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Replace Me

Replace Me (Kin #2)(52)
Author: Jennifer Foor

That person was me and it gave me chills to think about it. As his thrusts continued, I watched him, envisioning our first moments together, before he’d let me in. It didn’t matter that it had been about the sex, or trying to forget my problems. We were here, together, because I couldn’t stand imagining my life without this man.

This time, when my body began to shake, it was because I was crying.

I was crying for this beautiful man that I’d almost let slip out of my life. Tears ran down my cheeks realizing how close I’d been to losing him and how happy I was to be here, in his arms where I needed to be.

Joey grabbed my shoulders and jarred his body forcefully against mine one final time. His eyes closed and his head fell back as he shot his hot cum into me for the fifth time in one night.

He collapsed on top of me, finally giving in to the reality that we hadn’t yet slept. I held him tightly, ignoring the sweat that covered our bodies. As I started to sob, he lifted his head and looked at me, curiously. “What’s wrong, Lace?”

“I almost lost you,” I cried out. “I’m just so happy to be here with you, Joey. I’m sorry for staying away and fighting what was really happening between us. I should have trusted you, listened to you more.”

He wiped my tears away with both of his thumbs. “Stop cryin’. It’ ain’t your fault. I could have been clearer, but I wasn’t sure how to be. It ain’t like I’ve been in this situation before.”

I nodded. “I know.”

His lips pressed against mine and he held them there. When he pulled away, we were looking right into each other’s eyes. “I thought you were usin’ me to forget Shayne. I didn’t want to admit my feelin’s to someone that didn’t want me back. Leavin’ was easier.”

“No,” I shook my head. “It wasn’t easier. I thought you didn’t want to see me anymore. I stayed away because I was afraid that it was easy for you to forget me. It hurt me so much. I thought that sleeping with Shayne sent you over the edge and you decided that you didn’t want me anymore, in any way.”

He rubbed my cheek and smiled. “It was the opposite. When you told me that you slept with him, I felt like I couldn’t breathe. My damn stomach hurt so much and I wanted to hurt him so bad. That was so hard for me, Lace, hearin’ you say that you gave yourself to another man; a man you loved.”

He was right. I had loved Shayne, in a way that was so different than the way I loved Joey. “I know you won’t understand this, but I slept with him because I wanted the closure. I did it because I knew that there was something happening with us. Sleeping with Shayne had nothing to do with love. It was about saying goodbye to something that I’d held onto for too long.”

He shook his head and looked confused. “Are goodbye f**ks somethin’ that normal couples do?”

I shrugged. “It was a mistake.”

Joey rolled off of me, grabbed a towel and stuck it between my legs, before pulling me close to him again. “You’re here now.”

I reached up and touched his lips with my fingertips. He kissed them, while keeping his eyes focused on me. “I’m so sorry I hurt you. If I would have known how you really felt, I never would have touched him again. I swear I wouldn’t.”

“Lacey, Shayne still wants you, that’s no secret. If you gave him another chance…”

I pressed my fingers over his lips. “Shh, it’s never going to happen.”

We got more comfortable, laying on our sides and facing each other. Joey played with my fingers, lacing them together and tickling my palm. “I’m goin’ to f**k up at some point, because I’ve got no idea how to be in a relationship.”

“You’re doing great.” I could feel myself dosing off. The sun was in full view out the window and I knew I couldn’t fight it much longer.

He brought my hand to his lips and held it there. I closed my eyes, letting myself fall into somber.

“I’m so in love with you,” were the last words I heard him saying.

Chapter 25


I decided to take Ash to the beach, where there were many outlets to shop. We arrived and had lunch before we got started. Ash’s appetite had not only increased, but she ate anything in sight. We shared an appetizer and talked about our shopping list when out of the corner of my eye, I recognized two girls sitting together.

Megan and her sister sat there, peering over at me. I waved out of courtesy and got a dirty look from Megan and a smile from Rachel. Ash turned around to see what I was looking at and both girls looked away quickly. “Friends of yours?”

I chuckled and took a sip of my soda. “I don’t know if you would call it that. I hooked up with one and tried with the other, not knowing they were sisters. The one was a bitch, but her sister seems like a good time. It happened that night Lacey said we were over. I was drunk and don’t remember shit about it.”

Ash shook her head and laughed at me. “Do you even know how many women you’ve slept with?”

I shrugged. “Yeah. I might not know all their names, but I think I remember all of them.”

She talked with a mouth full of food, showing me how comfortable we were together. “I guess I’m a big c**k block. If you want a night to yourself, I can go stay at my parent’s house.”

I chuckled. “You’re fine, Ash. It ain’t like I hook up with someone different every night. Besides, I’m tryin’ to be better.”

“You don’t have to change your life because of all this. You deserve to be happy too.”

As much as I appreciated her giving me my space, the truth was that Ashley’s predicament kept me busy. It was finally feeling like it was going to be alright. I’d be a good uncle and no matter what, I’d always be there for them. “I’m where I need to be, right now, Ash.”

Our meals came and we started eating and getting back to small talk when Rachel walked up to our table. “Hey, Shayne.”

I looked up at her standing there. “Hey. You visitin’ your sister?”

She looked back at her sister putting on a coat. “Yeah. So how have you been? Is this your girlfriend?”

“No.” Ash began to laugh. She sat back and rubbed her stomach, displaying a small baby bump.

Rachel’s eyes got huge. “Oh my God. Are you two having a kid?”

Ashley said “no’, while I said “yes.” We both looked at each other.
