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Repair Me

Repair Me (Kin #1)(59)
Author: Jennifer Foor

Sky stirred in my arms and finally opened up her eyes. “Why did you let me sleep?’

“You looked like you needed it.”

She laid her head back down on my chest. “I didn’t want to sleep while you were here. What time is it?”

“About three.”

She sat up and stretched. I may or may not have gotten turned on by seeing her perfect tits so close to my face. By the time her arms were down at her sides, I was already running my hands over both of her hard ni**les.

She was still sitting up and looked down when she felt something moving inside of her. “We fell asleep like this?”

“You did. I’ve been awake the whole time.”

She leaned down and kissed me. “I guess you’re ready for more?”

Sky rocked back and forth and I knew as well as she did that I was rock hard. She moaned and reached back, tickling my balls with her fingernails, so I reached one hand down and flicked on her clit ring. She rocked harder against me, which made me want to keep pleasuring her. Each time my fingertip made contact with the metal hoop her body bucked. Sky took one finger and ran it up and down my taint as she arched her body back to be able to reach it. Her tits bounced around and I couldn’t help but watch them. My free hand was on her hips as she grinded her wet pu**y against me. When I knew she couldn’t stand it any longer, I applied pressure with my thumb and let her natural wetness glide it over her clit. She tightened her face, closed her eyes and bit down on her lip as moans escaped her.

Even though she looked spent, I rubbed on her pu**y some more. She whined, but kept moving her hips. “Cum again, darlin’. Keep your eyes on me this time.”

She fought to hold her eyes open, but so did I. The more turned on she got, the closer I came to the brink of exploding. Our breathing was heavy and the bed squeaked as Sky got into it harder than the first time. She f**ked me so hard that I couldn’t keep up. I dug one hand into her hip and tried to slow her as I came, but she kept on rocking. My body jerked as she rubbed her slick skin over mine.

Sky giggled and leaned down to kiss me just as my cell phone started ringing. I still couldn’t get used to being in a bed and hearing my phone, since I had no service at my place. She sat up again and handed it to me after looking at it. “Perfect timing.”

I rolled my eyes and shook my head. “I ain’t answerin’ it.”

I went to put it back and she pushed it toward me. “Ford, you can’t ignore her. She will get suspicious. I’ll be quiet.”

I answered it.


“Hey, babe. What are you doin?”


“How did you hear your phone if you were sleepin’?”

“Alright, I wasn’t sleepin’. I was on the porch smokin’.”

“It’s three in the mornin’. Why are you awake?”

“I have a lot on my mind, that’s all. Why are you awake?”

“I just miss you.”

“I’m goin’ back to bed.”


I hung up on her.

I tossed my phone on the floor and reached my arms around Sky again. “Where were we?”

“Do you think she knows?”

“I don’t f**kin’ care what she thinks. She’s ruinin’ my life.”

Sky looked at me and I could tell she seemed concerned. “Ford, you know if she finds out you’re here, your family could lose the land. I thought that’s why you’re doing all this.”

I ran my hand over her lips. Sky closed her eyes. “Maybe I don’t feel like doin’ anyone favors anymore. Look at what it’s done to you, to us.”

“I can wait for you to be free Ford.”

“You shouldn’t have to. In fact, I’m goin’ to my dad as soon as I get home. This isn’t my problem anymore. I’m tired of living my life for everyone else. First I gave up school, but I refuse to give up on us, Sky. I’m not waiting to be able to be with you. I’m not sneakin’ around to see the woman that I love and I sure as Hell ain’t sleepin’ in the same house as that f**kin’ devil bitch.”

Maybe it was me overreacting. I wasn’t thinking clearly, that was for sure. It didn’t even matter. Sky could say she was going to wait, but I couldn’t ask her to do that. I couldn’t sit around playing house with Ash and knowing that Sky was sitting at home thinking about me. It would destroy me and her at the same time. My parents were going to have to figure something out, because I was scared to death of losing this beautiful woman that was lying on top of me.

Chapter 27


I knew that Ford meant what he said, but I worried that the easy way out wasn’t going to be so easy. When it came time for Ford to head back, I was more worried than ever. It wasn’t like I thought Ashley’s dad was going to inflict bodily harm on him, but I did think he was going to do whatever it took to make his and his family’s lives miserable.

The last thing I wanted on my shoulders was his father losing both his land and his business. Where would they go? What would they do for money? Even Ford would have no place to live. I knew that I would be the direct cause and I didn’t know if I could live with that guilt.

Once we’d dressed, Ford held me in his arms. We both hated saying goodbye. “You should come with me. I mean, what can she do?”

“Ruin your life and take your child somewhere that you’ll never see it.” I hated admitting that Ford was having a child with that ho-bag, but it was exactly what was happening. If I wanted him, I’d have to be able to live with that for as long as we were together.

“She won’t leave her daddy. It ain’t like she’s got a good job. All she’s ever done has been a money hungry whore.”

I raised my eyebrow. “I hate talking about her when you’re about to leave.”

“I asked you to come with me.”

“I’m not getting in the middle of that mess, Ford. When the dust has settled, you know where to find me. I told you that I’d be here waiting for you.” He had to know that I would have done anything to spend time with him. I just didn’t want to give Ash any more reasons to want to destroy his life. “I hope you are sure about this decision. Leaving her for me is going to have serious repercussions. You do know that, right?”

“I ain’t scared.”

“Well I am. I’m petrified. She may not do anything at first, but what happens when she sees us together? She’s going to go all crazy!” I wasn’t afraid of her jumping me in an alley, however, I was terrified that she would find a way to rip us apart.
