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Replace Me

Replace Me (Kin #2)(31)
Author: Jennifer Foor

“It’s best if we terminate the pregnancy, son.” My dad’s words ripped me in two, considering this was Parker’s life also. If only he knew what he was saying and what it would do to the one son he still loved with his whole heart.

“That’s not an option. Ashley and I have discussed it. We’re adults. You don’t get a say in this decision. I get that you think you do, but you’re both wrong. I found us a nice apartment and there’s plenty of room for the baby.”

I didn’t realize what was happening until the words were coming out of my mouth. I hadn’t found us a place and I certainly wasn’t about to live happily ever after with Ashley.

The room got silent. Then Ashley’s dad cleared his throat. “I was under the impression that you didn’t want anything to do with this child. Have I been misinformed?”

“Yes, sir. I don’t know who told you that,” I looked at my dad, “but it’s not the truth.”

The man seemed pleased. “If that’s settled then I will be on my way out of here. I have other business to tend to. Come on Ashley.”

They started to walk away, but I grabbed Ash by the arm. “Do you mind leavin’ with me. I need to talk to you.”

Her dad smiled, but had already gotten on his cell phone and was talking about an appointment.

I started heading toward my car when my dad came out. “Shayne, can you come in here for a second?”

I walked toward the bay door and put my hands in my pockets. “Have at it, Dad. I know you’re disappointed.”

“I need you back to work. How long do you need to move in your new place?”

He pretended like he hadn’t kicked me out of his house and fired me just days before.

I shrugged. “A few days, I guess. Ashley’s goin’ to need help too.”

There was no point in arguing. I needed my job and I liked it.

“Just come back next Monday ready to work. Make sure you tell your mother your new address so she can change the files in the office.”

Of course, he was all professional. God forbid he act like we were father and son. “Will do. See you then.”

I climbed in the car and saw Ash staring at me. “Shayne, this has gone too far.”

We started driving before I could talk to her. “Look, I’ve had a shitty couple of days. Let’s just find a place that we can share for now and we’ll figure things out later.”

“You’re willin’ to put your life on hold to take care of me?”

“It’s temporary, Ash. As soon as the baby is born you can decide where you want to live. I don’t even care if you don’t talk to me everyday. Let’s just keep everyone happy until the truth can come out.”

“I’d do anything to get away from that man. He’s so suffocating.”

After agreeing, we set out and found the perfect place. It was about twenty minutes in between each of our parent’s houses, which was far enough away that they wouldn’t be stopping in and spying on us every day. Ash even stopped at a couple places and filled out applications for part-time work. We talked about being cordial roommates, who chipped in and stayed out of each other’s way. When it was necessary, we’d put on a good show for everyone that mattered.

After the background check was done and I gave my first months rent, we were able to move in three days later. All of the furniture from my old place was in storage and Ash only brought her bedroom set. The only room that wasn’t furnished was the baby’s room and we had plenty of time for that.

Staying busy kept my mind off of Lacey, but I still worried that she wasn’t right with things, so one night I called her.


“It’s Shayne. How are you?”

All I could hope was that she didn’t hang up.

“I’m okay. How are you?”

“I moved into my new place. It’s in that community Canterbury. My dad’s lettin’ me come back to work next week.”

“That’s great Shayne. I’m glad things are getting better for you.”

“What about you, Lace? I’m callin’ because I’m worried about you.”

“I appreciate that you care, but I’m fine. I’ve been home at my parents since Monday and school keeps me busy during the week. I’m sure you remember that.”

“Have you spoke to Joey?”

“No.” She got quiet. “Shayne, I can’t talk to you like that yet.”

“I know. I’m sorry.”

“It’s nice to hear your voice and I’m really glad that you got your own place.”

“Lace, can I call you again? I promise I won’t pry. I just miss bein’ able to talk.”


“Talk to you soon, then.”

“Okay. Bye Shayne.”

After hanging up, I was able to smile. We talked about nothing serious, but hearing her sweet voice made me feel like one day we’d be able to get passed everything else and be friends again. Lacey was someone I would always care about, no matter who she was dating. If I couldn’t have her in my bed, I at least needed her in my life.


I’d done so well focusing on everything but the two men in my life. Joey hadn’t tried to call or message me, but one call from Shayne was all it took for my mind to start wondering if he’d already moved on.

It drove me so crazy that, by the time Friday came along, I found myself driving to Sky’s in hopes of seeing him, even if only for a moment. I wanted to catch him with another woman, so I could be sure that I’d made the right decision.

I didn’t need to look far to find him, since he was underneath of his car working on it when I pulled up. I tried to hurry up and knock on Sky’s door, but he was rolled out from under it, chasing me up the sidewalk. “Lacey, hold up a minute.”

I turned and put on a serious face. “What?”

The moment I looked into those light hazel-brown eyes, I felt like I was going to melt. I noticed his perfect jawline and the way his stubble had grown in around his chin. He licked his lips before words came out and I licked mine as a direct reaction.

He noticed and a smile formed in the corner of his mouth. Instead of talking, he reached up and ran the back of his hand over my cheek. I closed my eyes, remembering the way his hands felt as they explored my naked flesh.

He nestled his face close to my ear and the air as he spoke tickled me. “Did you come here to see your friend, or me?”
