Read Books Novel

Replace Me

Replace Me (Kin #2)(41)
Author: Jennifer Foor

Shayne kissed my thighs, each side the same, before kissing his way to my bellybutton. He drove his tongue in it, like he was tongue-fucking me. Thankfully, I was feeling so good, that it didn’t gross me out like it normally did. He got off on it, so I let him be. I put my elbow behind my head so I could watch him loving on me. His hands came up and cupped my br**sts, just as his mouth sucked up one of my ni**les.

I was wet and ready, thankfully.

Shayne stood up and started removing his clothes. When his boxer briefs came down, he stood at full attention. His length, beat out his girth, and I did get chills imagining him being inside of me. I loved Shayne, but for the life of me, this wasn’t the amazing goodbye that I’d thought it was going to be. It was mediocre, leaving me desperately needing more. Shayne’s focus had changed already and he wanted to be between my legs. In fact, he grabbed them and pulled them to the edge of the bed. Just as he was about to enter me, I pulled away. “What the Hell? Did you change your mind?”

I pointed at his naked shaft. “That gets covered, or this isn’t happening!”

He smiled and tried to come at me on the bed. “Baby, we’ve done it a million times with no rubber.”

I kicked him off me again. “That was before I knew the truth. It was before I knew you slept with those two sluts at Parker’s college.”

He froze and I wondered if he’d lose his erection at that slap of truth.

He didn’t.

Shayne shook his head, but said nothing as he grabbed his pants and pulled out his wallet. Little things like that had never bothered me before, albeit I’d never considered that he kept them in there to hook up with random strangers.

I watched him bite open the condom and felt the burning start in my eyes. I’d changed my mind, but didn’t have the heart to tell him to stop. Shayne leaned down and kissed my lips, but I kept my eyes shut, avoiding letting him see the tears forming. I couldn’t bring myself to hurt him.

He entered me slowly, continuing to kiss me, until I responded. While focusing on his body and the way I’d memorized his physique, things became easier. We grinded together and I wrapped my legs around him. Shayne drove into me, then pulled all the way out. I gasped each time, enjoying the pleasure, finally, as he invaded my sensitive opening again and again.

I threw my head back as his tempo increased. My nails dug into Shayne’s back and I finally opened my eyes. He leaned in and kissed me tenderly, giving me a reminder of the man I loved. He was still in there, masked by another part of him that couldn’t be faithful. I wanted this nurturing man back; the one that called me and shot me a random text for no reason.

Sweat ran down his back as our pace continued. We switched positions and I sat up, riding him, causing a special friction that only this position allowed. Shayne grabbed my ass and dug into my skin. His head arched back and he shut is eyes tightly. I could feel him shooting hot cum into the rubber that separated us.

As he finally finished and regained composure, he pulled me on top of his hot chest. “This can’t be over, babe. I can’t let you go.”

The tears came back instantly. I lifted off of him and sat on the edge of my bed. “Shayne, I’m so sorry. I thought this would help, but it made it worse.”

He grabbed my shoulders and pulled me into his arms. “What are you talkin’ about?”

I looked at him, with warm tears running down my flushed cheeks. “We’re done. Shayne.”

They were the only words I could get out before the sobbing began. The look on his face was agonizing. He’d given me his all, but it wasn’t enough for me to reconsider. It was a terrible shame, but the truth. We were done.

“Lace, please.”

“I hope we can be friends.”

Friends? I threw him that horrible line that everyone used and walked out of my own bedroom. All I wanted to do was disappear. It wasn’t just the pain that I was under. I’d hurt another person, leaving him torn and confused. I knew I couldn’t do this again.

Both of these men needed to leave me alone. I was done with this drama, the worrying and the pain.

I was done with it all.

Chapter 19


I didn’t spend the night at Lacey’s, after she reiterated that it was really over. My last attempt at winning her back had failed. I don’t know if it was the sex, but shortly after, while we were still lying there naked, she let me know the cold truth.

She was done with me and there wasn’t anything else I could do about it.

To drown my sorrows, I headed for the nearest bar. After more drinks than I could count, everything went fuzzy. When I say fuzzy, I mean that I woke up the next morning in a strange place, next to a very naked stranger.

Her arm was wrapped around me and since I was freaking out already, I didn’t want to alarm the girl. Slowly, I eased my way off of the bed, without waking her. Once I found the bathroom, I closed the door and found a pink towel hanging that I wrapped around my waist. In the mirror my reflection shocked the Hell out of me. I had circles under my eyes, which only happened when I hadn’t slept the night before. While splashing water on my face, a petite brunette, with large brown eyes opened the door. “Hey. I was wondering where you went off to.”

“I, um.” I looked down at the pink towel. “Have you seen my clothes?”

“They’re in the living room. You started taking them off before we got in the front door, not that I’m complaining. For someone that drank as much as you, it didn’t affect how you moved in the bedroom.” She looked behind her and smiled. “You better get dressed, loverboy. My sister is here visiting and she’s a bit of a prude. If she wakes up and sees a guy wrapped up in the towels she bought me last Christmas, she will freak the f**k out.”

I looked down at the pink towel and raise an eyebrow. “Help me get all my clothes and you can have the towel. No offense, but I need to get the f**k out of here. I’m late for work and my dad’s goin’ to kick my ass.”

“He called earlier. I shot him a text back that you were too sick, throwing up with the runs. He said to stay home and keep that shit away from his workplace.”

Surprisingly, I smiled, impressed that this stranger had not only offered me a good time, but covered for me when I wasn’t able to do it for myself. “Thanks.”

She smiled and ran her hand over my chest. “There’s a pack of toothbrushes in the cabinet. My sister is famous for forgetting hers. Anyway, help yourself. I’ll be right back with your stuff.”
