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Replace Me

Replace Me (Kin #2)(32)
Author: Jennifer Foor

I shoved him away. “Don’t flatter yourself, Joey. I came here to see Sky. It’s the weekend. This is where I come. Nothing has changed.”

He pressed me against the building and grabbed ahold of my crotch. “Everything’s changed. Stop pretendin’ you don’t want more.”

I attempted to fight him and he held me steady, rubbing me between the legs. “I don’t.”

His lips were on mine and I couldn’t help myself. The only reaction that came out of me was reciprocation. For days I’d tried to get him out of my head and now I understood why it was so hard. I yearned for his touch, no matter how bad or wrong it was for me.

Joey pulled away, once he knew I’d stopped fighting him. He brushed over my lips with his thumbs and kissed me softly once more. At the same time, Sky opened her door and saw us in the embrace. Her eyes opened wide.

Joey wasted no time, letting her know how things were going to go down. “She’s comin’ home with me. Make sure you tell Ford we don’t need any drama. Once my door’s locked, ain’t nobody stoppin’ us.”

My heart was beating so fast and I felt like I was going to pass out as he grabbed my hand and led me inside his place. He kicked the door shut and pulled us against it. I still had said nothing to him, knowing that at any moment I was going to start crying uncontrollably due to being so overwhelmed.

Joey pulled away and looked right into my eyes. I felt like he was burning through me. He tugged on my shirt until I lifted up my arms, letting him pull it over my head. I ran my hands up his, feeling his hard, warm chest against the palms of my fingers. With little effort he lifted it off, then brought our lips back together.

He pulled away and sat me down on the couch, while he remained standing. “You think you know me, but you’re wrong. I’ve never lied to you about my intentions, but only withheld things about myself that you would prefer to not know.”

He paced around while still talking. “Since you don’t believe me, I think I should show you the difference between you and the other women I’ve f**ked.”

The way he was talking sort of scared me. “Is this where you tie me up and beat me so that you can cum all over my face and make me leave?”

He cocked his eyebrow then began to laugh. “Um, no. Is that what you like?”

I giggled. “Of course not.”

Joey got down on his knees and looked at me. “I don’t want to do this, but you’ve given me no other choice.”

“Do what?” I was definitely worried.

Joey took my bra and ripped open the hook in the front clasp. He yanked it off of me, causing me to lose my balance and fall back against the couch cushion. “When I f**k other women, I don’t care about taking my time. They come for one reason and I give it to them.” He grabbed my jeans and started pulling them off of me, without waiting for me to lift my ass. My body was yanked halfway off of the couch and he still kept pulling. “They never fight me.” I stood up and stepped out of my jeans, watching him pull down my underwear, without any regard for the details of my naked body in front of his eyes.

Joey stood up, threw me over his shoulder and took me into the guest bedroom, where he tossed me down on the bed. From there, he removed his pants, opened the bedside table and pulled out a condom. When he climbed on the bed, he didn’t kiss me. Instead, he flipped me over and got behind, so he was facing my ass that was up in the air. I could feel his hand massaging it, right before he smacked it hard. The sting was replaced by his rubbing and as soon as it felt better he smacked me again. Before I could respond, or scream, he shoved himself inside of me. I wasn’t wet and the friction felt like he was ripping me raw. As much as I hated what he was doing, I couldn’t help but start to get turned on that we were having sex again. My body began reacting to his movements and soon I could feel the wetness of my arousal. Joey felt it too. He grabbed my shoulders and pounded into me harder. He yanked my hair back and forced a kiss on my lips. Then he bit down and sucked on my bottom lip until it hurt. When he pulled away, I cried out. It felt so good and so painful all at the same time. I wanted what was happening, but this was not the same guy that I’d been with one week ago.

Joey flipped me over and grabbed both of my hands, lifting them over my head so I couldn’t touch him. He held them with one hand and rubbed my clit with the other, while he entered me again. He wouldn’t look at me, but stayed focused on my pu**y and what he was doing. We slammed into each other, every time causing me to hit the headboard. Loud bangs became more frequent as the bed kept hitting the wall. Joey continued going, without emotion. He f**ked me like a machine would that couldn’t experience feelings.

I let him go for a few seconds before I began to cry. Joey pulled out of me and stood up. He looked mad. “The next time you want to compare yourself to someone else, maybe you should come to me first. You and I both know that I didn’t f**k you like I do them that night. It was more than that and you need to start believing it if you ever want to find out what’s been happenin’ between us, Lacey.”

I was speechless. It wasn’t like he’d assaulted me. I’d never told him to stop, because a apart of me didn’t want him to.

What I wanted was to feel close to him. This side he was showing me was obviously his way of dealing with me rejecting him.

After he’d left me alone in the guest room, I waited a few minutes before I could go out to face him. He was standing in the kitchen, naked, smoking a cigarette, with the door cracked open.

I approached him with nothing on my body and wrapped my arms around him.

In seconds I felt his arms around my back. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be an ass**le. I’m just so f**kin’ pissed you’d walk away after that night. Was I just imaginin’ that there’s somethin’ between us?”

It was undeniable. “No. I feel it too.”

He kissed the top of my head. “Lacey, I’m no good at bein’ a boyfriend and I know you need time, but I can’t let you walk away from this.”

He pulled away and looked right into my eyes. Our lips met and he held our mouths together. “Take me back to your bed, Joey.”

I didn’t have to ask twice. He tossed out the smoke, grabbed my hand and led me into his bedroom. After pulling down the covers, and letting me climb in bed, he ran back out into the bathroom and brushed his teeth. The smell of smoke didn’t bother me, but I appreciated that he wanted it to be perfect.
