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Replace Me

Replace Me (Kin #2)(27)
Author: Jennifer Foor

She gave me a funny look, like I had offended her. “No. My dad owns the Inn on the Island. He also owns a fishing tour business here at the beach. That’s kind of why I’m here. We got a new office and it needs a lot of work. Plus people book their excursions in the winter for next summer. I work Monday through Friday in the office and go to school at Salisbury State at night.”

Annie leaned on her friend’s seat and pointed to me with the glass still in her hand. “You need to stay away from this one. He can be charming until he gets you naked.”

I gave her a dirty look and wondered if she’d made the announcement because she didn’t want to share. It would have been fine if this new chick wasn’t so intriguing to me. Annie was a great lay, but maybe it was time for me to slow things down. This girl was too nice to f**k and walk away from. I could tell that she was uncomfortable and hated that I was pegged as some douchey man whore. “Let the girl decide that herself.” I winked at Megan but she didn’t respond.

Annie walked back over and sat next me, putting one leg over mine. She put one arm behind me and looked back at her friend. “Or, I could just tell her all your dirty little secrets.”

I looked at Annie and clenched my jaw. She knew she was pissing me off and I think she was doing it on purpose.

Boner cut in before I could say something that would make her leave and never come back. “Are ya’ll staying the night? We need to get more liquor before the store closes.”

Megan stood up and grabbed her purse. “I’ll go.”

I practically pushed Annie off of me as I stood up, too. “I’ll go with you, since I know he doesn’t have any money.”

Boner put his hands up. “Hey, I supply the place, you’re in charge of the booze.”

Annie remained sitting, but added, “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”

As we walked outside, I finally felt like I was going to have a chance to get to know this girl. Then she turned around and stuck her finger to my chest. “I know who you are, Shayne. Don’t get any ideas of trying to sleep with me, because it’s never going to happen.”


I woke to the sunlight coming in through a cracked curtain. Upon turning over, and discovering that the spot on the bed next to me was empty, I sat up. On top of Joey’s pillow was a note.


Had something to do this morning. Help yourself to anything in the kitchen. I’ll be back around 3pm.


I traced over the words that he’d written in cursive and thought about how he’d made me feel, even after the horrible day I’d had. Joey’s touch made me forget about all of it, especially Shayne.

Then the guilt hit me and I began to cry.

A knock at the door startled me, and before I could get up out of bed and find my clothes, I heard Sky calling my name.

“Lace, you need to open this door, right now. I know you’re in there hiding. Ford called Joey and made sure.”

I grabbed the blanket, wrapped it around my naked body and went to unlock the door. Sky was standing there with her hands on her hips. I held the door open for her to come inside. She plopped down on the couch and I followed. “I wasn’t hiding. I just woke up.”

She motioned to the blanket I had around me. “I guess you lost your clothes? Do you usually sleep naked when you’re hiding from your ex in another man’s home?”

“Shut up!” I shook my head and covered my face. “I slept with Joey. Are you happy now?”

“You said it was never going to happen. How long has this been going on? I knew you two were hiding something.” I hated that she assumed I was sneaking around.

“It just happened. You weren’t home and I didn’t know where else to go. Joey’s different when it’s just us. He’s nice to me.”

“Of course he’s nice. He wants to screw you.”

I had to know what she knew that she wasn’t telling me. “You think I’m stupid?”

“No! Of course I don’t. Joey’s a perfect one-night-stand, forget about Shayne kind of guy, but don’t expect anything else. Ford says that Joey doesn’t have girlfriends.”

“What do you mean? I know he’s not g*y.” After last night and the way he devoured my pu**y, I knew that was impossible.

“I didn’t say he was. It’s just, he doesn’t get involved. Joey likes casual sex and that’s as far as he goes. Ford told me that he’s never had a real girlfriend. In the time we’ve lived here, he’s had several girls come over and they’re gone by morning. I just don’t want you thinking that it could be more. I don’t want to see you hurt.”

“I’m fine and I don’t expect anything from Joey. We’re friends, who had one hot night together. It’s no big deal.” I was lying through my teeth.

“Are you planning on sticking around or do you want to go out with me and my mom for lunch?”

I shrugged and ran my hand through my tangled hair. “I don’t know. I didn’t sleep much last night and I think I need to go home and take in all that’s happened. I mean, I pretty much told Shayne to go to Hell then jumped right into bed with Joey. I need to clear my head before I do something even more irrational.”

Sky stood up and leaned in to hug me. “I love you. I’m here for you. We would have come home to be with you last night. Why didn’t you call?”

“I don’t know. Joey was just there. It wasn’t a big deal.”

“Sleeping with Joey is a big deal. Ford is flipping out. He said he told Joey to back off. Last night when we saw your car was back, I thought he was going to beat down the door. Joey text Ford and said you were going to sleep in his guest room, but we both know that’s not what happened.”

“He said I was different.”

“He probably says that to every girl he brings home. Look, I’m not trying to hurt you, Lace, but someone needs to look out for you. I can see you falling for him and it would be another Shayne all over again.”

I faked a smile. “Why do I always make the worst decisions?”

“Get dressed and come over to our place. You can sleep all day for all I care. All I know is that I don’t want you here when Joey gets back. He needs to know that last night meant nothing to you either. Don’t give him the benefit of the doubt.”

I was shaking as I grabbed my clothes and got dressed while Sky waited for me. For someone that was pushing me to move on, she didn’t seem happy that I’d been with Joey. I knew it was because she knew me better than I knew myself. Sky was fully aware that I liked Joey more than I should have.
