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Repair Me

Repair Me (Kin #1)(10)
Author: Jennifer Foor

I didn’t hesitate. “What are we waiting for?”

He seemed shocked. “That easy?”

I shrugged. “For years, I’ve loved the same guy. He crushed me and I don’t know what to do to make it go away. If being with you can make it happen, I’m game. No crazy stuff. I haven’t been with that many people.”

He smiled. “I was with Ashley for four years.”

“Oh my God. No wonder she wants you back.”

“She knows I brought you here. That’s why she’s tryin’ so hard.”

“You said you had a date.” I was confused.

He kissed me softly. “Hell no! Do you want your eyes gouged out?”

Realizing what he was implying, I changed my decision. “I don’t f**k on the first date.”

“Yes you do!” He grabbed my body and pulled it into his with a jerk. “I can already tell it’s goin’ to be a night you ain’t never goin’ to forget.”

Just looking into this guy’s eyes gave me chills. I didn’t know if it was because being with a stranger was somehow exciting and dangerous, or if it was just the fact that he was the hottest guy I’d ever been close to, touched or considered doing this with. The tingling was constant and I needed to feel his hands on my skin. I didn’t care where he touched me, as long as he was doing it. After staring deep into his eyes, he smiled and pulled away, leading me out of the bathroom.

While paying his tab, I caught that girl, Ashley, staring at me. She walked up in between us and whispered something in his ear. He gave her a weird look and shook his head. The next thing I knew, he was grabbing me by the hand and pulling me out of the place.

“She’s pissed. We better get out of here before she makes a scene.”

I didn’t want to see what her scene would be like, so we headed out without another word to each other or anyone else.

After agreeing to a night of passion, we were both at a loss for words. For the whole ride we sat next to each other in silence. With him not making the first attempt to talk, I felt it necessary to do the same.

By the time we made it to the apartment, I was having doubts about going through with something that could haunt me for the rest of my life. Sure, he’d said he’d been in a relationship for years, but that didn’t mean he was faithful. I wasn’t about to let one night leave me with a STD or disease.

After getting inside his place, I took off my shoes and just stood there. Ford pulled his shirt over his head and walked toward me. I think he could sense the hesitation, so he stopped and didn’t get any closer. He shook his head and grinned. “Guess you changed your mind?”

I felt bad. “Can you blame me? People don’t usually plan a one-night-stand, not with each other, at least.” I stood in an awkward position, trying to hide my shame.

He turned around and picked up his shirt, letting it sit on one of his shoulders. “I ain’t goin’ to argue about it. Help yourself to anything in the fridge. I’ll let you know what we find out with your car.”

I felt abandoned as I watched him walk out of his place. For a moment, I just stood there waiting for him to come back in and take me into his arms like it happens on television. After a few minutes, I knew it wasn’t going to happen.

I walked over and sat down on the bed, looking around the room. The remote was sitting on the table, but I didn’t want to watch television. Why couldn’t he have just stayed and hung out with me like a normal person would do? Remembering that it was just about the sex, reminded me why he wasn’t sticking around to ask my favorite flavor of ice cream. He didn’t care and neither should I.

I flopped my body down on the bed and looked at the ceiling. When the door creaked open, I sat back up, completely shocked.

Ford was there, standing shirtless, staring at me. He walked over to the bed and slowly climbed on top of me.

I didn’t fight him.

With his mouth close to mine, he bit his bottom lip. His hand came up and cupped one of my br**sts. “Tell me to stop!”

He looked into my eyes and I stayed serious. “No!”

That was all it took.

His lips were on mine and my hands were all over him. His skin was as smooth as I’d pictured and I couldn’t wait to have my hands down his pants, or better yet, I wanted him naked. I needed to have my hands on his hard cock. I say hard, because I could feel it poking into my leg. He grumbled something I couldn’t understand as he licked the fabric over one of my ni**les. “I’ve wanted to suck on your tits since I saw you in the bathroom. You’re so f**kin’ sexy.”

I sat up, causing him to move to the side of me. I think at first he thought I was changing my mind again, but I showed him my intentions when I started pulling my shirt over my head. He just sat there watching me remove my bra.

Mack had always made me feel uneasy about being naked, but Ford, not knowing a thing about me, looked like he wanted to eat me up. It turned me on knowing that this man wanted me so much. He didn’t know that it was totally mutual.

Okay, maybe he did.

His deep voice cleared as his eyes were fixed on my chest. I ran my hands through my hair, giving him a real show. I loved the way he was watching me. “Are you going to just sit there, or are you going to take off your pants and show me what I want to see?”

“You afraid I’m goin’ to disappoint you?” He laughed to himself, shook his head and dropped his pants.

My jaw dropped when his hefty erection stood at attention for me. I giggled, feeling giddy with excitement. He was right. There was no way that thing could be a disappointment. I held up my hand and motioned with my finger for him to join me back on the bed.

His pants were kicked off of his legs before he climbed back to where he’d been. He kissed my nose and pulled away. “Don’t hold back tonight, Sky. I want all of you. Let’s forget about who we are and get so f**kin’ lost in each other.”

I dug my hands into his hair, pulling him into a deep kiss. His tongue was warmer than mine and as it stroked me new tingles ran all the way to my toes. Then that fire ignited again between my legs. My body began to react to the way his hands explored my skin, our tongues became in sync as they moved around with our deep kissing.

I opened my eyes and saw that his were closed. He was absorbing the fact that this was really happening. I closed my eyes again, when he started to reopen his.

His hand attained what it was searching for when I felt it sliding between my legs once more. It was warm as it brushed over the lips of my pu**y, before spreading me open and letting his fingers feel just how eager I was to be with him.
