Read Books Novel

Repair Me

Repair Me (Kin #1)(7)
Author: Jennifer Foor

That was deep. “Were you close?”

He stared at the road. “Eleven months apart. Everyone always mistook us for bein’ twins.”

“I’m so sorry. I have a brother. He’s six years older than me and has a family. We don’t talk much, but I always wished we were closer.”

“Can I ask what you’re runnin’ from?”

I looked over at him and saw him looking back at me, waiting for me to respond. I looked out the window, so he wouldn’t see my pain because it hurt too much to talk about. “After years of being together, I caught my boyfriend cheating.”

He shook his head. “Damn. You actually caught him?” I pulled out my phone and showed him one of the pictures. “What the f**k?”

“Yeah, I think I’ve said that a couple times.” His reaction made me smile, which was a change from what I’d been experiencing.

“Let me see that shit again?” I handed him my phone. He looked at it and then handed it back to me. When our eyes met, I felt that heat again. “You know, neither of them girls hold a candle to how you look naked.”

His eyes were on me, not the road.

I knew I was blushing. No guy had ever been so blunt with me, especially about my body. Shit, only my ex had ever seen me completely naked. “Should I say thanks or worry you are going to hurt me and leave me in a ditch?”

“I’m just tellin’ it like it is. You can take it however you want.” He pulled over, and I realized we were at the diner. “What about me? How do I rate next to your ex?”

“Why do you want to know? Aren’t we just strangers, passing by chance? Does my opinion really matter?”

He pulled his keys out of the ignition and looked over at me. His eyes were light blue and as the sun was starting to set, they were so bright. “When you’ve lived here as long as I have, the datin’ pool dwindles to nothin’. You ain’t got to answer. I think I already know anyway.”

He jumped out of the truck before I could say anything. When I started to open the door, he was already there by the passenger door, ready to help me out. He reached for my waist and lifted me down, but kept his hands where they were. I stared into his eyes and was so captivated that my next words came out without my knowing. “You’re so hot.”

He closed the truck door and pushed me back up against it. His face was so close to mine and our eyes were locked on one another. “If you want to forget about him, I can make it happen.”

What was it about this guy that had me so weak in the knees? I was searching for words. “How?”

“I’ll f**k you so good that the only car you’ll ever drive will be a Ford, because you’ll never stop thinkin’ about me.”

I laughed but licked my lips thinking about him f**king me. “I bet you say that to all the girls.”

“Does it matter if it’s the truth?” He dragged his lips over mine, and I was pretty positive that my pu**y was throbbing between my legs. I licked his bottom lip as I pulled away to see how he would respond. He grabbed my hand and backed away from me. “Just say the word. You know you want to forget about him, don’t you?”

I did. I wanted this stranger to have his way with me; to make me forget about everything else. I wanted to lick the sweat off of his chest after he’d bent me over and made me scream his name, repeatedly. “I’m not that kind of girl. I just don’t sleep around like you’re assuming!”

He smiled and pushed the hair out of my face. “We’ll see about that, darlin’.”

Ford turned away and started walking towards the diner’s entrance. He’d left me there panting on purpose. I was so upset with myself for being completely turned on by this guy. Yes, he was hotter than hot. He smelled fabulous and his lips were tantalizing, but I had to be careful. I didn’t want to be some easy lay, even if I knew it was what my body needed to do to get over my ex.

After waiting a few moments, and realizing he wasn’t coming back out for me, I made my way into the restaurant.

What I thought was going to be a regular diner, lined up with booths and a large spread across the whole back wall, wasn’t that at all. Sure, there were a couple booths when you first walked in, but the back of the establishment had been converted. A stage was back against the wall and a dance floor was in the center. The bar was located in between the dance floor and the tables. As I walked in further, all eyes were on me, and there were a lot of them.

I looked for Ford, but when I spotted him, I realized he wasn’t coming to my rescue, because he had his tongue down the throat of some brunette on the dance floor. It didn’t take him long after being rejected to move on.

I actually felt sad about it. Why did I even care? I kept telling myself that he was just a stranger. It made no sense why I’d be jealous of some girl that I never even met.

Not wanting to draw attention to me watching them like a creeper, I walked over to the bar and started looking at a menu.

An older lady walked up and leaned over the counter. “I’ve been informed that you’re on Ford’s tab tonight. What can I get ya?”

I looked over at Ford who was dancing extra close to the brunette. “He doesn’t have to do me any favors. I have my own money.”

She cocked an eyebrow and smiled. “Honey, if a guy like Ford wants to buy you things, you let him.”

“It looks like he’s buying a lot of girls things.” I caught another peek at them dancing.

She laughed and leaned closer. “Between me and you, he doesn’t put anyone on his tab.”

I placed my order, but said nothing else to the woman. She had to be mistaken. He looked like he was a complete lady’s man from the way he was groping all over the chick on the dance floor. With a beer in my hand, I sat down at one of the only remaining tables left and tried to not watch them. I hated the way his muscles looked as he brought his arms up around hers. She kept laughing at things he was saying and I could have sworn that they were both glancing at me to see my reaction.

I stared at my beer and pretended not to notice, even though it was bothering the shit out of me.

While sitting there stuffing my face with chicken tenders and fries, Ford swooped in the seat across from me. He grabbed one of my fries. “The food’s great, right?”

“You didn’t have to pay for it.” Did he assume that buying me food was going to get him a free ticket into my pants?

“Are you goin’ to dance at all?”
