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Repair Me

Repair Me (Kin #1)(62)
Author: Jennifer Foor

Shayne threw up his hands. “Whoa. I didn’t bring her, but it doesn’t matter. She’s here because she cares about Ford. Isn’t that why we’re all here?”

Ashley put her hand on her stomach, and I knew it was to remind me that she was carrying his baby. “Whatever! Keep her away from me.” She started to go, but turned around. “And she ain’t goin’ in that room to see him.”

I went to say something, but Shayne grabbed my arm and shook his head. “Don’t, Sky. I’ll talk to her. Go sit down over there and let me handle it,” he whispered.

As much as I felt out of place, I knew Ford would want me there by his side. It didn’t matter what these people thought of me. I knew what I felt in my heart.

Shayne grabbed Ashley by the arm and led her out into the hallway. I folded my hands and looked down, trying to avoid eye contact with his parents. When I felt one of them sit down beside me, I was still afraid to look up. A hand reached over and touched mine. “He’s goin’ to be okay.”

I looked over and saw his mother sitting there. She’d been crying from the appearance of her red eyes. “Thank you. Do you know anything yet?”

She shook her head. “They asked us if he’d been out drinkin’. We told them it wasn’t possible. Was Ford drinkin’ last night?”

“No!” I looked down at my hands again. “But…he didn’t sleep. I told him not to drive home until he rested. He didn’t want to deal with Ashley finding out where he’d been. I’m so sorry, Mrs. Cooper. I feel like it’s my entire fault.” I couldn’t stop the tears.

The woman, who Ford was fighting his feelings about having a relationship, grabbed my hand. “It was an accident. Ford is strong and he’s got a lot to live for. It’s good you’re here.”

“Thank you for giving us time together.”

She smiled. “My son’s been real messed up in the head, lately. It seems that this predicament that he’s gotten himself into has left him with a broken heart. I may not have been there for my kids for a long time, but I still know when his heart is breakin’. Now, I’ve got a long road to go before I can ask for forgiveness, but I will do all that I can for him. I won’t give up.”

“I love Ford. I’ve been miserable without him. Last night, when he was sitting in my driveway, I couldn’t remember feeling so happy. If something happens to him. If he doesn’t make it, I’ll never forgive myself.”

I couldn’t take talking about it anymore. There was no way I could sit next to that woman and talk about Ford dying, so I ran out of the room and into the bathroom. Once closed inside of a stall, I sat down and cried to myself.

Then I heard the voices of two people.

They were in the men’s room next to this room and Ashley’s voice was one of them.

“Don’t you dare blame this on me!”

“When is this goin’ to end? You really think he’s goin’ to change his mind and want you again? He doesn’t love you, Ash.”

“I don’t care what you think. We’re goin’ to be a family. If he doesn’t make it, I will ruin that little bitch’s life.”

“I’m tired of hearin’ it. That woman you’re callin’ a bitch is who Ford is in love with. She’s a nice girl and it ain’t her fault that you’re still hung up on him. I just don’t get it. You could be with someone who cares about you, but you choose to wait for somethin’ that’s never goin’ to happen. It makes no sense.”

“I hate that you think you know me. I regret that night, Shayne. I wish it never happened.”

“It seems like you’re using that night to your advantage.”

“You promised you wouldn’t say anything.”

“I know you better than anyone. Now promise me, you’ll back off until we find out he’s goin’ to be alright and I promise to keep your secret.”


I heard the door opening and closing and then it was quiet. As much as I wanted to know about Ford being okay, I couldn’t help but wonder what her secret was and why Shayne was keeping it for her.

I waited a couple minutes to head back into the waiting room and when I got there the doctor was inside talking to Ford’s parents. They seemed calm, which made me feel like it was good news . I didn’t move from where I was standing until the doctor walked away.

Shayne walked up and touched my shoulder. “He’s got a broken arm, and a dislocated hip. They flew him here because he had a head injury. The doctor said it wasn’t as bad as they first suspected. He said it’s sometimes hard to tell because of the amount of blood loss with a head wound. Anyway, he’s got a couple of staples in his forehead and a serious concussion, but he’s goin’ to be alright. They’re goin’ to get him into a real room and then we can go in and see him.”

“Oh, thank God! I was so scared. Are they sure he’s going to be okay?”

“That’s what they say!”

I hugged Shayne because I was so happy. In the corner of my eye I could see the dirty look that I was getting from Ashley. It wasn’t like I cared what she thought. Even though I felt guilty, she needed to be held accountable for what she’d done. Forcing Ford to be with her had caused all of this to happen. He wouldn’t have been sneaking to see me and giving up his sleep had it not been for her and her ass**le father.

I pulled away from him and smiled. “Thanks for taking up for me, earlier. I really appreciate it.”

He smiled. “I know how you feel about Ford. He’ll be glad you’re here.”

Ashley went storming out of the room and I swear it looked like Shayne seemed happy about it. “You hate her too?”

“We have issues. I’ll just leave it at that.”

For the next hour we waited patiently for Ford to get in a room so we could visit with him. When his parents went into his new hospital room, I was worried that Ashley would make a scene. She came back into the waiting room, but sat on the other side and didn’t talk to me or Shayne. Neither of us complained about her silence.

When Ford’s parents came out, Ashley stood up and went walking toward the door. Shayne stood up and got in her way. “You’re goin’ to wait and go with me.”

“No I’m not! He needs me!”

“Bitch, sit your ass down over there and get over yourself. He needs her, not you.” Shayne pointed to me and I felt like he really had my back.
