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Replace Me

Replace Me (Kin #2)(38)
Author: Jennifer Foor

"Uhh, they’re out of milk. Can I borrow a cup?" I felt like a moron. He held the door while I walked in, smelling the scent of his soap from a shower. I tried not to be obvious, knowing he was focused on my every move. When we got into the kitchen, he pulled out a glass and opened the fridge. I watched him pour the milk into the glass and hand it to me. Our hands touched and in an instant I felt the connection. He peered into my eyes, keeping the distance between us to a minimum. "I just thought about ya, while I was in the shower."

I should have been repulsed, maybe offended even, but instead I was turned on. "Glad I could help. "I licked my lips and grabbed the milk.

"Are you really, Lace? Are you glad that I busted a load while thinkin’ about your fine ass bendin’ over for me?" I felt the fire igniting between my legs and knew if I turned around to look at him, we’d end up in his bed.

"It’s flattering."

I made it to the doorway that separated the kitchen from the living room. "Put the milk down, Lacey. I saw Ford carryin’ in a gallon this mornin’."

My mouth dropped. I was flabbergasted, at a loss for words. He knew I was lying the whole time. I dropped my shoulders and turned slowly. Joey surprised me by grabbing the glass and pulling me into his arms. "At some point you’re going to have to start admittin’ that you want me."

I bit down on my lip and whispered, "never", while glaring into those light hazel-brown eyes.

Joey leaned in, lightly touching his lips to mine. "Why is it so hard to admit that you like me touching you?" The back of his skin traced over my arm. "Fightin’ me only makes me want you more, but you know my rules. If you want this, you have to ask."

His skin was braising mine and I shivered as his hand lightly coursed over my lips. “You know why I’m here.”

“I do, but you’re goin’ to need to follow my rules. I can’t have you screamin’ for me to stop halfway through. I mean, I’ve got needs, too.”

“I won’t. You know that.” He was crazy if he thought I was going to beg him. I wasn’t desperate.

He pulled away and dumped out the glass of milk. I stood there, waiting for him to come back, except he didn’t. He rinsed and dried the glass, then put it away in the cabinet above.

When Joey walked by me, heading into the living room, I felt my adrenaline kicking in. I didn’t have to beg this man, because he enjoyed me just as much as I enjoyed him. That had never been a secret. So I did what every girl in my situation would have done.

I took off all of my clothes and sat them on the kitchen chair. After a few deep breaths, I walked into the living room, past Joey who was sitting on the couch, and into his bedroom.

After nearly ten seconds, he came in and jumped on his bed, pulling me on top of him. “You never play fair, Lace.”

We kissed, so deeply that the hair on the back of my neck stood up and I could feel myself getting wet. He hadn’t even touched anywhere sensitive. When his hands did start to explore my naked skin, my ni**les hardened and I sat straight up so he could see the way my body responded to him. He smiled and suckled on my nipple, while looking into my eyes. I grabbed his chin and led it back up to my mouth, where our tongues played and teased. Our kisses became vigorous, sometimes clanking our teeth together during the intense moments. I tugged on his t-shirt and ripped it off of his head, just wanting to be able to feel his fiery skin against my palms. Joey’s ni**les were hard and I pinched them at the same time, sending him squirming. I shoved him back on the bed and tantalized one of them with my tongue. Each time I got close enough to suck it into my mouth, I pulled away. He bit down on his lip as I repeated the same movements with the opposite side. Joey played with my hair, using his hand to direct my head from one nipple to the other, while one of my hands trekked below, to the elastic of his shorts. I could feel his erection pressing on my ass as I sat on top of him, so I knew it was in there waiting for attention. In a quick movement, I grabbed ahold of him, pushing my body down between his legs. He adjusted, getting comfortable for me to get to work. “I love this cock.” It wasn’t a lie. I loved what this man could do with it. It pleased me like no other before it.

My lips surrounded his thick shaft, gliding down it with the help of my own saliva. I sucked him off hard, jerking him with the same tempo. He bucked and groaned each time my head bobbed, which only made me want to do it harder and faster.

Swiftly, he grabbed a chunk of my hair and pulled me off of him. I licked my lips and tried to go for it, but he wouldn’t allow me to. “Hold on there, sweetness. I can’t spoil myself that fast. We’ve got all night to enjoy each other, don’t we?”

I nodded. “You want me to stay all night?”

He pulled me up to his face and kissed me softly. “You got a problem with that?”

I leaned in and kissed his collarbone, dragging my lips back up his neck. “None at all.”

Joey’s strong arms flipped us around until he was the one on top of me. He pinned my arms above my head and held them with one of his, while the other traced down, tickling circles around each of my ni**les. The sensations took my breath away.

Once he had my ni**les hardened and reacting the way he wanted, his fingers followed down to my eager pu**y. I felt them rubbing over my labia, soaking up the wetness that was already there. He pulled them up to his lips and sucked them into his mouth. Watching him, tasting me like that, was so erotic. I closed my eyes to try to control the butterflies that were overwhelming me. Every inch of my body was tingling and I wanted this man, so badly that I was ready to beg. “Please, Joey. I want you so bad.”

He pulled his fingers out of his mouth with a shit-faced grin. “Say it again.”

“You heard me.” I looked right at him. “I want you so f**king bad.”

“Oh yeah,” he groaned, flipping me over and then sitting on the back of my legs. I was confused, but he grabbed my hands and kept them together, over my head. Joey dug his fingers into my pu**y, then trailed my juices from there to my ass**le. I felt him there, spreading the lubrication over my most sensitive of areas. “Wait, don’t do that.”

“Shh, trust me, Lace. I won’t hurt ya. I need to do this. Your ass is too f**kin’ sexy to ignore. Don’t you know that every man wants what they shouldn’t have?” I felt pressure first and then a pinch as slowly his finger entered into my ass. I could feel every millimeter going inside and violating me. At first it felt as if it were tearing me. I scrunched up my face and tried not to focus on the immediate pain, but as he pushed inside further, I began to relax. Joey wasn’t hurting me, he was trying to take me to new heights.
