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Replace Me

Replace Me (Kin #2)(33)
Author: Jennifer Foor

When he came back into the room, he walked slowly. I couldn’t help notice that he was already hard. I licked my lips as he climbed in the bed and scooted up next to me. Our hands connected and our bond was immediate. Joey kissed me tenderly, reminding me of the man that he’d been that first night. “Are you mad at me?”

I moved my shoulder and felt awkward. “You scared me.”

He ran his fingers over my nipple while he spoke. “I’d never hurt you, or any woman, for that matter. If you weren’t so stubborn, I wouldn’t of had to show you the difference. You could have taken my word for it. Lacey, I’m not a whore. I just like sex. It can be casual and consensual between two people that have no interest in each other. You’re different and you need to accept that or this can’t happen.”

“Okay,” I whispered.

He stared at me. “After all of that hard to get shit, you’re just goin’ to agree?”

I nodded. “I think the guest room f**king helped.”

“You liked it a little. Admit it.” He laughed.

Joey rolled me on top of him. I sat up and placed my hands on his collarbone. We were already dry humping without doing it on purpose. I couldn’t be naked on top of him and not move around. “My ass is on fire now. Next time, warn me. I felt like you were going all Nightmare on Elm Street.”

“I guess you don’t want to use my handcuffs and whips? Maybe I could break out my gag ball.”

I smacked his chest. “You’re a freak. Do you have a secret red room?”

“A what?”

I laughed, imagining him reading a dirty book about secret sex rooms. If it wasn’t edible, Joey wasn’t interested. “I did think about you.”

“Oh yeah,” he grabbed my hips and started moving me himself. “Were we naked?”

I nodded. “Of course.”

“I thought about you, too.” Joey lifted me up until my pu**y was right at his face. I looked down and watched him kissing me there. He flicked my clit with his tongue and pulled away. “Mmm, I thought about this every night. You taste like honeysuckle and I love that shit.”

The tingles overwhelmed me and I let my head fall back as his mouth sucked on my pu**y. He licked me like his favorite flavor of ice-cream, like I could melt at any second, while holding onto my ass, so I couldn’t back away.

I reached up and grabbed one of my ni**les, positioning it so that my tongue could brush against the hardened tip. Joey moaned against my sex as he watched. I did it again, this time watching him watch me.

I could feel him sucking in my labia and nibbling on my lips and he tugged on them. His thumb came up and rubbed on my clit until I moved his hand away and began to do it to myself. Watching his mouth, so close to my fingers, lapping up the most tender part of my body was irrationally the best feeling that I’d ever experienced.

Shutters of incredible pleasure engulfed me, sending me to new heights once more.

My ass sprung up as the intensity became too much to handle. I gripped Joey’s hair and cried out his name as my wet juices filled his mouth.

He moaned against my saturated pu**y, keeping his face close as he gently kissed the tickle away.

As he moved back up my body, a trail of my ecstasy was left from him dragging his lips and chin over my tender skin. Our eyes met and his eager grin showed me that we were far from over. “Suck it off my chin, Lace. Taste yourself and tell me how I make you feel when I’m sucking on that little clit.”

Jolts of excitement made my ni**les tingle as I closed my eyes and tasted my own release on Joey’s skin. He moaned and ran his hands over my back as I followed his directions. “Tasting myself makes me horny. It makes me want you to do it again.” My honesty shocked me.

Joey smiled and looked right at me. “I’m not done with that pu**y tonight. When we’re done, you’ll be squirting that hot cum, feeling what it’s like to lose total control of yourself. I love watching you do it,” He ran his fingers over my clit. “but I know you can do better.”

My back arched with every movement he made over my tiny bud. I wanted to cum again, but knew it was time to give back to this man, who’d just given me such pleasure. I scooted away from Joey, shoving him down on his back. He smiled and held his arms out for me to come to him, but I shook my head. Both of my hands grabbed ahold of his knees as they started their slow process up to his thighs. I licked my lips, thinking about his rock-hard c**k being in my mouth. Joey didn’t have to question my intentions, as I gave him no time to. My lips were around his girth, taking his smooth skin an inch at a time as deep as I could go. He played with my hair while watching my every move. I could tell he liked it, but wasn’t satisfied with being average. I didn’t just want to blow him, I wanted to blow him away.

With no regard for modesty, or self consciousness, I removed my lips from his dick and licked the tip. He groaned, watching me do it again. When I knew I had his undivided attention, I spit on it, while taking my fingers and lubricating his whole shaft. My tongue began at the base of his testicles and slid up the back of his shaft, applying necessary pressure to his main vein.

Joey grabbed my head, forcing me to repeat what I’d just done. I looked up at him, keeping my eyes steady as I licked around his balls again. As if that wasn’t enough to drive him utterly crazy, I sucked the smooth mounds into my mouth and tugged. His body jerked during the time that I released them from my lips. This time, when I lapped up his cock, I took his tip in my mouth and moved rapidly, with no real pattern. My hand rubbed his balls while the other jerked him off. I sucked him so hard that my jaws began to hurt, albeit I refused to let up.

I’d been cheated on and knew that, had I satisfied my partner, he never would have strayed. Pleasing Joey became my top priority and I wasn’t giving this man a chance to question my abilities.

I pulled away from his cock, while still massaging his shaft. His thighs needed attention, so I licked them inside, where the patch of hair began to thicken. His soft balls brushed across my nose as I got closer and I wanted them again. I licked them from behind, coming so close to touching his taint with my tongue. I recognized the taste of his sweat, but even the salty hint couldn’t stop me. I was dripping again, reaching down and touching myself, while sucking him off.

Joey was getting close. He was breathing heavily and grabbing me wherever he could reach. The base of his stiff shaft was easy to pump, while my lips provided a place for his release. I could feel it there, ready to pour into my welcoming mouth. As it came out, the heat and flavor trickled down my throat. I kept my mouth there, making sure he was done, before I licked his tip. Tonguing his hole as if I wanted more.
