Read Books Novel

Secret Life of a Vampire

"They're headed to the chapel for Mass," Howard explained. "I'll fast-forward."

Lara noticed Howard was wearing the same sort of clothes that Carlos had been wearing at the townhouse. "Are you wearing a uniform?"

"Yes. For MacKay guards."

"I've never seen Jack wear the uniform."

"Jack's one of our top investigators, and he works under cover a lot. He can do pretty much whatever he wants." Howard punched a button on the remote control. "You'll see them coming out of the chapel soon."

"It strikes me as a bit odd to have a church service here."

Howard shrugged. "Roman likes to do it. Okay, here they come." Howard motioned to the monitor as everyone exited the chapel. Most of them went into a room on the right. "That's the fellowship hall where we go for refreshments. There's no camera in there."

Lara spotted Jack in front of the chapel, talking to the kilted Scotsman she'd met at the wedding. Robby. The two of them strolled into the fellowship hall. The time in the corner of the screen said twenty-two hours. It looked like Jack did indeed have an alibi.

The older woman showed up on the monitor displaying the hall outside the nursery. She was walking with the baby in her arms, and the little boy was skipping by her side. They soon appeared in the monitor outside the chapel. The little boy jumped into his daddy's arms. Roman Draganesti hugged the boy, and Shanna took the baby. They were a lovely family and looked so normal.

All the people seemed normal and nice. Lara wondered if she was being too suspicious where Jack was concerned. Maybe she should just relax and enjoy being attracted to him.

She blinked when Jack suddenly walked into the hall. He had a glass in his hand, and he sipped from it. At last! Proof that Jack actually drank.

She pressed closer to the screen. "What is he drinking? Wine?"

The screen went blank.

"What-?" She glanced back at Howard and saw him set the remote control down on his desk.

"I assume that was enough to prove his alibi." He typed on his keyboard, and the monitors went back to real time. "Now would you like to see the information Jack compiled last night?"

"Yes, I would. Thank you."

"It's all in here." Howard picked up a laptop and strode toward the door. "You can use the conference room across the hall."

Lara grabbed her handbag to follow Howard and glanced back at the monitors. Was she just being paranoid, or had he tried to keep her from seeing something?


Lara sat at the end of the long conference table and waited for the computer to boot up.

Howard hovered at the door. "Do you need anything to write on? Maybe something to drink?"

"I'll be fine, thank you." She did a double take at the computer screen. The desktop was surprisingly bare. There was only one non-system file, and it was labeled Apollo.

"I need to make a round," Howard said. "I'll check on you in fifteen minutes." He strode away, leaving the door wide open.

Security was certainly a priority around here. Lara turned her attention back to the computer. Jack had made sure there was nothing on this laptop pertaining to Romatech Industries or MacKay Security and Investigation. He obviously didn't want her trying to snoop around their business. What could they be hiding?

She'd gotten the feeling that Howard hadn't really liked her being in the security office or looking at the surveillance tapes. And what was the deal with all those weapons, especially the swords? She sighed. More questions to ask Jack.

At least he wasn't trying to hide anything from her regarding the Apollo case. Lara clicked on Apollo and two folders came up titled Negative and Positive. She opened the Negative file and found a brief description of five local women who had been kidnapped. She scanned down the page and realized they were all the wrong age or wrong hair color for Apollo.

She opened the Positive folder and gaped at the screen. There were twenty more folders. Jack had uncovered all this information in one night?

She opened the first folder and found a photo and brief report. A female student with dark auburn hair had disappeared from NYU last month. April.

Lara opened the second folder. A strawberry blonde had vanished from NYU the year before in June. The third folder showed Brittney Beckford from Columbia University, who had disappeared last July. The fourth and fifth folders showed two redheaded students who'd gone missing from Syracuse University.

Was Apollo kidnapping a new girl every month? Lara double-checked the dates. Each girl had disappeared on the fourth Saturday of each month.

