Read Books Novel

Repair Me

Repair Me (Kin #1)(67)
Author: Jennifer Foor

Since we were pulled over, I said nothing and climbed out of the car. We were near a shopping center and I started walking toward it, leaving Sky sitting there wondering what was happening.

I felt betrayed.

I was angry.

But I was also grateful.

Sky wasn’t just an amazing girlfriend. She had this knack about wanting everyone around her to be happy. She thrived on people’s generosity towards one another and I appreciated that so much, considering all of the things I’d given up for my own family; it wasn’t like they’d ever stopped to appreciate any of it. Now I had found this woman that shared the same heart as me. How could I stay mad at her when I knew for a fact that I would have done the exact same thing for her?

I took a few deep breaths and started heading back to the car. Sky was crying when I climbed in. I looked forward. “I’m sorry, darlin’.”

“I’m not sorry, Ford.” She looked at me and I hated seeing the tears falling down her face. I took my good hand and brushed them away. “I’m not sorry for helping your family. From the first day we met, I could feel that we needed each other. Whatever it was that happened between us that night, carried on and turned into something much deeper than I’ve ever experienced. You’ve made me happy and you’ve broken my heart, but through it all, I knew you were all I wanted.” She sniffled and got quiet for a second. “That money I used was from my grandmother. She gave it to me when she died and said it was for my future.”

“Why would you use that money for me, then? That’s what I’m pissed about.”

“I used it because you are my future. Don’t you get that?”

The air left my body for a second. I knew that I loved this woman, but nothing could have hit me as hard as those words had. When Sky said that, her eyes were fixed on mine, like she was burning them into my mind. I got chills and the hair stood up on my arms.

I reached over and grabbed the back of her head, pulling her mouth to mine. We didn’t speak, not that I could ever find the words equivalent to what she’d just said to me. I needed to show her what she meant to me. As we pulled away from each other, Sky opened her eyes and tried her best to smile. I brushed my lips over hers. “I’m going to pay you back, Sky.”

She shook her head. “No you’re not! Your father is. I went to their house last night and we had a long talk about some things. I think he needed to be reminded of all the things you’ve given up for him.”

She was making me crazy, but I’d also never had someone stand up for me. “What did he say?”

“He said he owes us both. Then I told him about my dad’s offer. He seemed let down, but your mom made him realize that it was your turn to be happy.”

“You’ve got to be kiddin’ me.” My dad didn’t do feelings and he surely didn’t admit that he did something wrong.

“I knew you’d be mad at me about the money. I also knew that you might not want to take the job. I had to take the chance that you would, because you loved me enough to want it for yourself. Does that make sense?”

I nodded, but didn’t take my lips far away from hers. “Let’s go home. I can’t hold you in this f**kin’ car and since you’ve bailed out my family and still love me after everything else, I owe you some real good lovin’.”

I may have owed her, but the truth was, I needed to feel her close to me. I wanted her naked and in my bed. Immediately!

Chapter 32


When we arrived at Ford’s apartment, we didn’t bother stopping at the main house to see his parents. I’d paid them a visit the night before Ford came home and let them know that I had taken care of their problem. As grateful as they were, I wanted them to know that I did it because I wanted Ford to have a chance at a future instead of having to keep a roof over their heads. They needed to act like his parents and not his children.

I thought that they’d hate me, but was confident when I left that they respected me instead. I also think they appreciated my dad giving Ford a chance at a real career in spite of him dropping out of college.

Ford was exhausted and needed to rest, but he was adamant about me being naked in his bed, next to him. We held hands as we walked up to the apartment.

It was a relief to walk in and see that Ashley was gone. On the counter was a note. Ford picked it up and read it out loud.


It pains me that you would choose that ho over your own unborn child. I guess it is for the best considering that you wanted nothing to do with this child anyway. You will regret your decision when you’re all alone and never know your child. One day she will leave you and your heart will feel the way mine does. A girl like that doesn’t settle for someone like you. Good luck with that!


I walked over and hugged him. It was so sad that she could be so petty, all because he didn’t want to be with her. Ford bundled up the piece of paper and tossed it across the kitchen. “Fuck her!”

I didn’t look down to Ford, like she was implying, if anything, I idolized him for the man he didn’t even know he was. “There’s something I need to tell you.”

Ford grabbed a beer out of the refrigerator, opened it and took a sip. “There’s more?”

I took the beer out of his hand and sat it down. “You shouldn’t drink on those pain meds.”

He grabbed the waist of my shorts and pulled me close to him. “Won’t you take care of me?”

I bit down on my lip and tried to focus on the seriousness of what I was about to tell him. “Of course I will. Just come sit down.”

We walked over to the bed and sat down. Right away a foul odor became very apparent. Ford looked at me with a disgusted face. “What the f**k?” We stood up and he ripped the covers off the bed. A giant spot of yellow was stained into the sheets and through the mattress. “That bitch pissed all over my bed? I’m goin’ to f**kin’ kill her!”

I grabbed his flailing arms and tried to calm him down. “Ford, she’s pregnant and you’re not going to kill anybody.” I started laughing and just couldn’t help it. Of all the petty things to do to someone, she’d literally pulled down her pants and soiled his bed with urine.

“What are you laughin’ at? This is f**ked up.”

I laughed harder. “I’m sorry. It’s just…I am picturing her standing there peeing and it’s hysterical.”

Ford ran his hand through his hair. “I don’t think it’s funny. It’s somethin’ a kid would do. Do you see what I’m sayin’ about her bein’ immature?”
