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Repair Me

Repair Me (Kin #1)(66)
Author: Jennifer Foor

“So that’s it? He gets a new job, making a ton more money and there are no strings attached?”

He crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair. “No strings. It’s a win-win for all of us.”

I ran over to his side of the desk, just as he was standing up. My arms were around him within seconds. “Thank you, Dad. Thank you so much for doing this.”

He patted me on the back. “He still has to agree to all of this, you know.”

I smiled. “Yeah, well he’ll have to say yes once I pay the money. He’s going to be mad at first, but I think, in time, he’ll see that I was doing it for his family.”

“Just make sure he knows you did it. Don’t keep it a secret.”

I started to grab my purse, but realized there was one more thing I needed to tell him. “Uh, Dad. Ford asked me to live with him. He says he wants us to get a place close to you and Mom.”

“And you already told him you would, right?”

I scrunched up my face. “Are you mad?”

“I was actually getting sick of having to wear clothes in the house all the time. Your mother and I have gotten used to being alone.”

I threw up my hands and closed my eyes. “Ew! Spare me the disgusting details. I don’t want to know.”

He laughed at me. “What are you going to do about the baby he’s having? Are you sure you’re ready to be a step-mom to an infant? Children can complicate relationships. I don’t want you jumping into something that you’re not prepared for.”

“Ford doesn’t even think he’ll get to see the baby. If he does, I will support him as much as I can.”

“We’re always here if you need us, Sky.”

I thanked my father three more times before leaving and driving straight to the town where Ford lived. The cashier wasn’t too friendly, so I had to pretend I was an attorney’s assistant there to look at the tax bills for the county. After locating the parcel of land they owned, I then cross referenced the total amount due for the business and residential part.

After double checking myself, I drove another half hour to the nearest branch of my bank and withdrew the necessary funds. I arrived back at the courthouse fifteen minutes before they closed for the evening. With the money in a small handbag, I counted it twice for the cashier. She kept giving me a curious look wondering where someone my age could have come up with so much cash in such a short amount of time.

When we were finished, I ran my receipt down the hall, just as they were locking up. With my shoes shoved into the door jamb so the door wouldn’t close, the older woman opened it. I explained that it was an emergency of life or death. I didn’t even care what got me through the door as long as I’d made it. Being that I’d never officially met Ashley’s dad, after only seeing him briefly at the party, I was surprised when I walked into his office and saw that he was a young looking man. He stood up and greeted me. “What can I do for you today, Miss?”

“Whitaker. I’m here to show the receipt of payment for the Cooper’s land. As you can see the full amount including all fees has been paid in full.”

The man’s smile disappeared. “And you know this family?”

“It doesn’t matter how I know them, does it? The money was paid by cash, so you won’t have to wait until a check clears. I’d appreciate it if someone could contact the family first thing tomorrow morning, since they don’t know I’ve done this for them.”

I stood up and started to walk out the office. “Miss Whitaker, do you really think that bailing out Ford’s family is going to secure your relationship with him? What are you planning on doing when his child is born? Have you considered that he may have a change of heart?”

“I don’t care about the money. As far as the child is concerned, I hope he or she has the best life possible. Ford isn’t aware that I’ve done this for him, because it wasn’t his decision to make. Some people do things because they have kind hearts. Have a good evening, councilman.”

When I walked back to my car, I felt empowered. Ford’s family could keep their business and their home. He and I could move into a new place and start something without so much baggage.

All I had to do was tell Ford the truth, before someone got to him first.


I was released from the hospital three days later. Sky came to pick me up, and although I was still extremely sore, it didn’t stop me from hugging her. “Don’t squeeze too hard, you’ll bust your stitches.”

“I’m just glad to be out of there.”

We climbed into the car and Sky started driving. I reached over and intertwined our fingers. After looking at me for a second, she pulled over to the shoulder of the road. “We need to talk.”

I didn’t let go of her hand. “Did somethin’ happen?”

She smiled and looked at the steering wheel, instead of at me. “Remember how you asked me to move in with you?”

I nodded. “Of course, I do. Did you change your mind?”

Sky shook her head and smiled. “No, but you might, when you hear what I have to tell you.”

All I could think of was that she’d decided she didn’t want a loser like me. Who would? Her family was well off. I’m sure that I was the last person they wanted to see their daughter settle for. Now that my family was practically homeless, it was an even worse situation. How could I think that I’d be able to find another job, while having to pay rent somewhere? “Is it your parents? They think I’m bad for you?”

“Ford, can you give yourself any credit? My parents like you. My father even reserved a job in his company for you, which I think you should definitely consider, even if you change your mind about me.”

“Damn it, Sky. You’re makin’ me real nervous. Just tell me what you’ve done.”

She held my hand and stared at it. “I know you said to stay out of it, but I couldn’t let Ashley and her crooked father take away that house and your family’s business. That house is more special than any other, because you and your sister grew up there.”

“What are you sayin’?”

“Nobody has to move, because the taxes have all been paid.” Sky finally looked into my eyes and I could tell she was scared of how I would react.

To be honest, I didn’t know what to say. I’d specifically told her to stay out of it. This was our problem and not hers to have to deal with. I didn’t want her to ever think I’d take her money like that. Then there was the fact that she’d done it all behind my back. If she thought she could do things like that all of the time, she was very mistaken. I couldn’t be with someone that overlooked my authority, especially when it came to my personal business.