How could something so blatant and horrible slip by the authorities? Apollo must be using mind control to cover his tracks so well that no one realized what was happening. In fact, most of these girls were merely listed as runaways. Thank God this criminal was finally coming to the attention of the police.

Lara frowned. Jack had worked awfully hard on this, but it wasn't his case to solve. It was a police matter.

She winced as she scanned the report in the sixth folder. The girl had been a student at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. The seventh girl was missing from Princeton, New Jersey. If Apollo was kidnapping girls across state lines, then the case belonged to the FBI.

Even so, she had to hand it to Jack. He was one hell of an investigator. She wasn't even halfway through all the folders, and she was skimming through them fast. She needed hard copies of all these reports so she could compare them to one another. And she needed hours to study the material.

What she needed was a copy of all this. She started to e-mail herself the entire Apollo folder, then hesitated. Would Jack mind? Surely not. He'd said in his phone message that he meant to show her all this information. They were working the case together. She clicked on Send.


She jumped in her chair and spotted a little blond-headed boy at the door. He looked like the boy from the surveillance video. "Hello."

He tugged at his blue-and-green-striped T-shirt. "My name is Tino."

Of course. Constantine Draganesti. "How do you do? I'm Lara Boucher."

He gave her an angelic smile. "I heard about you."

"Great." She turned off the laptop and rose to her feet.

"Tino!" a woman's voice called. "Oh, there you are." An older woman appeared in the doorway and noticed Lara. "I'm sorry. I hope Tino wasn't disturbing you."

"No, not at all." Lara approached them. "I'm Lara Boucher."

"Oh, I've heard about you."

Not again. Lara extended a hand. "How do you do?"

"Very well. My name is Radinka." She shook hands and didn't let go. She peered closely at Lara, then smiled. "Yes. You and Jack will be very happy."

"Excuse me?"

Radinka released her hand, then yelled over her shoulder. "Shanna, you'll never guess who's here."

"Coming." A woman emerged from the nursery, pushing a baby stroller. She was blonde and a little plump from having recently given birth. The babe was a tiny newborn with pink, delicate skin and a fuzzy cap of black hair.

Lara leaned over the stroller for a closer look. "What a beautiful baby." A girl, she figured, from the baby's delicate features. The pink blanket was another clue. She raised her gaze to the baby's mother. "Hi. I'm Lara Boucher."

"Oh. I've heard about you."

"That's what they all say," Lara muttered.

Shanna laughed. "Don't worry. It was all good. By the way, I'm Shanna. My daughter's Sofia. And you met my son, Constantine?"

"Yes." Lara smiled at the little rosy-cheeked boy.

"She's the one for Jack," Radinka announced.

Lara gulped. "I-I wouldn't say that. I hardly know him."

"Well, we'll just have to gossip about him then, won't we?" Shanna's eyes sparkled with humor. "Robby said you were very pretty. He was definitely right."

"Connor said you were trouble," Constantine added.

"Tino." Shanna frowned at her son, then turned to Lara. "Connor's just worried about Jack getting hurt. We're all sorta like family around here. Would you like to have supper with us? We were just headed for the cafeteria."

"I'm gonna have macaroni and cheese!" Tino pranced around the hall.

"I'd love to come, but Howard might expect me to stay put." Lara motioned toward the conference room.

"Oh, don't worry about that." Shanna waved a dismissive hand. "He'll see you on the monitor and know you're with us. Come on."

Lara grabbed her handbag, shut the conference-room door, and accompanied them down the hall toward the foyer. She hadn't eaten yet, so she was hungry, and she was eager to hear some of the gossip Shanna had referred to. At the same time, she figured she'd better eat light. Jack had a date planned for later that night, and it might involve dinner. And other things...

They went down the length of the foyer, then turned right, then left, then another left. The halls were lined with windows on one side, and Lara realized they were circling around a courtyard and landscaped area. The setting sun cast a glare off the windows and lit up the bright red and pink geraniums that bloomed in pots around the courtyard.

