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Replace Me

Replace Me (Kin #2)(4)
Author: Jennifer Foor

Sky walked back into the room and cuddled up next to her man. “Be nice, Joey. She cared about Shayne.”

“Aunt Viv could have called me. Why are you really here?”

Joey looked around the room. “Your dad mentioned the place next door is for rent. I was thinkin’ about gettin’ my own place. In fact, I just came from checkin’ it out and meetin’ with the landlord. I just stopped by to meet my new neighbors.” He looked back and me and winked. “And their sexy ass friends.”

Ford reached over and punched Joey in the arm. “Are you f**kin’ kiddin’ me? You’re movin’ in next door?”

“As early as tomorrow. You goin’ to sit around mopin’ or help me move my shit in?”

It wasn’t my business, but I had to ask. “Are you two even friends?”

Ford and Joey looked at each other and then back to me. “We’re family!” Ford’s description made Joey laugh.

“We like to compete, but we’re cool.” He added.

We forgot all about the movie that was playing. Sky grabbed the remote and turned down the volume. “I think it will be fun.”

Ford shook his head and finally seemed to relax. He leaned back on the couch and held his beer out to cheers with his cousin. “Welcome to the neighborhood, bro!”

“That’s what I’m talkin’ about!” Joey drank to that and then looked back in my direction. “Hey Sky, so do all your friends look like this one?”

It wasn’t cool that he was speaking to me like I was some object.

“You’re not going to give up are you?” Sky was laughing, leaving me to be the only one in the room that had a problem with the way this jerk was acting towards me.

“I’m not a f**king trophy, you know!”

“Yeah you are. You just don’t know it yet.” He leaned in and ran his stubbly face against my ear. “Give me one night.”

I pulled away and scrunched up my face. “Get a life!”

“Your loss!”

After he finished his beer, Joey got up and left. He said nothing else to me, nor did he even look in my direction. Ford was nice enough to wait until he left to warn me. “Stay away from that one. You think Shayne’s bad, well, he’s worse!”

It was enough of a warning to let me know that I shouldn’t think twice. “Don’t worry about that. There’s no way I’d ever be with someone like him.”

Chapter 3


Partying with my little sister wasn’t exactly my idea of a fun night. Instead of having fun, I found myself feeling like a babysitter. Peyton was wild and she held nothing back. She was the kind of girl that I’d always gone after and I hated that she acted that way, because I knew exactly what guys thought of her.

I don’t even think she cared. Peyton was gorgeous and she didn’t need to ask people how she looked, because she already knew it. Parker complained that all of his girlfriends hated her, because she’d either broken up a past relationship of theirs, or one of their friends.

I watched her getting close to one particular guy and had to clench my fists. She was my sister, my flesh and blood. I didn’t like thinking about what guys wanted to do to her. My natural instinct to protect her was only heightened in situations like this.

While keeping an eye on Peyton, this hot brunette held up a red cup full of beer. “You look like you could use this.”

I grabbed it and smiled. “Yeah, thanks.”

She stood with me and spotted what my eyes were focused on. “She your ex?”

I laughed. “Worse. She’s my sister.”

“Well, it sucks to be you. I mean, she’s hot. I’m a girl and I’d get with her, so I can’t imagine what the guys think.”

All of the sudden my mind did a one-eighty. I felt my beer coming out of my nose as I struggled with what this chick had just admitted to me. “So, are you a lesbian, or somethin’?”

She looked at me with her smoky eyes and bit down on her lip. “I like to keep my options open, depending on what the night brings.”

My dick reacted to her words and I knew that the ball was now in my corner. How could I not be curious about a girl who was admitting to my hottest fantasy. “My name’s Shayne.”


I took another good look at her. Her hair was down to her shoulders and styled wildly over her head, like she’d blown it dry and sprayed it as is. It was hot and with her dark makeup surrounding those gray eyes, I couldn’t help myself. “You live here?” The music was loud, so we found ourselves having to yell to hear each other.

“Off campus. How about you?” She leaned into me so I could listen better.

“I live in Maryland. My brother goes to school here. We’re just visitin’.”

She pulled away and smiled, right before grabbing the waist of my pants and pulling me on the dance floor. She put her arms in the air and turned around, rubbing her ass into my dick. I immediately reciprocated by running my fingers over her tight black t-shirt. Her hands reached back and ran through my hair, so I ducked my head down against her neck.

She smelled like she’d just gotten out of the shower and her shampoo was scented similar to suntan lotion. I felt her fingers trailing across my face right before she turned her body to face me. Her lips were close enough that I could smell the alcohol on her breath. “So my friends over there bet me that I couldn’t take you home with me.”

I looked in the corner and saw the girls quickly try to look in other directions. Suddenly, the challenge went in a different direction. I looked back at Amber and we slowed our pace, even though the music stayed the same. “And if you win the bet, what’s in it for me?” My hands were still around her waist and I played with the edge of her top.

She bit down on her lips again and it made me crazy watching it. “What do you want?”

I leaned into her ear, feeling confident that this was going to be an eventful evening. “That depends.”

She backed away and smiled. “On what?”

“If you like being f**ked hard.” I pulled away from her neck and looked right into her eyes. She kept her stare on me, and I could tell she was considering what her answer was going to be.

She smiled and ran her tongue over her top teeth. “Can my friend come too?” Amber pointed and waved to a petite short haired blonde. When she waved back, already smiling, I knew they were playing me.

I turned to see my sister still grinding on the same guy. “Let me tell my sister I’m leavin’ and we can get this party started.”
