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Soul Bound

Soul Bound (Moonstone Saga #2)(53)
Author: Courtney Cole

I caught Harmonia’s gaze above Raquel’s head.  Harmonia’s eyes were loving and soft as she stared at her daughter.  The rest of her looked tired and anxious, much like everyone else that she was with.  I hugged Raquel and told her that we could catch up in a little while and then I joined the other adults.  Brennan followed.

“Not that I’m not happy to see you,” I began uncertainly, “But why are you here?  Zeus is not going to be happy.  There is no reason for you to become involved.”

“No reason to be become involved?” Cadmus raised a dark eyebrow questioningly.  “I seem to recall that you were there when we needed you. Now we are here when you need us.  That’s how those things usually work, little one.”

A knot formed once again in my throat at their kindness. Brennan could sense my emotion and he rubbed a circle on the small of my back.

“Your kindness is appreciated,” Brennan answered, shaking Cadmus’ hand.  “We sincerely hope that it won’t be necessary.”

Harmonia looked at him, puzzled.  “Of course it will be necessary, Brennan.  Zeus will retaliate.  You have outmaneuvered him in front of every Olympian.  That, in combination with the fact that Empusa possesses some very formidable magic is enough to ensure that he will wage war.  But we will be ready.  My husband is a skilled warrior and my father is the god of war.  We stand with you, Empusa.”

Everyone around us nodded in affirmation. They were here to defend me.  It was amazing.  I had never witnessed such camaraderie, much less in a show of support for me.

“Thank you,” I whispered.

“More will follow,” Hades said as he drew up on my right.  “I have allies in many places throughout the world and many people who owe me favors.  We will not stand alone and for the first time, my brother’s reign will truly be threatened.  His injustices will be over.”

I felt extreme trepidation at the thought of waging war against the god of all gods.  But as I looked around and remembered that for once, I wasn’t alone, I felt stronger and more confident than ever.  It was a feeling that I would have to get used to….not being alone.  But as Brennan’s fingers found mine and we mingled with our unexpected guests, I knew it was something that I could definitely grow accustomed to.

Chapter Twenty-Eight

The night was chilly on our balcony.  Earthy smells surrounded me on the breeze as I stood at the railing looking down on Hades’ many gardens.

Brennan’s things had been moved into my bedchambers during the wedding feast and so now we were truly a married couple in the eyes of Hades’ court.

“Are you coming to bed soon, Emmie?”

Brennan’s husky voice came from behind me and I turned to look at him.

He was wearing black trousers and was shirtless, his muscled chest and abs rippling in the candlelight. His blonde hair caught the light and once again, the term “golden boy” came to mind.  He was truly magnificent on so many levels.  And he was mine forever.

I reached up and touched his face, nodding.

“Yes.  But only if you promise that you’ll be there.”

He grinned.

“I wouldn’t be anywhere else.”

“I have something for you,” I told him.  He paused, waiting.   I held out my hand and opened my fingers.

A cut black titanium wedding band rested on my palm, glittering mutely in the light.  It had beveled edges and its dark metal would look amazing against Brennan’s golden glow.

“It’s inscribed,” I told him.  He picked it up and peered at its inside.

Time is nothing…Love is everything.

Brennan smiled.  “Agreed.”

He slipped it onto his ring finger and of course, it fit perfectly.  I had imagined that it would, so of course it did.

“It must be nice to be you,” he observed.  “You can conjure anything that your little heart desires.”

“Not everything,” I corrected.  “I was never able to conjure someone like you.”

“That’s because there is no one else like me,” he boasted jokingly.  “Thank the gods for that or the world would be in trouble.”

“You’ve got that right,” I smiled.  “Now, what were you saying about bed?”

He smiled and grabbed my hand, leading me back to the bed.

I sank into the softness of the silken bedclothes and the fluffy pillows.  Brennan hovered over me, tucking my hair behind my ear.

“You are so beautiful,” he murmured.  “I’m a very lucky man.”

I leaned up and kissed him softly.

“Does it still bother you to be so close to me?” he asked in concern.

“Yes, a little,” I told him honestly.  “But hopefully we can resolve that little issue someday and we’ll never have to worry about it again.  Until then, I’ll deal with it.  All that matters is that I’m with you.  Everything else is just a detail.”

“Cadmus and Harmonia must think a lot of you,” Brennan mused. “They’re risking everything to help.”

I considered that for a moment as I traced the outline of Brennan’s hand with my fingers.

“I think that Zeus’ arrogance is coming to a head.  I think many Olympians have grown weary of his tyranny, but there was never a catalyst…something that was forcing them to act.  I guess that’s what we are.  And this has been an eye-opening incident for everyone involved.”

“So, I’m married to the Princess of the Underworld,” Brennan said, smiling as he leaned in to kiss my neck.  “I think that might take some getting used to, your highness.”

I laughed.  “Trust me, I know.  It’s new to me, too.  I still don’t know how it’s truly going to affect us.”

“It won’t,” he told me firmly.  “I’m still me, you’re still you.  They’re not going to change that.”

“I hope not,” I told him honestly.  “But it is unrealistic to expect that nothing will change.  Things always change.  I just hope the changes are for the better.”

“Well, so far… I like them.” Brennan grinned.  Then he leaned over and silenced me with his lips.  There were no more words for the rest of the night.

* * *

When we woke the next morning, I was curled into the crook of Brennan’s arm.  He was sleeping peacefully, his face boyish in slumber.  I reached over and brushed his golden hair away from his face and studied him as he slept.  His chiseled cheekbones drew me in and I kissed them one by one.  He opened an eye.
