Read Books Novel

So Many Boys

So Many Boys (The Naughty List #2)(26)
Author: Suzanne Young

While we finish assessing the damage, do not discuss SOS with anyone outside the group. There is still a chance for us to remain anonymous.

If you have any questions, please use the Code Pink hotline at 555-0101. Do NOT make any communications on the SOS database or e-mail lines.

Keep smiling,

Leona ☺


LESS THAN FIVE MINUTES LATER, MY DOORBELL rang. When I opened it, Izzie looked me over and squealed at the sight of my uniform. Kira touched her throat, speechless, I guessed. Leona rolled her eyes behind her glasses (still decked out in her own greasy cheer skirt).

“Playing dress up?” she asked with a smile, glancing down at my uniform as she walked past me into the house.

It may have seemed odd that I was in uniform, but I was sure they understood. We all suffered from the same spirit addiction.

“I like your glasses,” I said to Leona. They were the hip, beehive ones with a thin silver chain. They made her look delish.

“I knew it was time to get serious,” she said, motioning me over to the kitchen table. “And that meant it was time to accessorize.”

I was glad we were all confronting the realities of the situation. I hoped they’d been as focused at their practice. When I sat down on the cold wood of my kitchen chair, Kira looked me over.

“Are…are you wanting to rejoin the squad?” she asked. “Because we’d need to have a vote first, and I’m not sure you have the support yet.”

“What?” I asked, my face stinging. “No, I wasn’t going to rejoin the squad. I just wanted to wear the uniform. But—”

“Surprised it still fits,” Leona mumbled, tapping her nails on the tablecloth.

I looked at her and then back at Kira. “What did you mean, ‘not sure I’d have the support’? Are you saying some of the Kittens would vote against me? I was their captain for—”

“Well, I think you look hot,” Izzie remarked, ignoring my conversation as she combed her fingers through her red hair. “Makes your boobs look huge.”

“Hey!” I said loudly, slapping my hand on the table. The girls jumped and then stared at me, wide-eyed. “Are you saying I can’t rejoin the squad?” Up until just then, I hadn’t realized just how badly I wanted to be a Smitten Kitten again. But now I wanted it. It was my rightful place, and how dare they not let me cheer! I had fabulous routines!

Kira and Izzie exchanged a nervous look, and Leona leaned back in the kitchen chair. “Don’t be alarmed,” she started. Immediately my bells and whistles went off. “But I talked to Mary Rudick.”

“Speaking of,” I said. “I saw her tonight!”

They didn’t flinch. Wait. Why didn’t they look surprised?

I pulled my eyebrows together. “Did you know she was in town?” Goose bumps broke across my arms.

Kira nodded. “She came to practice tonight.”

What in the world? “Why would she do that?”

“She was concerned,” Kira spoke up. “About you. Said she thought you’d want to rejoin the squad but that you weren’t ready. She said your activities with Aiden had compromised you and that we shouldn’t take you back. She gave a pretty good speech. I think she swayed a few of the girls her way.”

“She said that?” My breath felt caught in my chest. I might hyperventilate.

“She was kind of bitchy tonight,” Leona added, rubbing the pad of her index finger over her front teeth to remove any lingering lipstick. “Total rag.”

“I didn’t think she was that bad,” Izzie said, looking between them. She must have noticed the devastation on my face because she winced. “I mean, other than the not letting you be a Smitten Kitten again thing.”

My eyes were stinging, and I couldn’t stop a few tears from falling. In a million years, I never thought a fellow Kitten would betray me. We were like family. I had an idea of how my life looked to other people, and it wasn’t great. I knew that things weren’t perfect anymore. But I’d been learning to be okay with it. Until now.

“Is this why you’re here?” I asked, meeting Kira’s eyes. She tried to smile supportively at me, but behind her expression she looked upset. “To tell me I can never cheer again?”

Kira’s face scrunched. “Heck no, Tessa,” she said. “We’re here to help you get back on the squad.”

My heart leapt. “Good gravy, K.” I sighed, reaching out to hug her. “You must have read my mind. I could use some positive perk right about now.”

“Perfect! So you’ll come to the movies with us tomorrow?”

I straightened up. “Movies?” I looked at Izzie and Leona, and they both glanced away like they knew this was coming. “How will that get me back on the squad?”

Kira pressed her lips together. I felt small. Kira had never made me feel so insignificant before. “I know you’re ready to get to business—cheering, spying—all that,” she said. “But first, we need to work on your image. Mary addressed the squad about it tonight. And to combat what she said, we need to show that you’re up to snuff, Tess. You need to pull yourself together.”

“My image?” I looked down at my uniform. Sure, it was a little tight, but hardly unbecoming.

“Not physically,” Kira pointed out.

“Maybe a little,” Leona muttered. I narrowed my eyes at her.

“What I mean to say is…” Kira was fumbling with her words. I knew from experience that usually meant she was trying to be nice. “Your reputation has taken a bit of a stomping since last year. I think before you campaign for the vote, you should have a…coming-out party.”

“Oh my word!” Izzie gasped, turning to me. “You’re g*y? I thought this was because the guys at school are calling you slutty.”

Slutty? I wasn’t used to a word like that being associated with me. “I’m straight,” I said to Izzie. “And I’m certainly not…that other word.” I turned to Kira. “Is that really what they’re saying, K?” After years of being a great example, I was getting treated terribly. It wasn’t fair!

Kira gnawed on her lip, unable to meet my eyes. Then she nodded.

Well, she might as well have slapped my face because I felt sacked. How quickly a school can turn against you! Even your own squad. “So…are you telling me that I need to fix my reputation before you’ll let me cheer?”
