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Repair Me

Repair Me (Kin #1)(69)
Author: Jennifer Foor

I felt her applying pressure and begin stroking it with her hand. I massaged her head where I was still holding her hair. Don’t get me wrong, I like to be teased and do my fair share of it, but I needed her mouth full of me.

She must have finally sensed my eagerness, because she wrapped those full lips around me and let the saliva run down, lubricating my whole shaft. Her hands became wet and slid quickly up and down my cock, while her mouth bobbed and sucked hard when she reached the tip. Over and over again, her pace was perfect. I felt her cold hand massaging my balls while she continued taking me to new heights with her mouth. I’d gone too many days without her to be able to hold out. If I didn’t stop her, she would get a mouthful and the night would have to come to an end. As much as I longed for release, I needed to be inside of my girlfriend. I tugged on her head, pulling her off of me. She reached out her tongue and tried to lick the tip. “Get up here and flip over on your knees.”

She smiled and did as I said. With her ass in the air, I lightly smacked on her pu**y. She jumped and cried out, so I did it again, then rubbed my fingers in between her folds. She was so warm and inviting that I didn’t even bother messing around. I was already close enough to be able to finish.

Entering her tight pu**y was like feeling it again for the first time. I got comfortable on my knees and put my free hand on her waist. The harder I pounded, the more she cried out. I leaned over her and reached around to pinch her nipple. Sky moaned and started pushing her ass into my thrusts. In seconds, I lost control of myself and found my release.

After cleaning up, Sky cuddled up next to me. “It was time for a new bed anyway, you know.”

I kissed the top of her head. “It’s time for a whole new life. I’m takin’ that job, Sky. I want to be able to give you the things you deserve.”

She teased me with her lips. “That’s easy, since all I want is you.”

Chapter 33


I had to admit that it was nice to wake up in a real bed, wrapped in Ford’s body. I hugged him and looked up at his stubbly face while he slept. The bandages had been removed from his head and the staples looked to be healing, but they were still awful to look at.

After giving him what he claimed he needed, we had gone right to sleep. Seeing him react to my paying off the debt, I wondered if Ford was going to be able to forgive me for waiting a couple of days to tell him about Ashley and Shayne’s conversation in the bathroom.

Ford stirred and I moved out of his way before I accidentally got clocked with his cast. “Mornin’. How long have you been up?”

“A little while. Did you sleep good?”

“Compared to the hospital, it was fantastic. Besides, I had the company of my girl. What is there not to like about it?”

“I was wondering. Since you don’t have to move, did you still want to look for a place with me? I won’t be mad if you don’t. I know it came up because of all the things that were going on.”

“I reckon we don’t have to rush, but I still want it to happen, Sky. It’s hard sleepin’ at night without you in my bed.”

I blushed, thinking about him needing me. Ford was a grown man that did fine living on his own. I didn’t want to invade his space and have him hate me. “I want it to happen, too.”

He kissed the top of my head and wrapped his arm back around me. “What did you want to talk to me about last night?”

I got ready to open my mouth when Ford’s dad yelled, “Ford, Shayne’s here! Get up, boy!”

He looked back at me, waiting for me to explain. “I can tell you about it later.”

He sat up and started looking around for his boxers. Since they were on my side of the bed, I grabbed them and helped get them onto his ankles. Once he was decent, he opened the bedroom door. “Be right down!”

I covered up and smiled as I watched him throwing on some clothes. “We’re just goin’ to take it out to the burn pile in the field. It shouldn’t take too long.”

“Okay, I’ll see you when you get back.”

I watched Ford leave the room and sank down on the bed. Now that he knew I had something to say, he wasn’t going to stop asking until I told him what it was.

Finally realizing that Lacey had probably tried to call me a hundred times, I got myself dressed and headed outside onto the porch to get service. Right away, my phone started blowing up with text messages. Instead of reading all of them, I dialed Lacey’s number.

“Thank God! I thought you were dead in a ditch somewhere.”

“I was with Ford. You know there’s no service here. What’s up?” I could already tell from her voice that she was freaking out.

“Oh my God, you’re not going to believe it. I think Shayne’s cheating on me. Yesterday we got our phones mixed up. I didn’t think it was a big deal if I went through his messages. Girl, are you sitting down?”

“Yeah, why?”

“The messages were from someone named Ashley.”

I cut her off. “Ford’s Ashley?”

“I’m assuming, since they were talking about a baby and the truth coming out. He told her he couldn’t keep the secret much longer and she was flipping out on him. She said he promised to never tell anyone about that night. What night is she talking about?”

“Obviously you asked him. What did he say?”

“He said that if I can’t trust him then we shouldn’t be together at all. I love him, Sky. What am I supposed to do?”

“So he didn’t explain anything? Do you think the baby is his?”

“At this point, I just don’t know. He left last night and wouldn’t pick up the phone when I called. I didn’t get any sleep and I don’t know what to do.”

“Shayne is here with Ford, right now. Also, there’s something you might want to know. Lace, I heard Shayne and Ashley talking last week at the hospital. They were talking about a big secret that couldn’t get out. I don’t want to scare you, but you may want to prepare yourself.”

“How can this be happening? We were so happy. He never said a thing about Ashley, except for the fact that he hated her. He loves Ford, Sky. I can’t see him doing something like that and jeopardizing their relationship, especially when they were estranged in the first place.”

“Listen, I will call you in a bit. I think it’s time I told Ford the truth. This can’t go on any longer. It’s hurting too many people. If that baby isn’t Ford’s, he’s going to want to know. This could get really ugly, Lace. I’m just warning you.”
