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Secret Life of a Vampire

"He's an excellent dancer," Radinka added.

Shanna nodded. "And a good friend. When Angus and Emma were in trouble, he came to help. He helped Ian and Toni, too."

Lara knew who Ian was, but she wondered about the other people. Still, she didn't want to veer off the topic of Jack. "I know he's a sweet guy, but there are some... odd things about him. Exceptional things."

"Like exceptional good looks?" Shanna asked with a sly grin.

"And exceptional loyalty," Radinka said.

"And exceptional availability," Shanna added.

Lara stopped pacing and faced them. "I realize you may not know this, but... Jack has some strange powers. He can actually teleport and move super fast."

Radinka patted her mouth with her napkin, then carefully folded it. "We know about that, dear." She gave Lara a pointed look. "We also know you have nothing to fear from him."

"That's true," Shanna said quietly. "I'm sure Jack's abilities must seem awfully strange to you, but please don't let it scare you away. What really matters is how he uses his powers, and he always uses them for good. You can trust him, Lara."

Was it that simple? Could she just accept him the way he was and trust him? Apparently, Shanna and Radinka did. Lara was tempted to, but at the same time, she wanted answers. And she wanted Jack to trust her enough to give her those answers.

"Well, speak of the devil..." Shanna nodded her head toward the cafeteria entrance.

Lara whirled around and saw Jack standing at the open door. Her heart lurched in her chest. He was definitely exceptional. He was everything she'd ever wanted in a man. You can trust him, Lara.

He walked toward her slowly. He was dressed in faded jeans, a black T-shirt, and black leather jacket. His hair was still damp and combed back from his face. Dark whiskers shaded his jaw. He looked as if he'd hurried here as quickly as possible. His gaze drifted to the babe in her arms, then returned to her face with a heated, golden gleam. She stepped toward him as if drawn by a magnet.

"Oh yes," Radinka announced behind her. "Those two will be very happy."

Lara halted as heat invaded her face. She knew the amused smirk on Jack's face meant he had overheard Radinka's remark.

"Here, I'll take Sofia." Shanna rushed over to relieve her of the baby.

"Hi, Jack!" Constantine ran up to him, and Jack swung him into his arms.

"Hey, buddy. How's it going?" He tousled the little boy's blond curls.

Tino leaned close and whispered loudly, "Radinka says Lara is the one for you."

Lara bit her lip as she grew increasingly annoyed. These people acted like she would automatically fling herself into Jack's arms. It wasn't like the man was irresistible. She could resist him.

On what planet? An inner voice chided her.

Radinka shook her head as she stacked their empty dishes onto a food tray. "If only I could find the one for my son."

"I don't think Gregori's ready to settle down," Shanna whispered.

"Well, he'd better hurry it up," Radinka grumbled. "I won't live forever, and I want to see some grandchildren."

"How are you, ladies?" Jack set Tino down, then gave Shanna and Radinka each a peck on the cheek. "How is Sofia?"

"She's fine." Shanna smiled. "We dragged Lara to supper with us so we could gossip shamelessly about you."

"I see." He turned to Lara, and the corners of his mouth curled up. "Bellissima, you never cease to surprise me. I didn't expect you to come to Romatech."

She shrugged. "I wanted to get some work done on the case."

"And you checked my alibi for Saturday night."

She lifted her chin. "Yes, I did. It's standard procedure."

His eyes twinkled with humor. "Did I pass?"

"I believe so."

"That's good. I wouldn't want you going on a date with a criminal." He drew closer to her as his gaze wandered over her blue sundress, bare legs, and white sandals. "You look very beautiful tonight."

"Thank you." She forgot to stay annoyed. It was hard enough not to automatically fling herself into his arms.

He touched her arm where it was covered with the white crocheted shrug. "This is pretty, but it may not be warm enough for where we're going."

"Where are we going?"

He smiled. "Not to worry, love. I'm sure we can find something warmer for you." He turned to the others and inclined his head. "Ciao, ladies, Tino. I must steal Lara away from you now."

There was an old-fashioned courtesy about the way he bowed. Lara groaned inwardly. Those words old-fashioned kept popping up. She grabbed her white handbag and looked at Shanna and Radinka. "It was nice to meet you."

Shanna patted her on the shoulder. "I have a feeling we'll be seeing you again."

"Definitely." Radinka nodded. "Enjoy your date."

"Oh, we have business to take care of, too," Lara said. "Police business."

Radinka snorted and muttered, "You mean monkey business."

"Can I have a cookie?" Constantine hopped around the table, obviously not in need of any sugar.

"Scusi, signorini." Jack bowed again, then with a light touch on Lara's back, he ushered her from the cafeteria. "I was halfway through my breakfast when Carlos told me that Howard had called and you were here, waiting for me. I came as quickly as I could."

"Thank you. I left a message on your cell phone, too."

"I heard it." He smiled at her as they started down the hallway. "I'm delighted you want to go on a date."

She shrugged. "It's just for a few hours, right? Then we'll get back to work."

"As you wish. Howard said he showed you the laptop."

"Yes. I was amazed by how much information you discovered. It's very impressive."

"Grazie." He turned right and led her into another hallway. "I am determined to find Apollo as soon as possible. I believe he kidnaps a new girl on the fourth weekend of each month."

"I noticed that, too. In a few weeks, he'll strike again."

Jack nodded. "We'll catch him before that."

We? Lara bit her lip. She hated to tell Jack that this was strictly a matter for the police and FBI, especially after all the hard work he'd done. "You know, I go back to patrolling the streets on Wednesday."

Jack halted. "You'll work at night?"

"Yep. Looks like we'll both be working the graveyard shift."

He frowned. "I won't be able to see you very much."

