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Repair Me

Repair Me (Kin #1)(58)
Author: Jennifer Foor

With Ford constantly kissing me, I had to stop thinking about the future and live in the now. He was only going to be with me until the morning and that was never going to be enough time for us to be satisfied. With our clothes off and nothing else standing in our way, Ford pinned me down and positioned himself to slide inside of me. I swear my pu**y was throbbing for him. If it had a voice it would have been begging. He must have sensed my anticipation, because he took a hold of his erection and started slapping it against my eager clit. One thing that I noticed was how he was watching it hit my piercing. “I’ve thought about this pu**y every time I got in the shower. You’re so f**kin’ sexy. Does it feel good?”

I licked my lips. “Yes. I want you so bad. Please don’t tease me. It’s been too long. I have to feel you inside of me.”

He rubbed it roughly over my clit again. My body reacted and bucked. He must have liked seeing me do it, because he repeated the same process again, paying close attention to what he was doing. I watched him bite down on his lip before he bent down and kissed me there. It was so quick that I didn’t even have time to react.

I heard him moaning as his sucked my piercing into his mouth and tugged on it with his teeth. I cried out, feeling the pain and pleasure at the same time. When he released it, he rubbed his scruffy chin stubble over it. The combination of scratching and pressure felt even better. I grabbed his hair and tugged as he teased me over and over again.

“Your pu**y tastes so good to me.”

“Oh, please don’t stop!” I was desperate for more. The hardest part was trying to talk when I couldn’t stop panting.

Ford put more pressure into his licks and it sent me into momentary bliss. When he came up for air, he was all smiles, but wasted no time sliding his hard c**k inside of my tender opening. I was still trying to come down off of my sexual high when a new one started back up.

Although he moved very slowly, I found myself wanting to speed up the pace just for the pleasure that I got out of it. Ford kept smiling in between our kisses. I shared in his enthusiasm of us being together again. This time wasn’t like our last reunion. This time we weren’t strangers and our passion for each other was heightened because of it.

Ford reached for my shoulders and pushed himself inside of me harder. With each thrust, I cried out. The pain was addicting and oddly enough gave me pleasure. “More!” I didn’t want it to ever stop.

The sweat was rolling down his face and glistening on his chest. I could tell he was getting tired and needed a break, so I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his hips and flipped him over. While still connected, it was so easy to start rocking my body back and forth over him. He reached around and grabbed hold of my ass cheeks, using his hand to guide me to a good rhythm. I laid my head back and closed my eyes, taking in the way it felt to make love with him. My hands ran over my ni**les and I pinched them at the same time. Ford growled, “Don’t stop, darlin’. Touch yourself.”

I kept going, pleasing him while I pleased myself. I moved at a faster pace, feeling my clit rubbing against his shaft as it penetrated me. When my eyes were closed, I imagined him eating my pu**y and what it felt like when I lost control. The tingle had started again and I could feel myself going faster. The harder I rode him, the more I could feel it. I cried out again, pinching my own ni**les to the brink of pain. Ford pulled my ass forward and pushed it back, making sure his c**k rubbed against my clit again. For the second time, I screamed his name and didn’t want to stop.

I felt him tightening up and knowing he was having his turn was like experiencing my own release. He was having a moment of euphoria and it was because we were together, sharing something that two people in love with each other share.

After a few moments of gathering our strength, Ford held me in his arms, continuing to kiss me on the head. I could tell that he was content and I felt the same way. I rolled over to look at him. While tracing my fingers across his jawline, I drug my lips over the skin on his chest. “When can I see you again?”

“I ain’t leavin’ yet, darlin’.”

I giggled. “I didn’t mean it like that. I’m just wondering how long you’re going to make me wait before I can see you again. Knowing you love me is wonderful, but it’s still hard to be without you.”

“I know. Just give me a couple days to figure out an excuse. I’ll call you from the shop phone when she ain’t around.”

“I feel like a home wrecker.” It was true. This wasn’t the kind of person that I wanted to be.

“I ain’t married, and if I were, it wouldn’t be to her. Now, can we please stop talkin’ and get back to what we were doin’, because I don’t plan on wastin’ another second of this time we have together.” He made me feel whole again and I knew the only way for me to be happy was to sneak around to see him. I didn’t care what anyone would think of me. Ford was mine and I wanted nothing more than to share my life with him. It didn’t matter that we were both still young, or that we still had decisions to make about our future. I knew I wanted him in mine, no matter what I was doing or where I lived. I was nothing without him.


It felt like Heaven being with Sky again. When it came to sneaking around to be able to see her, the risk was worth it. I couldn’t keep lying to myself. There was no way in Hell I was ever going to be able to be with Ash and come to appreciate her enough to be happy. I didn’t care if she was the best mother on the planet. My “give a damn” was busted when it came to that girl.

Telling Sky those three words was so easy. Hearing them back was music to my ears. She loved me, not that I didn’t already know it. Our mutual connection was easy to feel. No matter how long it took for me to get out of this hole, I was going to do everything in my power to make it happen.

After making love for nearly three hours, she lay sound asleep in my arms. She’d fallen asleep with me still inside of her. I didn’t bother moving, considering that I wanted to be as close to her as possible. I’d made promises to sneak to see her, but I wasn’t sure how easy that was going to be to pull off. I should have gotten some sleep, but couldn’t imagine the thought of wasting a single second with her. My fingers kept tracing around on her skin while I continued to kiss the top of her head every few minutes.

Being there with her made me never want to head home. It was like choosing to be with an angel instead of the devil. As if I didn’t resent Ash for not being there for my sister, I hated her even more for ruining my life.
