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Repair Me

Repair Me (Kin #1)(6)
Author: Jennifer Foor

I reached for my purse, refusing to give myself extra time to ponder his offer. “Where are we going?”

“I have a date. Now, I’m being nice and includin’ you, so don’t f**k up my chances of gettin’ laid by bein’ stubborn. This chick is stacked in all the right places and I’ve waited a long time for a chance at somethin’ like that.”

I was quiet, wondering what that chick could have that was so amazing. Still, my stomach was empty and I needed to eat, so I followed him to his truck. When we walked up to a raised, brand new fancy pickup, I was totally impressed.

He had to help me climb in, due to the fact that it was raised so high off the ground. When he put his hands on my ass to boost me up, I wanted them to stay there. He smelled like cologne and I pictured what his skin smelled like under his clothes.

This was so bad.

Now I was getting into more trouble.

He climbed into the driver’s side and started the ignition.


“Come again?” He looked over at me.

“My name is Sky. I just thought you might like to know.”

He smiled and reached over, tracing the back of his hand over my cheek. I was shocked that he would just touch me without any regard to us being strangers, especially since I’d threatened to remove his appendage from his body.

“After tonight, Sky, you may never want to go home.”

“Fat chance!” I rolled my eyes at his assumption.


My plan to f**k her was going better than expected. After she was practically drooling the moment we met, I knew it wouldn’t take long until I had her begging. The more I picked on her, the more her little puppy eyes watched my every move.

At first, I let her walk that fine ass upstairs to explore the apartment. I may have been playing with her, but I didn’t want to be a creep about it. She needed to feel comfortable if I was going to have a chance.

Could it all backfire?

Sure it could. There’s a first time for everything.

After cleaning up the last of my tools, I made my way upstairs, knowing damn well where she’d be and what she’d be doing. It wasn’t my fault that she left the door open, giving me just enough room to see every inch of her glistening body. The problem with seeing her naked was that my dick started to take control of my actions. I needed to do this right to assure this little thing was going to be in my bed, giving me anything I wanted, later on tonight.

The key to every woman’s treasure was making her want something she shouldn’t have. Since I’d already had dinner plans, it would be easy to manipulate things to my advantage.

Throughout the day, I’d received constant text messages from my ex. Her attempts at hooking up again were starting to annoy me. “No” meant “No”. I wasn’t going to change my mind. It wasn’t that I wanted to hurt her; I just couldn’t look at her without thinking about my sister. She’d invited her to that party and their friendship is what ultimately made her hang out with the wrong crowd and die way too soon. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t get past that. Harley was the most important person in my life and she was gone. There were no words that could heal my damaged heart. Nothing could bring her back. As much as I wanted to think I didn’t need this reprieve, I knew I wanted it. I wanted one night where I didn’t have to think about losing my sister.

Going into the bathroom while a naked stranger was already occupying it was a bold move. Sure, she could have slapped me or called the police, but I knew her phone had no service and that she’d been checking me out just as much as I’d been doing it to her. The attraction was mutual and I didn’t need her to admit it.

My ex was a very attractive woman. She had full br**sts and a nice ass, but this girl was f**king perfect. Her hips were curvy and her long blonde hair fell down her chest accentuating her supple tits. I couldn’t help but check her out before she freaked and left me in the shower to tend to my sudden predicament.

With each stroke of my hand, I thought about her standing in my bathroom naked. Then my mind went wild, imagining her bending over and letting me take it however I wanted it. I leaned against the shower as I came, closing my eyes and trying to focus on acting normal. I wasn’t the type of guy to beat off to a complete stranger. Sure, I’d experienced with movies and magazines as a kid, but ever since I’d moved away, I’d had girls lined up wanting a piece whenever I snapped my fingers.

This chick was no different, even if she was afraid to admit it.

All I had to do was stay focused and keep my mind off of my sad life. If I could keep myself occupied, for even a little amount of time, it was worth it. I’d spent too many nights hating myself and missing my sister.

When I walked out of the bathroom, I got several hateful looks from my houseguest. I’d never considered where I lived to be an advantage, but I’d also never had a damsel break down all alone without anyone to come help her. She was too hard-headed to be scared of me. I could see it in her eyes and felt the way they watched me.

It took about ten seconds for her to decide she wanted to come out with me, because she claimed to be starving. In my opinion, I think she was starving for some attention. For some reason, I wanted to know why she was falling right into my plan so easily. Now she was telling me her name, like we were going to be friends. Call me crazy, but I think if someone hated me, they wouldn’t care if I knew their name. She wanted to get to know me, which meant my plan was working. With a little more persuasion, I’d have her begging.

Chapter 3


The drive to the little diner was a good thirty minutes. I played with my fingernails, stared out the window and pretended to be bored. All the while I was smelling him, thinking of him, and wondering how I had gotten myself into this whole mess.

Halfway there, he must not have been able to stand the silence. “There’s a fifth of Southern Comfort under the seat.”

I gave him a look, but pulled it out anyway. He motioned for me to take a swig. It burned going down and I felt like I was going to vomit immediately. My types of drinks were usually the frozen, fruity kind. “That is awful.”

He grabbed the bottle and took a sip, then handed it back to me. “You get used to it.”

“Do you always drink and drive?”

“Never! My buddy left that in there last weekend when I drove him home. There’s always barn parties goin’ on around here. My sister, well she lost her life after one of them, so I’m usually the one who drives the others home.”