In the nearly empty cafeteria, they settled at a table with the baby stroller parked at one end next to Shanna. Lara sat across from her and ate a small salad while she admired the two-week-old baby.

"You want to see what I can do?" Tino asked.

"Of course." Lara figured the little boy wanted some attention, too.

"Tino." Shanna shook her head, frowning.

"Oh. Okay." His shoulders slumped, and he pushed his macaroni around his plate.

Shanna watched him, still frowning, then her face brightened. "I know. You wiggled your ears the other day. You can show Lara that."

Tino sat up, grinning. "Yeah." He turned to Lara. "You want to see?"

"I'd love to." Lara laughed when the little boy's ears moved slightly. "That's amazing. I was never able to do that."

"I can read, too," Tino boasted.

"That's wonderful." Lara pushed back her empty salad bowl. "How old are you?"

"I was two in March." Constantine gulped down some milk,

Two? Lara would have guessed he was more like four, but then she didn't know very much about children.

Sofia suddenly let out a wail, and Shanna lifted her from the stroller. "There, there." She paced around the table, cuddling the baby. "You just had your dinner. Can't you let your mama have hers?"

Lara realized Shanna was only halfway through her meal. Radinka wasn't finished either. She pushed back her chair and stood. "I'll hold the baby."

"Oh, thank you." Shanna transferred the baby to Lara's arms. "She likes to be carried around. I guess it reminds her of being inside of me."

"I don't remember being inside you, Mama," Tino said.

Shanna chuckled as she sat down to finish her supper. "You used to roll around, doing somersaults."

"Cool." Tino attacked a bowl of red Jell-O cubes.

Lara strolled slowly around the table, enjoying the incredible softness of the baby against her chest. Sofia gazed up at her with clear blue eyes. Lara smoothed a hand over the baby's head and felt the downy black hair. Jack's children would have hair like this.

She sighed. What on earth was she doing, imagining Jack's future children? As crazy as it was, she couldn't seem to get too upset. There was something about holding this baby that made her feel very calm inside.

"You're good with children." Shanna scooped some mashed potatoes into her mouth. "Jack is, too."

"He would make an excellent father." Radinka pointed her fork at Lara to add emphasis.

Lara snorted, but she couldn't help but smile. "You two are a couple of matchmakers. But as good-looking as Jack is, I doubt he needs any help in the romance department." She hoped they would come back with something like Jack hasn't been seeing anyone for years. Jack's been as chaste as a ninety-year-old monk.

Shanna reached for her glass of iced tea. "I have to admit, Jack is a very good-looking man."

"Youth," Radinka muttered and shook her head as she cut up the last of her steak. "What's really important is character. Jack is a good man. He's kind, loyal, and dependable."

That sounded all fine and dandy, but Lara still wondered how many busloads of women had chased after Jack. She continued to walk around the table. "I suppose a guy with both good looks and good character would have a lot of women pursuing him."

"I suppose he would." Shanna's eyes twinkled.

Lara blushed. She was so obviously fishing.

Shanna chuckled. "Don't worry. I've never known Jack to have a girlfriend. He always comes to parties alone."

Lara's lungs expanded with a breath of joy.

"But of course, once he arrives, he flirts something terrible with all the women," Shanna added wryly.

Lara coughed when her throat suddenly constricted.

"He's just being kind," Radinka insisted. "He flirted with me at the spring Gala Ball and even asked me to waltz with him. I knew he was just being polite, but still, it made me feel wonderful. Like I was forty years younger."

"How long have you known him?" Lara asked.

"Since I started working here," Radinka said. "About eighteen years now. I used to be Roman's assistant."

"But then I stole her." Shanna looked fondly at Radinka, then turned to Lara. "I met Jack three years ago at my wedding. He goes to all the weddings and parties."
