Revenge (Page 51)

The more Tiny heard, the angrier he became. Everett was supposed to take her, torture her, rape her, kill her, then deliver her back to Tiny at the clubhouse bit by bit.

When he could stand no more, Tiny went to kill the man. Lash got there first. With a twist of his hands, Everett’s neck was snapped.

The sound echoed through the room.

“Gonzalez has turned the tables on us,” Devil said.

“Yeah, he’s going for our women now.” Tiny stared at the man. The last time he killed one of Gonzalez’s men, Tate had ended up in the hospital. He hoped more than anything that it didn’t happen this time.

“What are we going to do?” Butch asked. “He’s going to be expecting Everett to call. What do we do when he doesn’t answer?”

Devil’s cell phone rang, interrupting the moment. “Shit, I’ve got to take this.”

Tiny stared at the body. He didn’t want to put the club women or his own woman at risk. This was going to get worse if Everett didn’t call back.

“I need to think,” Tiny said.

All he could see was Eva, raped, beaten, and being delivered to him bit by bit. He couldn’t let that happen. She was the love of his life, and it would drive him insane.

“I’ve got to go back to Piston County,” Devil said, appearing back in the kitchen.

“What?” Tiny asked, turning to glare at his friend. He wasn’t in the mood to be playing around. This shit had been bought to Fort Wills because of Devil. His wife had been in danger because of Devil and his crew.

“They’ve found Kayla. She’s been pinned to the gate of the clubhouse. I’ve got to go back and identify her body.”

Kayla Howard was Lexie’s sister and the real mother to Simon, Devil’s son.

“You can’t go back now. You’ve got to stay here so that we can deal with what’s just happened.” He pointed at a dead Everett.

“I know, and I’ve got shit to take care of.”

Grabbing the first thing nearest him, Tiny threw it across the room. The cup shot past Devil’s head and smashed into the wall.

“You brought this crap to me, and now you’re running off back to you town like a f**king coward.”

“Don’t you f**king say that shit,” Devil said, yelling. “I’ve come to your aid every f**king chance I’ve got. I’m not turning my back on you. I’m going to clean up a mess that has occurred. My woman’s sister is f**king dead. I told that bitch to stay gone and she’d live. She’s just turned up f**king dead, and I bet it has this bastard’s stamp on it.”

“You leave now and I swear we’re f**king finished,” Tiny said, losing control. He was done with Devil, his shit, and his crew.

Devil started to laugh. “You really think our friendship will be over? Are you even listening to yourself, or is this Alex speaking? The jumped up businessman who thinks he can run a club.”

“This is all me. You walk out of here, and I swear, that’s it. You can take your shit and get the f**k out of Fort Wills. You and Chaos Bleeds will not be welcome here ever again.”

Tiny wasn’t in the mood to be tested.

“Boss?” Zero asked.

“No, I don’t give a f**k what anyone says. You leave Fort Wills now and consider us through.”

Devil folded his arms. “What about our women? They get along, Tiny.”

“I don’t give a f**k what they do. We’re through, and Eva will do what I ask. She’s my woman, and I’m the one who she should agree to.”

“You’re f**king insane,” Devil said. “Gonzalez has you freaked out, and you’re acting like a pu**y who hasn’t lost anything. You’re the one losing control here, Tiny. You’re too old to deal with the club.”

He charged at the other man, tackling Devil to the ground. They fought each other, their men staying out of the way as they started to land blows. Devil kicked him off, and together they got to their feet.

“You think I’ve lost control of my club?”

“Alex runs this f**king place, not you. You’ve got no chance of making the tough decisions. You’re too much of a pu**y.” Devil slammed his fist against Tiny’s face. Blocking some of the blow, Tiny punched Devil in the stomach. Pushing him out of the kitchen, he charged him into the dining room. The table collapsed beneath their weight as they fought. In the back of his mind, Tiny thought about his woman. Eva was going to be so pissed at him.

“Tiny, you’ve got to stop this,” Lash said.

He wasn’t listening. This f**ker was supposed to be his friend, and he’d brought death to his door and was now leaving him to clean up the mess.

After minutes passed, Lash and Pussy got between the two.

“I want you out of my f**king town. Take your whores and get out.”

Lash had to fight Pussy as he went to attack him. “Don’t you call my woman a f**king whore.”

“No, boys, round your shit up and grab your women. We’re out of this town.” Devil glared at him. He was sporting a black eye, and blood was dripping down his nose. “You’re going to regret this.” Devil pointed his finger at him. Tiny didn’t stop until Devil was out of sight.

“Go with him and make sure they don’t destroy the club.” Tiny pointed at Lash to get him out of the house.

While the rest of his men cleared away the body, Tiny sat in the sitting room, staring straight ahead of him. The hours passed, and silence soon descended in the house.

The front door opened, and Eva appeared in front of him. She wore a pair of blue jeans and a white shirt.

“What that f**k happened?” Eva asked. “Devil came and got his club and Lexie. Apparently you’ve kicked him out of the town and told him to take his whores with him.”

She knelt in front of him.

“He’s gone home to take care of his own shit. I don’t need him here, and he can go and f**k himself.”

“You’re not thinking clearly, Tiny. We need Devil and the crew. You’ve got to mend fences.”

“No, I don’t. I’m sick and tired of dealing with his shit. I took out the bastard who hurt us, and I almost got Tate killed. Devil went to pick a fight, and we’ve been attacked at every turn. Gonzalez was not my enemy until Devil brought them to our town. He stayed to deal with this shit until Gonzalez was in the ground. Devil’s decided to leave, and now I’m f**king done.”

He ran a hand down his face, feeling incredibly tired.