Read Books Novel

Repair Me

Repair Me (Kin #1)(68)
Author: Jennifer Foor

I nodded. “Of course. It’s still funny, though.”

He shook his head and started ripping off the blankets with one hand. I stopped him. “We’re going to need to get someone to help us throw this whole sofa bed out.”

Ford started on his rant again, while pacing around the room. The thing between Shayne and Ash was going to have to wait until I could get him calmed down. “I can’t believe this shit. While I was in the hospital she was f**kin’ with my stuff!” He walked over and kicked the kitchen trash can. I knew he was frustrated, but he had to remember that he’d been in a bad car accident and needed to get better before he messed up his healing body.

“When you’re done messing the place up worse, I’ll be out on the porch.” I walked outside, leaving him alone to stew.

Ford finally walked outside to use his phone. He walked down the steps with it up to his ear. He wasn’t yelling, so I assumed he was not talking to Ash.

I stood at the top of the landing, watching him lighting a cigarette that was probably stale. He paced around the gravel parking lot randomly throwing up his arms as he spoke. When he hung up, he finished his cigarette and stood at the foot of the stairs. “That was Shayne. He said he’d stop by tomorrow after work. He said he’s with Lacey and they’re havin’ it out about somethin’.”

“Where do you want to sleep tonight?”

“Let’s just go over to my dad’s. I’m tired and too pissed off to sit in a car again.”

Ford climbed back up the steps and we went in together to get some things to take over to the other house. He didn’t speak and neither did I. As much as I wanted to believe that the peeing on the bed was the last of her antics, I knew Ash wasn’t going to give up. Her new mission was to make Ford miserable and I feared what was coming next.


All I wanted to do was get home and be alone with Sky. It wasn’t just the sex that I’d been missing. It was also the alone time. Leave it to Ash to ruin things. I reckon she thought that if she destroyed my bed that I wouldn’t be able to ever be with Sky in it again. She may have gotten her wish about the bed, but nothing was going to keep me away from Sky.

After gathering up some things, we headed up to the main house. My mother was sitting at the kitchen table smoking a cigarette while reading a book. “You better be careful. You might light your page on fire.”

“This book is so hot it might combust on its own. What are you two doin’ here this late?”

“That bitch of an ex pissed all over my bed. Shayne is’ comin’ by tomorrow to help me throw it away.”

She shook her head and put her cigarette out. “I know you don’t want to hear my opinions, Ford. I don’t have a right to make claims to you or anyone else in this family. I’m grateful for your father and him bein’ so understandin’, but I’m no fool. I have a lot to make up for before either of you could ever trust me again. The thing is, now that I can think clearly, it hurts me when someone hurts you. That baby is my grandchild and I’ll be damned if she tried to keep us away from it.”

I had to smile at my mother’s spunkiness. She didn’t hold anything back. I had to admit that since she’d been clean, and going to meetings, she was just like I remembered her being when I was a kid. She was right about trust though. It was something earned and not given. She had a long way before that would happen with me, but she was off to a good start. “I appreciate that. We’re just goin’ to sleep up in my old room, if that’s alright?”

I didn’t need to ask her permission, but I wanted to be respectful anyway.

“Sure. Go on up. It’ probably needs sheets, but you know where they are.”

We said our goodnights and headed upstairs.

After putting on new bedding all by herself, Sky started to get undressed. She left her underwear on and gave me a funny look when I motioned for everything else to come off. “Come on, Sky. It’s been days. I need some lovin’.”

She patted on the mattress next to her. “Get in bed. You need rest, not sex.”

“I need sex and then rest,” I corrected her.

Sky grabbed her phone off the side table and lifted it into the air to get service. “Ugh, I hate that I can’t see my messages. If Lacey and Shayne are fighting, I know she’s going to be calling me.”

“She knows you’re takin’ care of me.” I pulled her into my chest and started unclipping her bra. “Lacey can wait until tomorrow. Right now, you’re mine!”

“I feel like a shitty friend.”

I tossed her bra on the floor behind me and sunk my face in between her br**sts. Her skin smelled like strawberries and it made my mouth water. I ran my nose over one of her ni**les, making it hard. She ran her hands into my hair. I suckled on a nipple and looked up into her eyes. When I pulled away, I blew cool air on it. Sky bit down on her lip and her eyes started to roll into the back of her head. “Please, Sky. I want you so bad. My dick has been hard for days. I’ve never had blue balls like this, darlin’.”

She giggled and stopped my head from licking her skin again. “Are you playing the sympathy card with me over sex?”

I shrugged and tried to lick her nipple again, but she pushed my face away. Since I had to lean on only one arm, it was hard to keep my balance. She knew she was in control. “Please.” I stuck out my bottom lip.

Sky licked her lips and finally let me make my way back to her shiny nipple. I sucked on it hard before placing kisses up to her lips. She reciprocated and soon our tongues were mingling, giving us both a tiny burst of pleasure, and leaving us wanting more. Sky flipped us over, giving my arm a break, while she stood up and removed her panties. She licked one of my ni**les and drug her tongue down to my belly button. Sky tugged off my boxers, removing them off of my feet, while I watched her eyeing up my cock. “You want it in your mouth, don’t ya, darlin’?”

She looked at me with intent filled eyes. “Maybe.”

I got chills just anticipating her lips surrounding it.

Sky ran her lips over one of my thighs, while still keeping her eyes focused on mine. I reached down and grabbed a chunk of her hair, trying to persuade her toward the prize. She laughed and kept kissing my leg instead. When she finally grabbed ahold of me, she teased the tip, dragging her tongue over it quickly. “Mmm, is that what you want?”

I closed my eyes and put my head back on the pillow. “Yes!”
