Read Books Novel

Repair Me

Repair Me (Kin #1)(9)
Author: Jennifer Foor

I started to walk away from her. “Wait!”

“Leave it be!”

When I first walked into the diner, I stopped to say hello to my aunt and wave to my cousin Joey, who was cooking in the back. I made sure she knew that I was paying for whatever Sky wanted to eat and drink. If I was going to get a of piece that, then I needed to make sure she was fully satisfied.

When I reached the little hottie she was busy eating and acting like my making out with someone else didn’t bother her. After driving her a little crazy, and hearing her reject me once more, I gave her some space, only to chase her into the bathroom afterwards. This time, she wasn’t going to say no. She wanted me and I was about to make her admit it.

When our lips met she stopped being stubborn. Her tongue played against mine while my hands explored parts of her skin. My dick reacted and as I lifted her onto the hard sink I contemplated taking her right there in the bathroom. She was practically begging for it.

My next question was both cocky and true, but she didn’t answer me, so I asked again. “Tell me Sky.” I teased her lips with mine. “Are you going to touch that bare pu**y tonight thinkin’ about me until it drips?” I kissed her again and she let me, but still said nothing.

Her eyes were closed and she was enjoying this just as much as I was. Before I could have cared less how she kissed, as long as she gave me another peek at that fine ass body. Now I wanted more than that. Her tongue was like a natural high each time it brushed against mine. The little moans that escaped her turned me on. I ran my hands over the fabric of her shirt, cupping her br**sts and massaging them while we kissed again. My dick throbbed for her.

I pulled away from her mouth and let her reach for me again while I spoke with her body still pinned against the sink. “Tell me you want me to f**k you.” I grabbed one of her hands and rubbed it over my erection. “You want this and you know it.”

She bit down on her lip and shook her head from side to side.

I took my tongue and teased her lips with it. I could feel her hot breath as she exhaled and tried to deny what we both knew was coming. “Say it, Sky. I saw you watchin’ me out there. I know you want this for yourself. You want to know what she knows about me, don’t you?” I must have hit a nerve, because she pulled away and looked at me, fighting the jealousy that was boiling through her veins.

I knew she was thinking about what to say to me, but I didn’t want to give her another second to do it. Before walking away, I gave her one last request. “You need to know that the only woman goin’ home with me tonight is you and you aren’t goin’ to be fightin’ me about it.”

Chapter 4


Ford pressed his hard body against me. He ran the back of his hand up my face and kept his mouth close to mine. “Don’t hook up with that guy out there, Sky. He’s bad news.”

I looked up at him, confused at why he’d been pointing the bad guy finger at someone else, when he was clearly hitting on me himself. “I can make my own decisions.”

He rubbed me between my legs, causing me to let out a little cry. “I ain’t the guy you think I am.”

“I saw you kissing that girl out there and now you’re in here with me. If anything spells trouble, it would be you.” He had to be a male whore with this kind of cockiness.

Ford smiled and backed away from me, turning around and scratching his head. “You think you know me? I didn’t kiss her, she kissed me, because she thinks that after bein’ away for years that I’d jump right back into bed with her. Ashley’s a great girl, but that ship has sailed.”

I was confused. “What do you mean? You didn’t always live here?”

Ford seemed to be uncomfortable. He walked away and got quiet, like I’d hit a nerve. When he came back, he scrunched up his face and approached me again. Right away I knew that I’d definitely brought something up that ruined the moment. “Is it wrong for me to want to be with someone that won’t judge me?”

“Judge you for what?” He was scaring me. Had he been in jail or something?

Oh my God, maybe he was!

“Not savin’ my sister. My father saved up every penny to pay for me to go to college. I was about four hours away going to school. As much as I liked being there, I still made it home almost every weekend to hang out with my sister. The night she died, I was too tired from driving to go out.”

I reached out and put my hand on his chest. “It wasn’t your fault. I mean, I know we don’t know each other, but I know it wasn’t because of you. You have to know that.”

He looked away. “I shouldn’t have said anything.”

When he started to walk away, I grabbed his hand. “Ford, why did you want me to think you were such an ass**le, when clearly you’re not?” Maybe he still really was.

He looked down at the floor and then back to me with a crooked smile. “I don’t think you want to know the truth, doll. I never said I wasn’t an ass**le. Don’t judge me because you caught me off guard. Nothin’ has changed.”

I crossed my arms. “Actually, I do want to know. I mean, I’m only here because I was running away from my cheating ex. I just wanted to drown myself in liquor and hot guys to try and forget about what he did to me. Anything you say can’t be as bad as that.”

He looked right into my eyes, causing me to hold my breath. “You want to know why I want you, Sky? You want to know why I act the way I do?”

I nodded.

His lips drug over mine. “I just want to f**k someone that isn’t a part of this town; that isn’t a part of my past. I can’t talk to my friends and I sure as hell can’t talk to any of my cousins. All they do is remind me of times we all shared with my sister. It doesn’t even matter. I knew you were running from somethin’. A girl like you doesn’t drive that far alone for no reason. I watched you lookin’ at yourself. Were you really questionin’ how hot you were?” He kissed me softly. “We both have somethin’ we want to forget about.” He pulled away, but continued to stare at my lips. “That’s what I want.”

“What are you suggesting?” I was already all in; I just wanted to hear him say it. Nobody had to know that I wanted this stranger, this broken-hearted ass**le, to rock my world.

“Come back to my place with me. We don’t need to talk. In fact, I don’t even want to. Let’s spend the night f**kin’ and in the mornin’ you can go on your way. I’ll fix your car and have you at the beach by dinner time.”
