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Replace Me

Replace Me (Kin #2)(25)
Author: Jennifer Foor

Joey kissed me one more time and jumped off the bed. I felt confused until I saw him coming back in the room. He had something behind his back and I had no idea what it was. Had it not been for the giant smile he was wearing, I would have been afraid of what to expect.

He climbed back on the bed at the foot. “Close your eyes, Lacey.”

“You’re scaring me.”

“Just close your eyes. I swear I won’t hurt you.”

I listened and did as he requested. For a few seconds, I heard plastic moving, but nothing else. Even the bed didn’t move. As I began to say something, I felt something touching my right nipple.

It was cold and completely unexpected. I opened my eyes immediately.

Something red caught my attention as it was making contact with my nipple again. Upon further observation, I realized it was a frozen strawberry. Leave it to the chef to get creative with frozen foods on the first night of us having sex. I bit down on my lip and tried to prepare myself for the reaction to the coldness. “Close your eyes.”

“It’s cold.”

He reached down and sucked on my nipple. His saliva felt hot and my body reacted, making it harden. He pulled away and blew on the sensitive area, before taking the melting fruit and rubbing it over my other nipple. I gasped, even though I knew what to expect. I could literally feel it in my toes as it soaked my br**sts. Once again, his mouth sucked away the coldness.

I opened my eyes and watched Joey bringing the strawberry up to my lips. My mouth opened and I let him feed me. When I began to chew, he leaned down and kissed me there. He pulled away and smiled. “Your pu**y’s next.”

My ni**les tingled, and it traveled down to my pu**y, that eagerly awaited the idea of being touched again by Joey. He’d already showed me how easy it was for him to pleasure a woman.

He pulled another strawberry out of the bag and showed it to me as he focused on my pu**y. I knew it was going to be intense, so I clenched the sheets beneath me as it made contact with my clit. My body bucked feeling the immediate, almost sting of the frozen fruit hitting my sensitive bud.

Joey rolled it around in circular motions, and the friction from the texture of it, combined with the sting of the coldness, was incredible. My hips thrust and the butterflies came, followed by my screaming out into the bedroom. He didn’t give me any time to settle either, as I watched him going down on me, determined and eagerly.

The warm heat of his tongue made contact with my clit and I lost total control of myself. I dug my hand into his dark hair and shoved his head back down over my pu**y, not willing to lose the euphoric sensations that were filling every inch of my sensitive skin.

Joey fought me, pulling away enough that he could look right at me as his tongue separated the lips of my sex. I was panting as I watched him kissing my clit and then sucking it into his mouth. The pinching pleasure traveled up to my ni**les and I couldn’t help but run my fingers over them, circling my own hardened nubs and pinching them.

When I watched him eat that strawberry, I thought I was about to scream out his name. It was so erotic and in seconds, he was back at my pu**y, licking up my clit, like a battery-operated machine.

I kept squeezing my ni**les as my body reacted. Joey’s head bobbed, but he never stopped lapping me up, even when I began to shake. He sat up and took my hand, bringing it down to my pu**y and moving my finger over my own clit. After showing me what he wanted to see, he stopped guiding me and watched me touching myself.

I almost couldn’t stand the pleasure as it jolted through my body again. Joey kissed my inner thigh, then the back of my hand, while it circled over my clit. He grabbed it and moved it out of the way to kiss my pu**y again, then he smiled. “That’s two.”

I moaned and watched him making his way up to kiss me. I could taste my essence on his lips “How many do you expect to give me?”

“That’s for me to know and you to find out. Prepare yourself for a long night. I can cum twice before I need a sandwich break.”

I smiled and teased his lips with my tongue. “Prove it!”

“Are you challengin’ me? You do realize that I’ve made you cum four times now and never even f**ked you?”

Of course I knew that. The anticipation was killing me, especially knowing how thick he was and how good it was going to feel when he was inside of me. “Give me what I want, Joey.”

He shook his head and started tugging down his shorts. I was too excited to look down, just knowing we were one step closer to it finally happening. The anticipation alone was making me want him more than I thought it was humanly possible.

Joey grabbed protection out of his dresser and rolled over to apply. I appreciated that even in my irrational thinking, he was responsible. At least one of us was. When he rolled back over he kissed me tenderly, like we had all the time in the world. It was so personal, the way he touched me, like I was the only woman he’d ever been with. He stared me in the eye, before looking down at my body. While holding his body up with one arm, He ran his erection over my entrance. His dick was hot and my tiny bud hadn’t recovered fully from the last orgasm, so the smallest contact made me react to him, exactly like he wanted me to.

I kept my eyes focused on him, concentrating on his olive skin and the way he had begun to sweat.

Joey leaned down and kissed me repeatedly, sucking on my bottom lip and pulling it. I reached for his mouth, but fell back on the pillow when I realized he was in position and ready to penetrate me.

We looked into each other’s eyes and I reached up and touched his face. It was right there, slowly entering me. He was purposely taking his time, allowing me to feel every single inch of him filling me. Our lips met and before he’d gotten all the way there, we were caught up in a mind-blowing connection.

Little cries escaped me the first few thrusts, but Joey never stopped kissing my skin. His hands explored while every move was geared to give me the most pleasure. I wrapped my legs around his back and clung to him as our bodies rocked together. Maybe I should have known better, but I found myself experiencing something that neither of us was ready to admit. We stared into each other’s eyes once more while I came another time; this time because he was inside of me, finally.

Moments later, our pace picked back up again. Joey’s focused face scrunched up and I knew he was fighting the inevitable.

However, he was much stronger than I’d imagined. He pulled out of me and rolled over on his back, breathing heavily. “Ride me.”

I climbed on top of him, grabbing his c**k and letting it slide right inside of me. Then Joey grabbed both of my hands and held them as I began to ride him, like he wanted. He didn’t try to finish early, so he could get off and go to bed. He wasn’t trying to rush me out of his bed, or make promises to satisfy me that never were kept. He fulfilled me over and over, sending me to places that my body had never been before.
