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Shaken Not Stirred

Shaken Not Stirred (Mixology #1)(42)
Author: Alyssa Rose Ivy

“Hell yeah. I’m moving up in the world. The floor is much more exciting than the couch.”

I laughed. “What am I going to do with you?”

“Anything you want.”

Chapter Fifteen

“Do you realize how crazy you drive me?” Colin nuzzled my neck with his lips.

I decided not to ruin the moment by telling him how much his stubble irritated my face. The more he worked, the less he shaved, and he’d been working a lot in the weeks since we’d gotten back from the wedding.

“Do you?” His lips moved up to my ear.

“Kind of.” I ran my fingers down his back.

“Only kind of? Maybe I need to show you.”

“Maybe.” I lifted my chin, giving him better access to my neck again. Despite the stubble, his lips on a certain spot on the right side of my neck single-handedly got me in the mood—not that I needed the help. Wearing only his boxer briefs when he slipped in beside me that night, I knew he was in the mood, and that only served to accentuate what I already felt. I’d fallen asleep after waiting an hour for him to join me. Colin loved having me stay over, but lately he’d been spending most of the night working anyway. Lucky for him, I appreciated his premium cable channels, and his more comfortable bed. Well, and the sex that inevitably happened when he finally turned in.

His hands slipped under the covers to pull the t-shirt of his I was sleeping in over my head. His lips returned to my neck as his right hand pulled my panties out of the way. His hand stayed behind, and I closed my eyes.

“Let me know when I’ve made it clear.”

“Made what clear?” I said in a throaty voice, playing along with his talk, even though I wanted to get lost in the moment. He was definitely a talker. He’d narrate the whole thing if I let him. My answer was to keep his lips busy.

“How crazy you make me.” He used his left hand to put my hand on him. I slipped it under his underwear, needing no more encouragement. He groaned.

“You’re so easy to get excited,” I teased.

“So are you.”

I moaned, pushing off his briefs so nothing separated us. With my free hand I grabbed his ass. “I want you.”

“Yeah? Isn’t that a coincidence? I want you too.” He moved his hand and thrust into me. Although expecting it, I still yelled out. Despite his workaholic tendencies, Colin saved plenty of energy for me.

He moved inside me, bringing me to a new high. He was about to push me over the edge… when his phone rang.

I opened my eyes as he reached for the spot on the nightstand where he had left his cell.

“I have to take this.” He pulled out and rolled off me.


My words were lost as he answered. “Colin here.” I watched in shock as he walked out of the room.

I groaned, pulling the blanket over my head. Had he really just stopped like that? To take a phone call?

I waited. Sure, I was antsy, but I knew he’d come back soon.

Ten minutes passed. The annoyance set in.

Twenty minutes passed, I got up to go to the bathroom.

Thirty minutes passed, I got dressed.

Forty minutes passed, I opened his night stand to search for something to do. I only found old school spiral notebooks. I didn’t open them. I was afraid they were the men’s equivalent of a diary, and I could respect his privacy even if I was bored out of my mind and frustrated.

One hour passed, I tiptoed down the hall to see if I could listen in to his conversation. He was typing on his computer while still gabbing away.

I went downstairs and found my cell. The one I’d left across the house so it wouldn’t interrupt us.

Are you up?

Macon texted back thirty seconds later. Yes. Are you?

Unfortunately. Advice time.

Oh boy. Here we go.

Shut up.

Ok, what’s up?

If a girl walked out on you during sex, how long would you wait before leaving? I hesitated before hitting send, but did it anyway. If I couldn’t tell Macon, I couldn’t tell anyone.

During, as in while in the act?

What else would I mean?


No. You were right the first time.

I’ll be there in ten.

You’ll get me?


Thank you.

Just get ready.

I already am.

I slipped my phone back into my purse and walked upstairs again, wanting to make sure he was still busy. The partially closed door to his office hadn’t budged.

I found my sweater and headed outside. Macon was being cool enough by picking me up in the middle of the night. I wasn’t going to make him wait.

I sat down on the stoop, picturing what Colin would think when he realized I’d left. I sighed, figuring it would probably be hours, and maybe he didn’t even care.

Macon pulled up, and I slipped in with relief. “Thank you.”

“No problem. Still feeling frustrated?”

“Not frustrated. Angry.”

He patted my leg. “Understandably. I like Colin, but this is pretty low.”

“I know. I can’t believe it was so easy for him to stop like that. It makes me wonder what sex with me is like to him.”

“It’s not the sex that’s the problem. It’s him.” Macon spoke firmly. I appreciated the resoluteness. My self-esteem couldn’t handle the blow it was starting to feel.

“All he said was he had to take it, he didn’t even smile or mouth an apology.”

“Who was the call from?” Macon drove through the dark night.

“I assume his boss by the way he acted.” I hoped I was right. Otherwise, we had bigger problems.

“It’s good you left. He needs to see that you’re not going to put up with that garbage.”

“Maybe I shouldn’t put up with him period. Maybe he doesn’t have room for me in his life.”

“Normally, I’d tell you to stop being so melodramatic, but you might be right. You deserve better. You deserve a guy who worships you for the goddess you are.”

I laughed. “Do you worship the girls you’re with?”

“Not the ones I spend a night with, but a girlfriend, sure.”

“When’s the last time you had a girlfriend? Two years?”

“Something like that.” He turned on the radio, letting me know that part of the conversation was over.

We didn’t say anything else to each other until we walked inside.

“I wish Brody was up.” I opened the fridge looking for a snack.

“Getting spoiled with his cooking?”

“Very.” Brody usually cooked for us a few nights a week. Those were the meals I looked forward to.
