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Soul Bound

Soul Bound (Moonstone Saga #2)(52)
Author: Courtney Cole

“I couldn’t help but hear my name,” a low voice said from the terrace.

I turned to find Brennan standing next to Hades.  He was golden and beautiful and I had to be with him right now.  Turning, I flew to him, crashing into him with enough force that he stumbled backward.

“You’re stronger than you look,” he observed with a smile.  “Has anyone ever told you that?”

“Once or twice,” I answered, leaning up to kiss him, then kiss him again. “Don’t leave me again, Bren.”

He grinned a crooked grin that took my breath away.  “I had an errand to run,” he explained.  I didn’t tell him that I already knew what it was.  Instead, I watched as he dropped to one knee on the garden path.  I stilled, my breath frozen on my lips.   In front of both of my parents, Brennan proceeded to profess his love for me.  I might have been embarrassed if I wasn’t so focused on the beautiful words coming from his lips.

“I love you, Empusa.   I love your humor and your sarcasm and your beauty.  I love how you roll your eyes at me but you still blush when you’re embarrassed, even though you are a thousand years old.  I love that you know me, that you really get me, and that you are so patient with my faults.  I love that you’re so small, that you fit in the crook of my arm.  I love that your eyes are the color of rain on a Fall day.  I love that you could kill me in a second, but that you don’t.  I love everything about you and I have from the moment I first saw you. But most of all, Empusa, I love the way you love me.  It completes me in a way that I never thought anything could.  I didn’t even know that something was missing until I found you and now I feel like I am home.  Please be my wife.  Let me know that even though I don’t deserve you, you will never leave my side.  I promise you, I’ll love you every minute for the rest of my life.”

He paused, his amber eyes sparkling as he waited for my answer.  I found that I couldn’t answer him. The knot that had formed in my throat prevented any kind of speech.  Instead, I yanked him to his feet and kissed him thoroughly on the mouth.

“Is that a yes?” he asked when he could breathe again.  I nodded, then kissed him again.

“Yes,” I breathed.  “It is.”

“Then I now pronounce you husband and wife,” Hades announced.  I looked at him in surprise and he smiled.  “What did you expect?  A catholic mass?  We’re gods.  We’re married when we say that we’re married.  Brennan, do you have the ring?”

“Yes,” Brennan answered, fumbling in his pants pocket for a small blue velvet box.

He snapped it open and I inhaled sharply.  It might have been created for his mother, but this ring was perfect for me.  Thin ribbons of white gold intertwined to form a band, including one thin thread that was made from amethysts.  It was beautiful in its simplicity and so important in sentimental value.  I found myself holding my breath as Brennan slid it on my ring finger.  It fit perfectly.

“It looks beautiful on you,” Brennan said quietly, staring into my eyes.

“Thank you, Bren.  It’s perfect.  And I love you for trusting me with it.”

“You may kiss your bride,” Hades interrupted.  I barely spared him a glance before I wrapped my arms around Brennan’s neck and kissed him like the world was ending.  Because truly, in our current circumstances, it could end at any given time.

We didn’t come up for air for a full minute.

“I love you, Mrs. Delacorte,” Brennan said simply.  I squeezed his hand.

“I love you, too.”

“Now,” Hades interrupted once again, rubbing his hands together.  “Let’s eat.” He spun on his heel and headed for the loaded down banquet tables directly inside the doors. Persephone had prepared for an army.   I eyed it suspiciously.

“Is there an army coming?” I asked hesitantly. Everyone laughed so I had to assume that there wasn’t.

“I wanted to be prepared for unexpected guests,” Persephone explained as she filled up a crystal plate and poured a goblet of nectar.  “You never know who might turn up.”

“Okay,” I answered uncertainly.  They all acted like they knew something that I didn’t and it made me nervous.  But I followed suit and filled up a plate, poured a glass of nectar and followed Brennan to a nearby table.  We sat alone on the edge of the terrace, with only a candle between us.

“How do you feel?” I asked him.  “My mother brought a stone that contains sunlight.  It should keep you healthy down here.”

“I was never worried,” he answered, as he took a bite of roasted pheasant.  “Your mother is amazing, though.”

“Yes, she is,” I answered. I watched her speaking with Hades and Persephone.  None of them acted like it was weird at all, even though Hades and my mother had once had an affair that had resulted in my birth.  Things were beyond strange at times.  I returned my attention to Brennan.

“So, we’re married now,” I pointed out awkwardly.  He stopped mid-bite and looked at me.

“Does that bother you?” he asked seriously.  “Are you okay?”

I picked up his hand and watched the way his fingers fit over mine so easily.

“No, it doesn’t bother me,” I answered him quietly.  “It feels perfect.  Since this was all so last-minute, I don’t have a ring for you and Hades is right- it is a mortal custom.  Would you like one?”

Brennan shrugged. “If you think of it at some point.  There’s no need to rush out to a jeweler’s.”

I smiled.  “Okay.  I’ll surprise you someday.”

“Speaking of surprises…” Brennan trailed off, his gaze fixed behind me.  I turned in my seat and almost cried out.

Harmonia, Cadmus, their daughter Raquel, Ares, Aphrodite and the entire army of Amazons led by Ortrera stood directly inside the room.  Little Raquel’s eyes lit up when she saw me and she took off running across the room like a jackrabbit, leaping into my arms when she got close enough.

“Em!” she squealed.  “Mama said you’re here to live forever!  I can’t wait.  There is so much we can do. We can go watch the hydras, we can ride Ortrera’s Pegasus, we can go dragon hunting with daddy…”