He would miss her? Lara liked the thought of that. "Don't worry. I get a night or two off each week. I might even agree to go out with you again, although that'll depend on whether tonight's date is any good." She gave him a teasing smile.

His frown deepened. "I hope it'll be good. I wanted to share something special with you. A place that I care deeply about."

"Oh." Her smile faded. "Okay."

"But we'll be limited in how long we can stay there." He glanced around the hall. "If it's all right with you, I think we should leave right away."

"Really?" She watched as he opened a door and peeked inside.

"Oh, sorry." He'd interrupted someone at work. He strode down the hall to the next door. "We can always work on the Apollo case later. I've already made a lot of progress, don't you think?"

"Yes, you have." She frowned as he opened the door to a storeroom and peered inside. "Did you lose something?"

"I just don't want us to be seen. Come. This will do."

He caught her arm and dragged her into the storeroom.

Was this his idea of a date? Making out in a closet? She had a brief glimpse of shelves filled with office supplies before Jack shut the door and enclosed them in darkness. "Whoa. I thought we were going someplace special."

"We are, bellissima. I have it all planned out." He wrapped his arms around her. "Gianetta and Mario are very eager to meet you."

"Who are they?"

"They take care of the palazzo for me."

She swallowed hard. "But that's in Venice."

"Yes." He brushed her cheek with his knuckles. "That's where we're going."

Her mouth fell open, then snapped shut as she shook her head in disbelief. "We can't go to Venice. It's about a ten-hour flight, isn't it?"

"We'll need to hurry. We have about three hours at the most."

"Before the plane leaves?" The reality of the situation finally caught up with her. "Then what are we doing here?" Her heart started to race. This was so sudden. And so exciting. "I need to go home and pack. I need my passport." She pushed away from him to get to the door.

He pulled her back so suddenly, her handbag tumbled to the floor. "Bellissima, we're leaving now."

A sudden suspicion snaked through her, and the tiny hairs on the back of her neck rose. "What-what do you mean?"

"I need you to trust me." He wrapped his arms around her tight.

Her skin chilled in spite of the warmth of his body. "Why are we in this closet?"

"So no one will see us teleport."

Lara gasped. "No."

"Yes. You saw me do it before. It's perfectly safe."

"It's perfectly crazy!" She pushed against his chest.

"Lara." He held her by the shoulders. "I would never do this if it could hurt you. I care for you too much to let anything harm you."

He cared? Her heart melted. Unfortunately, the rest of her was still freaked out. "I don't know how to teleport. It scares me. What if I get put back together all wrong?"

"You'll be fine. As long as you're in my arms, you'll be safe."

She swallowed hard. "Wouldn't a plane be safer?"

"Cara mia, we could be in Venice in two seconds."

"That seems hard to believe. And for someone who's been pretending to be normal for the last two weeks, you're suddenly okay with showing me your true self?"

"Yes." He eased his arms around her. "It's a step forward, don't you think?"

He was finally ready to be honest with her? How could she refuse that? "I-I want to move forward."

"Then come with me." He embraced her tightly. "Hang on to me, and don't let go."

She wrapped her arms around his neck and gripped her hands together. "Are you sure this is safe? There aren't any weight restrictions or-"

Everything went black.

She stumbled and blinked as brightly lit candles spun around her, reflecting off gold walls.

"Easy, love." Jack steadied her.

The room stopped spinning, and she realized there were paintings on the walls and ceiling, all outlined with gleaming gold-leaf stucco work. Candles glowed in golden wall sconces and from three ornate chandeliers. Antique furniture was clustered around an enormous fireplace with a marble mantelpiece.

Her feet were firmly planted on a polished terrazzo floor. This sure wasn't Kansas. "Wow."

Jack released her. "Are you all right?"

She looked around the room again. "Wow."

Jack chuckled. "Welcome to my home." He strode toward some French doors and pushed them open. "And welcome to Venezia."


Jack smiled at the expressions that flitted over Lara's face. Shock transformed into wonder as she gazed around the Great Room. He felt a surge of pride, for the room was impressive when all lit up. Mario and Gianetta weren't very nimble in their old age, so it was probably their grandson, Lorenzo, who had lit all the candles before leaving on his assignment.

A cool breeze swept through the open French doors, causing the flames to flicker and the gold to gleam.

Lara gave him a wry look. "Just a small palazzo, huh?"

He shrugged. "There are over two hundred palazzi in Venezia. It's no big deal."

"Right. Everybody has one." She followed him onto the balcony. "I can't believe it. We're really in Venice?"

"Yes. Venezia." He breathed deeply of the cool, humid air. Candles glowed behind beveled glass on each side of the French doors. A bistro table with two chairs was nestled in the corner of the balcony.

He glanced over the balustrade at the water below. Lights sparkled on it, reflecting the moonlight and lights from neighboring palazzi. The water gate was directly below him on the ground floor. The lamps from the water gate illuminated the red-striped poles in front of his home.

Jack always loved coming home. And now he had someone to share it with. "How do you like it?"

"It's incredible. Very... old." Lara gave him an odd look, then shivered.

"Are you cold?" He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close. "I was afraid it might be too chilly for you. I'll have Gianetta find you something warm."

"Thanks." Lara looked around curiously. "It's not just the cooler weather that's bothering me. I'm in shock that we're actually here, and I'm still freaked out by our mode of transportation."

"It was quick and painless, no?"

"The moment of sheer terror was over quickly, but my confusion is greater than ever. How are you able to do such a thing?"

With a sigh, he stroked her hair. "I really don't know how it works. It's simply a gift, and I'm grateful for it."

"Well, it does beat ten hours on a plane." She turned in his arms so she could look over the balustrade. "I didn't realize the canals were this big."
