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Repair Me

Repair Me (Kin #1)(63)
Author: Jennifer Foor

She tried to push through him again. “Get out of my way!”

“Don’t forget about earlier, Ash. I have no problem lettin’ everyone know.”

She shoved him and went to sit out in the waiting room without causing any more trouble. As curious as I was, nothing could have distracted me from seeing Ford. With his parent’s nod of approval, I entered into the room and saw him hooked up to all of the machines. Tears were falling down my cheeks as I approached him and reached for his hand. As I sniffled, I saw his eyes opening and felt him squeezing my hand. “Hey, darlin’.” His voice was raspy and I could tell he was in an extreme amount of pain.

I touched his face. “I’m so glad you’re going to be okay. You scared me to death!”


I shook my head. “No, I’m sorry. I never should have kept you up all night and then let you leave.”

He tried to smile, but ended up in pain. The staples across his forehead scared me. I couldn’t imagine the type of pain that he must have endured. “Not your fault. I wanted to.”

“I thought I lost you.”

“I’m fine.” He struggled with his words again.

I laughed while still crying. “This is not okay, Ford.”

“Don’t leave.”

I squeezed his hand. “I’m not going anywhere. I promise.”


It was clear that I was in the hospital. I couldn’t recall what had happened to land me here until I saw Sky standing over my bed. I could tell she’d been crying and when I was finally able to speak, her eyes lit up.

My parents had come in first. They woke me and said a couple things, but I couldn’t respond. It was seeing Sky that forced me to try harder. I needed her to know that I was okay.

I could feel pressure in my head, but there wasn’t any pain. I was sure it was because I had a drip to manage it.

“What happened?”

Sky rubbed my arm and looked like she was sad to talk about it. “I think you fell asleep at the wheel. You rolled the truck into a field.” When she started to cry, I squeezed her hand again.

“Wasn’t your fault! Don’t cry.”

“You could have died. I was so afraid I would never see you again.”

I felt bad that Sky was so emotional. It was understandable that she was shaken up, but I wasn’t going anywhere. That’s when I started thinking about the conflict that set all of this into motion. “Where’s Ashley?”

“She’s out there with Shayne. He wouldn’t let her come in before me. She’s not happy about it, but I don’t care. Nothing was going to stop me from seeing you.”

I appreciated that Sky was determined to be by my side, but knew that Ash wasn’t going to sit around and not cause problems. She’s probably already called her father and whined about it. Knowing her, she’d already suspected that I’d spent the night with Sky and that’s why I wasn’t home in the first place.

I was worried that with me stuck in the hospital that Ash was going to make Sky’s life a living Hell. “Did you say Shayne was here?”


“I need to talk to him. Can you go get him for me?” I needed him to watch out for Sky. It was more important than my recovery. I didn’t know what I would do if something bad happened to her. She’d already been through so much.

“He’s with Ashley. Do you want to see them both?”

I don’t know if she noticed but I rolled my eyes. “Not really.”

Sky smiled. “Just let the bitch come in and see that you are alive. Once she’s gone, I’ll come in and stay with you.”

She leaned over and kissed me before heading out of the room. A few minutes later my cousin came walking in, followed by the demon. Ashley smiled and came to my side. “I was so worried. What am I goin’ to do with you?”

“Nothin’! Pack your shit and be out of my place before I come home.”

She looked shocked and so did Shayne, even though he knew I had no intentions of being with her.

Ashley shook her head and started to whine. “Please, Ford. We’re having a baby. You can’t just kick me out. You know what will happen if you do.”

“Get the f**k out!” My blood pressure was rising and I could tell that the stress from her being there was making me unstable. “Now!”

Ashley left the room crying.

Shayne was smiling from ear to ear. “That went well.”

“I don’t care.”

He rattled on the bed. “What did you want to tell me?”

“Watch out for Sky. Ash is goin’ to be a bitch. I don’t want her to hurt Sky.”

He patted me on the shoulder. “No problem, cuz.”

“Make sure she’s gone when I get there.” I muttered as he walked out of the room.

Within seconds Sky came back in. She had a smirk on her face as she approached the bed. “From the look on her face, I’d say she didn’t like what you had to say.”

“I told her to get her shit out of my place. I’m done with it, Sky. Let her come at me with whatever she has. I ain’t losin’ you again.”

“I told you I wasn’t going anywhere,” she reminded me.

“Sky, I need you.”

“I’m here.”

I laughed and shook my head. “Take your clothes off and climb on top of me.”

She smacked my good arm. “Ford! You have staples in your head and can barely move! I’m not doing that here!”

I tried to laugh but it was starting to hurt. “I’m messin’ with ya. Just climb on the side and lay with me. Maybe you can sign my cast later.”

I could tell she wanted to smile, but was trying to be a good girlfriend and take care of me. Just as I’d given up, she climbed on the bed and wrapped her arms around me. “Get some sleep, Ford. I love you.”

I was pretty banged up and had scared everyone to death, but in my eyes it was like I was getting a second chance to make the right decisions. Being with Sky was all I wanted to do. Times were changing and I was ready to start doing things for me instead of everyone else.

Chapter 30


I wasn’t allowed to stay at the hospital overnight with Ford. As bad of a neighborhood as it was around the hospital, I slept in the parking garage in my car until visiting hours started back up. I didn’t want to have to drive around an unfamiliar city looking for a hotel.

The next morning Ford looked better. He’d had a goodnight’s sleep and seemed less worried. I didn’t spot his parents or Ashley around his room, so it was realistic to assume I was the only visitor so far.
