Take Me with You (Page 47)

Take Me with You (Take Me #2)(47)
Author: K.A. Linde

She laughed throatily. “I wouldn’t mind if you did that.”

“What would you want me to do?” I asked.

“Um…have sex with me?”

It was my turn to laugh. “I know. I mean, if I were there right now, tell me exactly what you’d want me to do.”

I’d tried to initiate phone sex in the past to no avail. She would get too embarrassed, and I wasn’t there to smile and coax the slutty nature out of her. Just hearing her mention sex made my dick throb.

“I…I don’t know, Grant. Kiss me.”

Well, that was further than I’d gotten before.

“Where?” I encouraged.

“Oh my God, Cheyenne asked me about phone sex earlier. I can’t believe you’re trying this.”

“Humor me, Princess. Cheyenne clearly knows the benefits. Now, I want you to go into your room, shut the door, turn off all the lights, and lie in bed.”

I waited a minute until she hesitantly told me that she had done it.

“Now, I’m not just kissing you. I’m running my stubbly jaw down the inside of your legs, kissing a soft trail downward. My hands are gripping the inside of your thighs. I’m squeezing your soft muscles and opening your legs before me, so I can see that soft wet pussy.”

She whimpered at my words. “Grant…”

“Feel what I did to you,” I encouraged.

I was sure as hell feeling it. I’d slipped my jeans and boxers on the floor. My dick was in my hand, and I was stroking it upward. Her whimper alone could almost make me pretend she was here, doing this for me.

“Are you wet?”

After a short pause, she answered, “Yes.”

“God, that’s hot. Are you swirling it around your clit? Imagining me doing it?”

She sighed heavily into the phone, and I pumped faster.

“I’m…I’m imagining you using your tongue. You’re so good at that.”

“Licking and sucking on you. Pressing my fingers up inside you. Curling my fingers against you until you’re bucking underneath me.”

“Yes,” she purred.

She still sounded hesitant, but I fucking wasn’t.

“Tell me what you want.”

“You, um…let me finish before hovering over me and rubbing yourself against me.”

“Oh God,” I groaned, leaning over the bed.

I could just imagine it now—her touching herself in the dark, thinking about me sliding my dick across the opening to her pussy. I picked up the pace as the image flooded my mind.

“Then, you don’t hold back. You just shove into me. Take me.”

“I sure fucking do. I pump into you over and over again. Hard and rough just like you like it.”

“Mmm…” she moaned.

I was getting close to orgasm already at the sound of her voice and the skill of my hand. If only she were here to finish me off…

“You flip me over,” she said quietly.

“So, I can fuck you from behind,” I said in admiration.

“My face is…is buried in the pillows.”

“Ass up in the air as I drive into you. I feel you tightening around my cock.”

“And then I…” She trailed off.

“Oh God, Ari. Come. Say come.”

She made some soft mewling sounds that sounded as if she was close, and I could barely hold on.

“Come,” she finally said. “You make me come.”

Hot cum squirted out of me as I did just that.


It ran down my hand as I emptied myself at the sound of her voice. It was so sexy, hearing her talk to me like that. My whole body shook as I imagined her coming with me. I fucking hoped she was getting off on the other line.

When I finally finished, I lay back in the bed, spent and dying to feel her beside me. “I wish you were here for this,” I told her.

“You’ll be home soon, and I’ll let you try all of that.”

“It’s a date.”

Finals approached almost without warning.

One minute, I was writing out bio labs, working out equations for calculus, and trying to figure out how to boost my O-chem grade, and the next, I was frantically cramming for finals.

I’d been spending more time with the girls lately. Gabi finally seemed to be recovering. Though, sometimes, I would still see her wistfully look at my phone when a text came in from Grant. But the girls were supportive, and it was nice to have them back. But we’d barely had any time to spend together since finals started. We were all running around like chickens with our heads cut off.

I barely even had time to plan for my trip back to Boston after the semester. I was very happy the trip would coincide with ContraBand’s tour stop in the city. Grant would even have a whole day off after the show, so we could spend time together. For me, that meant taking the plunge and introducing him to my parents.

Grant was pretty freaked out about it, but he seemed to be weighing that against finally getting to see me again, and he found it to be an acceptable trade. I was way more scared about the upcoming introductions. I knew my parents. I knew my brother. I already knew what they would think about Grant. Dismissing him as a phase was the nicest thing that could happen.

But I decided not to care.

I knew Grant wasn’t a phase. I knew I wanted a future with him. Even though the music industry was cruel, touring would keep us apart, and a million girls were throwing themselves at him, I thought we could make it.

That thought warmed me throughout my last final, and I handed in my test to Professor Williamson with a smile on my face. If I hadn’t aced it, I would be shocked.

“Thank you, Miss Graham,” he said, taking the paper out of my hand. “It’s nice to see a student take the initiative in my class.”

“My pleasure. Would you by any chance need any help this summer with lab work? I should be in town. I would love to be of any assistance.”

“Hmm.” He stroked his beard as he contemplated what I’d asked. “Yes, I might have something. Come back by before the summer session starts, and we’ll work out the details.”

“Yes, sir. Thank you.”

I was euphoric. All my hard work had paid off. I was going to get to do some real lab work over the summer, which would only help my graduate school or medical school applications. I hadn’t decided between the two.

It felt great to be done, and I pulled out my phone to call my brother as I walked out of the building and to my car.

“Aribel,” Aaron said briskly.