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Replace Me

Replace Me (Kin #2)(30)
Author: Jennifer Foor

My parents hadn’t seen me in days, and after ten minutes, they went back to acting like I wasn’t in the house with them. That was my key to leave. I headed up to my room and turned on my laptop. My assignment was easy and I kept flipping from a social media site then back to my school work. When it chimed that I had a new friend request, I curiously flipped back to see who it was. Joey’s name popped up and I was quick to deny it.

Moments later a private message came through.

Lace, if I said something or did something to piss you off, I don’t know what it was.

I stared at his words and tried three times to write a response.

He must have gotten tired of waiting. You came on to me last night. I didn’t make you take off your clothes and seduce me.

It was a mistake.

You didn’t act like it last night, when I was making you cum over and over. What happened? Did you like it too much? Are you afraid to admit that it was even better than I said it would be? Is that what’s gotten you in such a tizzy?

Leave me alone, Joey!

I can’t do that. You see, ever since I tasted your sweet pu**y, it’s all I can think about. I f**ked up four orders today at the diner because I couldn’t stop thinking of how good it felt to wake up next to you.

He was pushing my buttons and turning me on at the same time. The sex had been phenomenal from start to finish.

I bet you tell that to all of the girls.

A few moments went by and he said nothing. Just as I was ready to flip back to my homework a message came through.

I’ve never lied to you, Lacey. I’ve also never let a woman stay the night, because it made things personal. You’re the first woman to spend the night in my arms.

I don’t believe you.

I don’t believe you either. You act like last night wasn’t great for you. I woke up wanting more and I know you did too. Now, I don’t know what happened while I was gone, but something got you spooked. I’ll leave you alone, but you know where to find me when you’re ready to admit that you want more.

I hate to burst your bubble, but you aren’t as good as you think you are.

When I hit send, I had a smile on my face knowing that was going to floor him.

Does it bother you more that you enjoyed it, or the fact that I was right all along? Tell me, Lacey, when you’re naked in that bed, will you close your eyes and picture me eating that sweet pu**y? Did you memorize how I f**ked you and made you cum with my tongue?

Don’t you have someone else to annoy?

The messages stopped, but I wasn’t able to get back to my assignment. Instead, I stared at the screen, like his words gave me some kind of reassurance. I didn’t understand how someone that was supposed to have so many women at his beck and call would be trying so hard to get me to talk to him.

After trying to eat an apple, and still feeling sick over everything, I lay down and stared at the ceiling. So many things were going through my mind, especially every moment of my time with Joey.

My phone rang and I saw it was Sky. Figuring she was calling to check on me, I picked up and just started talking.

“I’m fine. I even ignored Joey when he tried to talk to me. Are you proud of me?”

A masculine laugh caught me off guard. I looked at the phone to make sure it was really Sky’s number.

Then he started to talk.

“You’re sexy when you’re playin’ hard to get.”

“Joey? Seriously, how did you get Sky’s phone? I know she wouldn’t just give it to you.”

“I told her I couldn’t find mine, so I needed to borrow hers to call it. I knew she wouldn’t just let me call you and I knew you wouldn’t answer if I tried from my phone. We need to talk, Lace. I gave you what you wanted last night, even after tellin’ you that it was goin’ to change things between us. Don’t give me that bullshit that I need to leave you alone. You and I were the only people in that bed last night and I know you weren’t thinkin’ about anyone else but me.”

I opened my mouth to argue, but no words came. He was right. Just hearing his voice was giving me butterflies. I think that’s why I called and told Shayne what I’d done. I felt guilty for wanting Joey. I felt like a slut for wanting to be with him when I’d just gone out with Shayne.

“Say something, Lacey.”

“What do you want me to say? Do you want to hear that last night was amazing? Do you want me to say that I can’t get you out of my head? Is that how you get off? Do you like stringing women on?”

“What the f**k? Who has been puttin’ this bullshit in your head? Did I ever make you feel like you were one of many? I told you that you were different and I meant that shit. If you were just some other woman, I would have f**ked you and sent you on your way. That ain’t what happened and you know it. You can believe everyone else, but it’s a lie. I didn’t just want to f**k you, Lacey. I thought you knew that.”

“Maybe I’m more mad at myself.”

“For what?”

“For thinking you could make me forget about Shayne. I’m sorry I used you, Joey. I’ll stay away from Sky’s place so you won’t have to be around me.”


I hung up before he could say anything else. I knew what I’d done was the right thing, but it felt so wrong. In seconds, I’d collapsed down on my bed and started bawling. I shouldn’t have been so torn up over Joey, but I was.

I liked him, no matter how wrong it was, or what everyone else said about him. It killed me that we couldn’t be together again, because when I was in his arms, nothing else mattered.

Chapter 15


When I walked into the door of my dad’s office, he was sitting there with Ashley and her father. She smiled as I came in.

“What are you doin?”

My dad folded his hands across his desk. “We’re tryin’ to do what’s right for you two kids.”

“That’s not your business.”

“It’s important that you think about your future. Neither of you is ready to raise a child. How are you going to support my daughter now after the fiasco you pulled with your cousin? Were you really goin’ to let him raise your child?” Ashley’s dad and mine were too much alike.

“Dad, please. It was a mistake. Shayne didn’t know it was his.” I appreciated her trying to help, even if she was lying.

“Look.” I stood my ground. “I get that you both are worried about us, but we’re going to have this baby.”
