Read Books Novel

Replace Me

Replace Me (Kin #2)(28)
Author: Jennifer Foor

Once we got to her place and I got in her guest bed, it all hit me. I’d slept with someone who would never be anything more than sex. He’d made that clear and even offered me a chance to just be friends, probably because he knew that if we slept together it would sever any type of friendship that we’d made.

I felt worse. Considering how amazing he’d made me feel, caused me to crave him more. I wasn’t going to be okay watching him with someone else, knowing the things that he was able to do. Hate filled me when I imagined him being with different women and telling them the same things that he’d said to me. Maybe that was his game all along.

Suddenly Joey and Shayne seemed like the same person. Leave it to me to find someone else to drag my heart into the dirt and destroy me again.

I cried myself to sleep, but woke up when I heard men talking with raised voices.

“I said you’re not comin’ in here and fillin’ her head with lies.”

“Back off with that. I just want to talk to her.”

“Is that what you told her to get her into bed with you, Joey?”

When I heard his voice and then his name, I jumped out of bed and ran into the living room. “Stop!”

Joey looked right at me. “This fool won’t let me talk to you. Tell him we’re cool, Lace.”

I just stood there, thinking about where he’d went all day. I knew he didn’t have to work at the Country Club where he worked as head chef during the week, and he’d been gone all day. I shook my head. “I’m going to stay here tonight.”

He looked confused and even hurt. “What did I do?”

“I’m sure you can call someone else to keep you company. Do you keep a black book or do they just show up on certain days of the week?”

Joey took a step forward, but Ford made him stop. “Lace, I don’t know what you’re talkin’ about.”

“I think you should go, Joey.”

He shook his head and even smiled. “This is bullshit and the reason I don’t get involved. See ya’ll later.” He backed himself out of the door and we heard his motorcycle starting up and pulling out of the driveway. I didn’t understand why’d he’d care anyway. Didn’t Ford and Sky say he had plenty of women? Why had he even come looking for me?

More importantly, why was I such a mess over it?

Chapter 14


I’d spent the night getting to know someone that wanted nothing to do with me. After six shots and a five hour conversation, Megan fell asleep against my chest on the couch. It was the first time that I’d not tried to sleep with someone.

Annie passed out in my bed and I refused to go in there with her, knowing what would happen if I did. One look at her naked body and my dick would fight me until I was inside of her.

I slid off the couch and checked my phone out of habit. There were messages from my sister and even Parker, but none from an odd number that could have been Lacey. It drove me crazy that we were really over with and I couldn’t, for the life of me, understand why it was bothering me so much. She was just a girl, who’d been a friend and then something a little more. I didn’t deserve another chance and I didn’t even know if I wanted one.

The only thing that bothered me was that she was with Joey.

It made no sense how someone like him could get Lacey. She left me for being with other people and lying. Joey was going to do the exact same thing.

After sending a text back to my sister to let her know I was alive, I headed into the bathroom. My phone started ringing and I didn’t recognize the number, but I answered it anyway, thinking it was someone about an apartment.


“Shayne, it’s me.” Lacey’s voice shocked me. She was crying and I felt like shit for hurting her the day before.

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing. I got your number from Ford’s phone, because I need to tell you something, even though it’s not going to make a difference. I just can’t lie about it, because it’s what ripped us apart in the first place. I lied to you the other night when I said I was with Joey. He went along with it, because I asked him to. I just wanted to hurt you, because I thought it would make me feel better.”

My stomach was aching. I hurt for her and for the fact that she cared what I thought, after everything I’d done. “Lace, I lied to you yesterday, because I wanted another chance. I knew you’d freak out about the other girls.”

“It doesn’t matter now, Shayne. Even if I wanted to forgive you, and even try to be friends, it’s never going to happen now; not after what I’ve done.”

“Lace, you’re not makin’ any sense, babe.”

“I slept with Joey last night.”

I was shocked and confused. “You just told me you were lyin’.”

“I was at first, but we’ve been hanging out and it happened anyway.”

I clenched my fists thinking about him swooning her. “What did he have to do to get you in his bed?”

She was quiet and cried more. “That’s just it, Shayne. I came onto him.” More sobbing filled the phone.

“What do you expect me to say here? I can’t be that kind of friend to you about him, Lace. I know I owe you for breakin’ your heart, but you need to call Sky or someone else. You think I never cared, but hearing this hurts. I feel like you’re slappin’ me in the face. Is that why you’re callin’? Is this another way of makin’ me pay for what I’ve done?”

“No. I don’t know why I called. I’m so confused.”

“Did he hurt you? If he hurt you I’ll kill him.”

She got quiet. “He didn’t hurt me. Joey was kind to me.”

“Then why are you callin’ me, cryin’ about it? Why aren’t you with him now?”

“Because…I want the pain to go away.”

“You’re scaring me, Lace.”

“I need to go. I’m sorry I bothered you, Shayne. Forget I ever called you.”

“Lace?” She’d already hung up.

I dialed the number back and she wouldn’t answer, so I called Ford.

“Shayne, it ain’t a good time.”

“The Hell with that. Where’s Sky? I need to talk to her.”

“For what?”

“Lacey just called me. She wanted to apologize for sleepin’ with Joey and then she wasn’t makin’ sense. I’m worried about her.”
