Read Books Novel

Shaken Not Stirred

Shaken Not Stirred (Mixology #1)(41)
Author: Alyssa Rose Ivy

Colin laughed. It was the kind of laugh where you could tell that he’d tried to hold it in, but it came out anyway. He also looked ready to throw in a one-liner of his own.

“Be careful, Colin. I can change my mind in that department too.”

“I’m not saying anything.” He mimed zipping his lips.

“That’s the smartest thing you’ve said all night.”


Colin came by work every night but Thursday that week. I’d prepared myself for having both him and Lyle in the same room with me, but it turned out I didn’t need to worry. Instead Colin texted me to tell me he’d be waiting for me when I got off.

True to his word, I found him leaning against his car.

I stopped a few steps away from him. “Any particular reason you’re waiting out here?”

He smiled. “I thought we’d mix things up tonight. I wouldn’t want to let you get bored.”

“Bored? I’m not worried about getting bored.” I closed the distance between us, craving his touch more than I expected.

He wrapped his arms around my waist. “Want to take a ride?”

“A ride? It’s pretty late.”

“Says the person who doesn’t have to get up early for work in the morning.”

“True enough. I’m game.” I brushed my lips against his. “I missed you tonight.”

He opened my door. “Glad to know I was missed.”

“Where are we going exactly?” I buckled my seatbelt.

“Just a place I know.”

“You really need to stop with all this mysterious stuff.”

“Don’t pretend you don’t like it.” He grinned and pulled out onto the road.

“How was work?” I usually avoided the topic, but it seemed like a normal enough question to ask.

“It was all right. Busy though. Maybe one of these days I’ll have time for lunch.”

“Can’t you pack something to bring with you?”

“In theory.”

I shrugged, deciding I didn’t want to lecture him on the downsides of skipping meals. We drove in silence until he turned down a small dirt driveway, stopping in front of a townhouse.

“Where are we?”

“Nags Heads.”

“I know we’re in Nags Head, but where are we exactly?” I gestured to the house.

“This is a new development of ours.”


“I noticed something when I was out here today.” He stepped out of the car and walked around to open my door.

“And this was something you had to show me at night? Do you realize it’s completely dark?”

“Quit complaining. It’s right up your alley.” He took my hand and led me back behind the house. Security lights turned on, illuminating the night. “What do you think?” He nodded toward a large digger parked in the dirt.

“Oh come on.” I pushed him in the arm.

He laughed. “I know how much you like to get it on in farm equipment, and I thought maybe construction equipment worked the same way.”

“I’m never telling you anything again.”

“Oh please. It’s funny.” He wrapped me up in his arms.

“Maybe a little.”

“Want to see the inside?”

“Of the house?”

“No of the digger.” He chuckled.

I rolled my eyes even though he couldn’t see thanks to my position leaning against him. “Sure, let’s see the house.”

We walked back around to the front, and he reached under a rock to retrieve a key.

“Do you always leave keys that accessible?”

“Not always.” He unlocked the door, and I followed him inside. He flicked on the lights, revealing a perfectly staged sitting room and dining room.


“Isn’t it?”

“I bet this place has a great view of the ocean.”

“That it does, but I like this room the best,” He took my hand and led me down a hallway. He stopped in a doorway. “Take a look.”

“Wow. A two story library in a beach house?” I stepped inside the nearly empty room. Evidently they hadn’t paid to stage it.

He moved into the room behind me. “I’m going to have one of these rooms one day.”

“It’s missing the ladder.”

“I was thinking the same thing. How else can you get to the books on the top shelves?”

“Maybe they’ll put one in when they actually get books.” I pointed to the empty shelves.

“Hopefully whoever buys this place reads. It would be a waste otherwise.”

I walked further into the room, stopping in front of a large window, complete with a window seat. A loud rumble of thunder had me taking a step back into Colin’s arms.

He kissed my neck, sending chills through me. “I should go close up the car.”

“Or we could go.”

“Do you really want to?” He nuzzled his chin against the top of my head.

“Not particularly.” The more time I spent with Colin, the more I wanted to see him. Our work schedules, particularly his, made quality time hard to come by, but the time we did have was definitely memorable. He wasn’t what I’d been looking for in a guy, but he never ceased to surprise me and keep me on my toes.


He kissed the top of my head before running out to the car. I took a seat on the window seat while I waited, and I gazed out the window. Although dark out, the lights from the house reflecting off the water created a beautiful effect.

“I’m back.” He walked in holding a couple of flannel blankets.

“Dare I ask what those are for?”

“I told you this is my favorite room in the house, but there’s no furniture.”

“We can stand.” Of course we could also sit exactly where I was, but that would be too easy.

“Sweetheart, you’re not going to be standing when I’m done with you.”

I laughed at the goofy smile on his face. “As long as your plans don’t involve machinery of any kind, we’re good.”

“Yeah? Well then I think it’s time we give this library a story to tell.”

“You did not just say that.” I shook my head.

“Yes I did.” He grinned.

“Just get over here.”

“My pleasure.” He spread a blanket out on the floor before joining me on the window seat.

“Are you sure you’re ready for this?” I started unbuttoning his shirt.
