Read Books Novel

Repair Me

Repair Me (Kin #1)(61)
Author: Jennifer Foor

My last thoughts were of Sky.

Chapter 28


I missed Ford from the moment he pulled away. As much as I wanted to be optimistic, I knew that life didn’t just work out that way. I think that’s when I began to worry. It didn’t help that I was home alone, since my parents were still away. After eating and having a cup of coffee, I was too wired to try and go back to sleep. Something didn’t feel right, but I chalked it up to being exhausted.

More than anything, I wanted to call and talk to Ford. I hated that I had to be a secret. Even though I knew it was the wrong decision, I felt bad for not going with him.

Ashley and her father were not just going to let him walk away. They were going to be so pissed. I was worried it would get even worse for Ford and his family. I hated being the reason for that outcome.

When I couldn’t stand it any longer, I called Lacey. Of all of my friends, she was always the one who was there for me. Since she was seeing Shayne, and totally in love with him, she would be one of the first to hear if all Hell had broken loose.

“What’s up, ho?”

“I’m not a ho!”

“Home wrecker?”

“Seriously, Lace. Don’t joke about that. I feel bad enough already.”

“No you don’t! You’re probably on cloud nine.”

“It would be better if we didn’t have to sneak around to see each other. I hate this. Saying goodbye to him sucked.”

“I bet. So when did he leave?”

“Over an hour ago. Lace, I hate this so much. It was so hard watching him leave.”

“I can’t imagine if that happened with Shayne. I’m glad he doesn’t have that kind of baggage. I don’t know what I would do.”

“You’re lucky. It’s really hard knowing she’s always going to be a part of his life now. We’ve only known each other for a short time, but I know I love him. Who knows how long we will be together, but I at least want the chance.”

“I guess you had a good night together?”

“It was perfect. I got emotional a couple of times.”

“Who could blame you?”

“Can you have Shayne call and make sure Ford got home? I can’t call and he hasn’t called me. It’s making me crazy.”

“Sure. I will call you back later. Love ya, girl. Hang in there.”


I sat there staring at my phone, waiting for it to ring. After forty minutes, I started to get worried, so I tried dialing Lacey again. Her voicemail picked up every time on the first ring; it made no sense. Since I didn’t know Shayne’s number, I knew the only other option was to call the auto repair shop. I located that number and dialed, but nobody was picking that line up either.

I imagined Ford arriving home and being called out for spending the night with me. I could picture his whole family doing an intervention and telling him he had to stay away from me. Ashley probably had him followed.

Knowing that I couldn’t sit around, I grabbed my keys and a couple personal items and jumped in my car. Even though it was against the law, I still continued ringing the phone to the shop. Ford’s dad was always there during work hours, so it made no sense that he wouldn’t hear the phone ringing off the hook. Since they had a tow service, it was possible that he was out on the road somewhere.

I’d been driving a good thirty minutes when an unknown number came across my screen. Without even second guessing who it could be, I answered.


“Sky, it’s Shayne. Look, I know you’ve been lookin’ for Ford and I’m afraid I’ve got some bad news.”

I could feel my body starting to shake. “What do you mean? What’s wrong? Did he decide to stay with Ash? Did her father have him followed?”

“I don’t know how to tell you this.”

“Just say it. Why can’t he call me? What is going on?” I was panicking.

“He’s been in an accident. You need to meet me at the hospital.”

“I’m on my way.”

“He’s been flown to Shock Trauma in Baltimore, Sky. I’m on my way now.”

I turned my car around without even looking at the oncoming traffic. “Oh God! How bad is it?”

“I don’t know! I talked to him when he first left your house. My uncle called me looking for him a little while later. The accident happened about seven miles from his place. Someone saw the truck upside down in a field and called it in. I’m driving from the beach, so it’s goin’ to take me a while.”

I was crying and automatically feared the worst. “I’ll be there as soon as I can. If you hear anything else call me, please.”

“Will do!”

I couldn’t believe this was happening to me. One minute I was hugging him goodbye and the next he was driving away. He hadn’t slept because of me. If something bad had happened to him, it would be all my fault. It was hard to drive with my tears streaming down my face, but I didn’t stop driving as fast as I could. Nothing was going to stop me from getting to him.

To get to Baltimore, I had to take the Bay Bridge, which was a four mile long bridge over the Chesapeake Bay. When I reached it, the bridge was closed because of an accident. The backup lasted an extra thirty minutes, in which I sat there bawling.

Ford had been flown to shock trauma and that only happens when injuries are life threatening. All day I’d feared that I was going to lose Ford to Ashley and her immature games, but instead, he was lying in his truck, maybe fighting to stay alive. It was all too much to take.

By the time I made it to the hospital, figured out where to park, and then located the entrance, two hours had passed. Frantically I searched for someone that could tell me what was going on. Because I wasn’t family, they wouldn’t tell me anything. I was there, so close to Ford, but I couldn’t find him. Alone and afraid, I sat down near the entrance and waited. Someone would show up to see him, and when they did, I was going to find a way inside. Nothing was going to stop me.

Chapter 29


I’d been sitting for quite a while before Shayne came running through the front doors. He didn’t see me until I ran toward him. After talking to the front desk associate, and telling her that I was his fiancée and we were family, she told us where we could find the intensive care department.

Once upstairs, we located the waiting area, where we found his parents and Ashley. She stood up and approached us. I could tell she’d been crying as much as I had, but her tears evaporated the moment she noticed me. “What is she doin’ here? Did you bring her?”
