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Replace Me

Replace Me (Kin #2)(39)
Author: Jennifer Foor

As I finally stopped fighting him, he removed his hand that was holding mine up. Shortly afterwards, that hand was massaging my pu**y, rubbing my creamy lubrication all over my outer lips. Then he located my clitoris, pinching it between his two fingers, while pumping his other fingers in and back out of my ass**le. I could feel my inner walls tightening and throbbing, and as my body reacted, so did Joey and the speed of his pleasing me. He pinched my clit, then rubbed it fast, so fast that I screamed out, allowing him to still pump his finger into my anal cavity. “Let go, Lacey. Cum like you’ve never done it before. I want to see it gush out of that pretty pu**y. Do it now!” His fingers rubbed even harder over my clit, so intensely that I could barely breathe. I arched my body and shoved my face directly into a pillow as I bellowed out nonsense and felt a warm rush pouring out of me, like I’d never experienced before.

Finally, when I relaxed, Joey removed both of his hands and climbed off the bed, leaving me there naked and vulnerable. He wiped off his hands and stood at the edge of the bed, watching me turn to face him. When our eyes met, he leaned down close to me. “I knew I could make you squirt.”

I felt embarrassed. “I didn’t.”

He laughed and pointed to a wet spot on the bed. “You did and it was sexy as hell. Now flip your ass over and spread your legs, it’s my turn now.”

I was shaking, but did as he said. I’d just had a finger literally up my ass and if that could give me pleasure, I trusted Joey had even more tricks up his sleeve that I was ready to discover.

Chapter 18


The phone conversation with Joey was still bothering me, so I waited until that following Monday to call Lacey, because I knew she be back home for school.

It rang a few times before she answered. “Hello.”

“Hey. It’s Shayne. How are you?”

“I’m good.” I could hear that she was happy and knew it was because of him.

“That’s good.” It pained me to say. “Listen, I know you have school this mornin’, but I was wonderin’ if we could meet tonight. There’s somethin’ I need to talk about and I think you’re the only person I can trust with it. I know it’s askin’ a lot, but…”

“Can you come here? My parents won’t be home. They have some thing at the restaurant and are going to stay there until it’s cleaned up. We’ll have privacy to talk.”

“Yeah. Do you want me to grab some dinner? I can get you that sandwich you like from that new place in Easton.”

She giggled. “That would be cool. Shayne, you’re not coming over to try something stupid, are you? I…I can’t do that with you and you know why.”

“It’s not like that. I really need a friend, Lace. Things are all f**ked up.”

“I’ll see you tonight. Any time after four is great.”

“Alright. See you then. Thanks for this.”

“Shayne, it’s fine. I want to be friends with you. We were friends before all of this happened. We need to get back to that.”

“I’ll see you tonight, Lace.”


After we’d hung up, I was too excited to see Lacey. Work went by slow and I couldn’t stop thinking about being close to her again. I knew we weren’t a couple, but in the back of my mind I couldn’t help hoping that I could make her want me again.

Traffic was horrible after work and I didn’t get to her house until after six, after picking up her favorite food. She greeted me with a smile, but offered no hug. I don’t know why I was hoping for one. It wasn’t like she’d missed me, while being shacked up with Joey for the last few weeks.

We sat at the table facing each other during our meal, saying pretty much nothing the entire time. Being in a room with her was a bit uncomfortable. I didn’t know how to begin a conversation, or what would be offensive to her.

After we ate and cleaned up, I grabbed her hand and held it as she looked back at me. “I miss you so much, Lacey.”

She pulled her hand away, but didn’t move. “Shayne, please don’t make this awkward.”

“I’m not. Sorry. I just wanted you to know that.”

“Is that your whole reason for coming? Did you think I’d let you back in so easily?” She stood with her hands on her hips expecting some kind of explanation. “Of course not. I came here because I need advice. My life is so f**ked up right now. I don’t know what I’m doing anymore.”

Lacey leaned against the counter and looked concerned. “Why. What’s wrong now? I thought you had things figured out?”

I covered my face with my hands, unable to look her in the eye. “Ashley’s havin’ twins. We found out a couple days ago. I tried to call you then, but Joey said you were in the shower.”

“You tried to call me? When? I didn’t have any missed calls.”

“Saturday, maybe it was Friday. I don’t remember. He said to stop callin’ you and that I needed to leave you alone.”

“What?” She looked pissed and I couldn’t help but feel glad about it.

“I thought he’d tell you, Lace. I’m not tryin’ to cause problems.” Really, I would have loved to be the reason that she hated him.

She picked up her phone and started dialing and I grabbed it out of her hand. “What are you doin’?”

“I want to know why he lied to me and why your number was erased from my call log. Look at it.” She held up the phone. “There’s not one single call from you.”

“He’s probably jealous of what we have. Think about it. You still love me and it probably bothers him.”

She raised her eyebrow and gave me a look like I shouldn’t have dared to say something so boisterous. “Don’t say that, Shayne.”

“It’s true though, isn’t it? You still love me.”

She wouldn’t look at me. Instead she started washing the dishes.

I leaned over the counter and got her attention. “Your love is what makes me want to keep goin’. Do you know what it’s like livin’ with Ashley? She’s pregnant with twins. I’m a damn mess. Do you know how hard it is knowin’ that you’re f**kin’ someone else? It’s killin’ me, Lace. I keep thinkin’ that if I do all of these nice things, you’ll come back and give me another chance.”

“It doesn’t work that way, Shayne. We can’t be like that again.”
