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Replace Me

Replace Me (Kin #2)(53)
Author: Jennifer Foor

I looked back at Rachel. “Yeah, it’s a long story. This is my roommate Ashley. Ashley this is Rachel.”

They smiled and greeted each other. I could tell Rachel was confused and honestly, so was I. I couldn’t believe that I’d just come out and said that I was the father, to someone that obviously wanted to hook up again. What was wrong with me?

“You should give me a call sometime. We’ll hang out again.”

Megan walked up to her sister and grabbed her arm. “How many times have I told you to stay away from this guy?”

“Hi, Megan,” I said as I motioned a wave.

She curled her upper lip. “Hello and goodbye, Shayne.”

It drove me nuts that she hated me so much. Without thinking, I stood up and grabbed her arm. “Can I talk to you alone for a second?”

Rachel looked as shocked as I felt. Megan pulled her arm away from me. “No! There’s nothing you can say to me that I would find amusing.”

I looked at Rachel and then back to her sister. “I need to tell you somethin’. Please.”

She rolled her eyes and we walked outside, while Rachel lingered somewhere behind us. Once she headed toward the car, Megan turned around to face me. “What do you want, Shayne?”

“Why do you hate me?”

“Really? You wanted to get me alone to ask me that? Dude, you slept with my sister. You sleep with everyone. It’s disgusting!”

“I’m not that bad.” It wasn’t like I really slept with everyone. I had limits.

“Look, I don’t know why you want to talk to me, and I don’t even care. Please leave me alone, Shayne. I don’t want to be your friend and I want you to stay away from my sister. She doesn’t need any diseases.”

I crossed my arms over my chest and stared right at her. “That’s cold. I don’t have diseases. I just thought maybe we could start over. I’m not the bad guy you think I am.”

She pointed back toward the restaurant. “You’re here with a pregnant chick, that you claim is carrying your child, yet you’re out here, trying to hit on me.”

“I’m not hittin’ on you.”

She crossed her arms like mine. “Whatever. Can I go now?”

“Ash is a friend. We live together. I’m not the father, but the real one doesn’t want to claim responsibility, so I promised to take care of her. In fact, we’re here shopping for the nursery.”

She seemed shocked. “What’s in it for you?”

I threw my hands in the air. “Nothin’. I’m tryin’ to be a good friend to her. She needs help. You still think I’m the devil?”

Megan looked down at the ground. “Are you telling me the truth? You’re really going to take responsibility for a baby that isn’t yours?”

“Twins. She’s havin’ twins.”

That shocked her even more.

“Megan, I’m not trying to sleep with you. If I just wanted to get laid, your sister is practically spreadin’ her legs waitin’. I don’t want that. I’m sorry I hooked up with her. Lacey had kicked me out of her life and I was all f**ked up about it. Your sister found me at the bar and took me home. I woke up, not knowing what happened or where I was. I swear. I know you probably don’t believe me, but that night we stayed up talkin’ meant a lot to me. You’re a nice girl and I just want a chance to be your friend.”

She shook her head and looked away. “This is weird, Shayne. Don’t you have friends at home? Why me?”

“You’re different. I want a friend who is neutral. I’m related to most of mine and I live with Ashley.”

“So you two must have benefits living in that situation.”

“I’ve never touched her. You can go right inside and ask her that. She dated my cousin for years and I’d feel wrong about bein’ with her that way. She’s a real cool girl, who has gone through Hell. She lost her best friend and the love of her life, then ended up pregnant after a one-night-stand.”

“That sucks.”

“Yeah. We’re both pretty f**ked up.”

Megan took a step toward me. “I don’t like you, Shayne, but I’m wondering if maybe you aren’t as bad as I assumed. I suppose that if you’re serious about needing a friend, you could call me from time to time. If you keep your distance, I will consider answering. I will never forget seeing you with my sister, nor will there ever be a chance of us getting together.”

I put my hands up like I was surrendering. “That’s cool. I’ll prove to you that I’m not the guy you think I am.” Sure, in the back of my mind I was picturing kissing her and getting her into bed. I was a man and I had needs. First I needed to convince her that I wasn’t the devil. She was a nice girl and I was willing to take my time to get to know her. “So, I guess you’ll be hearin’ from me.”

“Whatever. Look, I’m not telling my sister about this. She thinks you’re awesome and it sort of repulses me, since she knows nothing about you.”

This girl fought for her innocence. She was a challenge and it made me want to know her more. I wanted to know why she’d never given herself to someone. “I can’t change the past.”

“Have fun shopping, Shayne. If I don’t ever talk to you again, good luck with the twins.”

I watched her get into her car before heading back into the restaurant. Ashley was picking at my plate when I sat down. I lightly smacked her hand away. “Lay off my fries.”

She laughed. “They were gettin’ cold.”

“I’m starvin’.”

“How did that go? She seemed like she wanted to rip off your balls.”

“I think she still does.” I popped a couple fries in my mouth before continuing. “I met Megan a while back and we stayed up all night just talkin’. She’s a virgin and really serious about her values. She hates me for sleepin’ with her sister. I was tryin’ to make peace.”

“She thinks we’re together doesn’t she?”

I shrugged. “It don’t matter. I’m pretty sure she’ll never talk to me again.”

“You like her don’t you? The one you didn’t sleep with?”

“Yeah, she’s different.”

Ashley smiled, but kept her opinions to herself. I knew it was a slim chance I’d ever talk to the girl again, so it wasn’t worth talking about it. “Can I get dessert?”
