, lying next to me in my bed, I didn’t want to ever let him go. I think it was harder for us because we both knew that he didn’t want to be with Ashley. Her sick plan to get him back wasn’t going to make him love her. If anything, he was going to hate her even more.
