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Replace Me

Replace Me (Kin #2)(24)
Author: Jennifer Foor

I was speechless.

“You need to put on them panties and stop messin’ with me, because we both know what’s goin’ to happen if you don’t.”

So, I did what my heart and my body told me to do.

I stood up and walked in front of him, lifted off the shirt I was wearing, and walked into his bedroom. When I turned around he was staring at me in shock. “This isn’t about Shayne anymore and you know it. You think I could leave this morning and not think about how it makes me feel to touch you. When you kiss me, my body reacts like it never has before. I should be crying about a failed relationship, but at the end of the day, being with you is all I can think about. I’m tired of fighting myself and lying to you. I won’t be in the guest room, although I appreciate that offer. I’ll be waiting in your bed. When you’re ready to face me and get lost in whatever this is going on between us, you know where to find me.”

I walked in his bedroom in shock from my plea to him. I didn’t know if he’d listen, but I was tired of the back and forth. Joey made me crazy, albeit I wanted him more every second. I’d lied when I said I just wanted him to forget about my problems. I wanted him because I knew he was going to be fantastic. I wanted him because when he looked into my eyes, no other woman existed and I’d never felt that type of connection with any man, ever before.

Chapter 12


Peyton tried to call my phone six times before I finally answered. I was so pissed at her, but knew I only had myself to blame.

“It’s not a good time.”

“Shayne, I’m so sorry. She said you told her everything. I’m so stupid.”

“I shouldn’t have lied about it.”

“You must think I’m the worst sister in the world. Do you want me to talk to her? I’ll do anything to make things better.”

I thought about the possibility of Lacey listening to Peyton. As much as she liked my sister, I was pretty sure she was done with my bullshit. “Don’t worry about it. I’m just goin’ to move forward and let it go. Even if she forgave me, how long do you think she’s goin’ to stick around through everything else?”

“But you love her.”

“I care deeply for Lacey. As much as I feel like it could be love, I just don’t know. She deserves more than that.”

“Are you okay? Where are you going to crash?”

“I’m goin’ to drive to the beach and stay with some friends for a few days until Dad chills the f**k out.”

“Call me if you need anything. I won’t tell him where you went.”

“Thanks, sis. Talk to you later.”

I had a good drive to think about everything that had landed me in the situation I was in. The only person to blame was myself. I had a great girl and I let her slip through my fingertips. Like them all before her, I’d move on, because it was what I did best. My time with Lacey would be something I wouldn’t soon forget. She was special, more than any other before her. Knowing that nothing lasts forever, I had to move on.

My priority would be Parker and the baby. I’d get him through this mess and everything was going to work out.

It had to.


I climbed in his bed expecting him to continue to be hardheaded. Instead, there he was standing shirtless in the doorway. His brows were creased as he watched me positioning myself.

I was petrified about being with him, not because I knew he was going to be amazing. Somehow that didn’t even matter. I was scared because as much as I should have been a miserable desperate mess from losing Shayne, it had all faded away. I trembled at the thought of giving myself to someone like Joey.

Sure, his body was amazing and he knew how to touch me in all the right places, but it was something else, something much deeper.

He slowly walked over to the bed and shook his head before climbing on it. “This is bad.”

I leaned up on my elbow and watched him. He mimicked me and we stared at each other. He took my hand, bringing it up to his lips, “We don’t have to do this. I can wait until you’re over him.”

I shook my head. “Shut up and kiss me.” While climbing on top of him, I felt his arms wrapping around my back. His lips met mine and that instant spark had ignited. Our tongues met and as they brushed together, my eyes closed, unable to stay open for another second as I became consumed with a burst of heat between my legs. I was so ready for this; for him. “I want you.” I opened my eyes as he pulled his lips from mine.

His thumb rubbed over my lips and I leaned into him doing it. “I want you, too.”

I kissed his fingers as they moved against my mouth and eventually ran through my hair. He held it out of the way to lean in and pleasure my neck with his lips and tongue. When he reached my ears, I leaned in the opposite direction, giving him room to do whatever he wanted.

Joey’s hand reached down and grabbed onto mine. Our fingers laced together and he kept them tight as our tongues met again. As if it were in slow motion, He pulled me up to straddle him. We were both sitting up, me naked and him in a pair of loose shorts. He was hard and ready and I needed to finally discover what had been hiding from me this whole time.

With my free hand, I slid it up his shorts, letting my fingers glide over the smooth skin on the tip of his shaft. A low sound escaped his lips as my hand grasped ahold of the thickness. That fire between my legs intensified when I realized that his girth alone would send me straight into sexual bliss. Knowing it wasn’t always about size, and more of how a man knew how to work it, I felt confident Joey hadn’t been lying to me. In fact, everything he’d said thus far had been the truth.

Considering that I’d been with a liar for so long, I had to grasp the goodness in him, even when I knew how much of an ass**le he could be when he wanted to.

Joey took my hand and pulled it out from inside of his shorts. He flipped me on my back and hovered over my naked body, looking at all of my assets while biting his lip. “You’re so God damn beautiful.” I could feel my cheeks heating up in reaction to his statement. He continued to look at every inch of me, like he was planning on eating me alive. Joey licked his lips before he leaned down and kissed me full on the mouth.

I dug my hand into his hair while our tongues mingled together. Like the times before, his mouth matched my movements. After removing my hand from his hair, I slid it down to his bicep. Since he was holding himself up with it, the muscle was hard and defined. I tickled his skin with my fingernails, while he used his free hand to cup and massage one of my br**sts.
