Read Books Novel

Temporary Bliss

Temporary Bliss (Bliss #1)(19)
Author: B.J. Harvey

“Much. You better watch out, though. I might have to keep you stashed in the corner of my bedroom as my personal foot massage slave,” I say with a laugh.

His eyes grow dark, full of hunger and desire. “You wouldn’t have to force me to stay in your bedroom, Mac.”

“The idea of it makes me hot,” I reply with a wink.

We start walking, his arm wrapped around my waist as he pulls me close to his side. It feels nice; maybe too nice. Why does this freak me the f**k out? He’s just a man. A hot as hell, southern gentleman whom I happen to be dating.


I’m not dating. I’m casually meeting once or twice a week and kissing frequently. Nope, not serious.

No commitment.

No expectations.

No chance of him dictating my life.

“Just relax, Mac. We’re just walking.”

Shit! What is he now, a mind reader?

His words are my salve, and I instantly melt back into him. There is something about his voice that soothes me, calms me down. It’s like he can sense my skittishness and he’s treading softly. How can this man know me so well after three dates? Well, four if you count his impromptu deli lunch on Monday.

“It’s been four dates,” I spit out, not realizing what I just said until it was too late. Damn my broken brain to mouth filter. He stops walking and turns towards me, the grin on his face unmistakable.


“And that means we can do whatever we want to do to each other,” I reply, my smile getting wider to match the huge grin on his face.

He tilts his head to the side in that cute way he does. “So why are we still on the pier then?”

“You tell me. and we’ll both know.”

“Your place or mine?”

“Mine’s closer.”

“Let’s go,” he says gruffly, unable to hide the affect that this tangent in the night is having on him as he spins and starts walking rather quickly towards the cab rank.

As soon as I lead Daniel by the hand through my bedroom door, I find myself pinned against the wall, his hard body pressed firmly against mine as he ravages my mouth with a hunger most women only fantasize about. I return his kiss with fervor, releasing a few week’s worth of pent up sexual frustration into our kiss. His hands cradle my head as his tongue expertly explores my mouth. I shift my hands down his arms wanting to touch him, brand him like he has branded me so many times before with his words, his voice, his never ending kisses. I can’t get enough of him as we start ripping each other’s clothes off. Two and half weeks, nineteen long days without nakedness, without an orgasm that wasn’t self-induced. It may be our first time together, but there is no time for seduction or niceties.

It’s hot and unadulterated, and we’re both desperate for it to start.

He falls down onto his knees after pulling my top over my head and throwing it in the general direction of my bathroom. My breathing has been reduced to small pants, whimpering as he hooks his fingers into the waist band of my jeans, deftly undoing the button, then tugging the zipper and pulling them down along with my lacy thong. His head dips towards me, immediately moving in to nuzzle the inside of my thighs as I part my legs, desperate to feel him.

Without a moment’s hesitation, his tongue is on me, flicking over my hardened clit like it’s a switch he’s trying to flick on and off. Waves of pleasure start rolling through me. Yes, it has been way too long in between visits to O-town. The things this man can do with his tongue should be studied and documented. For God’s sake, he should give lessons!

After licking and sucking me to the cusp of an orgasm, and feeling my legs tense up around him, he moves one hand to the outside of my thigh to keep me in place and snakes his other hand between my legs, a lone finger inching inside me, stroking me in time with his tongue.

“More,” I managed to spit out as he adds another finger inside of me, thrusting them in an unstoppable rhythm as my hips start to move against him. “Ahh, Daniel!” I cry out as he sucks my clit hard, flicking his tongue against it, throwing me head first into a mind bending climax that makes my legs buckle and my eyes water with amazement.

“Damn, I could never forget how you taste, Mac. You’re like the finest champagne, and all I wanna do is get drunk on you.”

“Mmm Hmm,” I murmur, trying to gather my senses and return my breathing to something resembling normal. His words are not helping me keep a clear head around him that’s for sure.

“Now, for the main course,” he announces, confidently rising to his feet while pulling his pants down and pushing them away from us on the floor.

“Maybe I should say thank-you first,” I say with a cheeky smile, kissing him ardently as I push him towards my wooden four-post bed, silently praising myself for remembering to make it before Daniel picked me up for our date.

“I’m never gonna stop you from doing that, Mac. Just kissing that mouth of yours drives me crazy,” he replies huskily as the back of his knees hit the bed and he sits down, leaning back on his hands, offering his erection to me willingly.

I’ve always loved giving head to a man. There is something powerful and thrilling about being able to bring even the most domineering men to their knees. Figuratively, of course, because it’s much easier when they’re sitting, or standing, or straddling your face.

I slowly bend down at the waist, lightly licking his tip with the flat of my tongue, earning an encouraging groan from him. I look up at him as I take his length in my mouth and see his gaze pinned to the mirror behind me. He’s realized that I’m bending over right in front of the mirror lining my closet door, and he can see everything I have to offer while I continue to deep throat his throbbing c**k in my mouth. I run one of my hands down my body, settling between my legs as I use my fingers to show him exactly where I want him to be, and soon.

“Holy shit, Mac, that is the hottest thing I’ve ever seen. Absolutely f**king beautiful,” he spits out before throwing his head back against the wall, growling as his hard length hits the back of my mouth and I swallow against him, my throat muscles latching on to his c**k before releasing him as he slides back out. I repeat my bedroom party trick, as my fingers rake gently across the sensitive skin of his inner thigh, making him shake at the intensity of the feeling. I start humming against his skin, sending vibrations through both of us, and I feel myself getting wetter and more turned on the crazier I make him. I’m actually close to getting off from going down on him which has never happened before. I swear to God that I could keep swallowing him, and with one touch to my clit, I’d be going off like a rocket on the fourth of July. My pu**y is throbbing in protest, screaming out to be filled by his cock.
