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Temporary Bliss

Temporary Bliss (Bliss #1)(20)
Author: B.J. Harvey

“I need to be inside you, Mac. Like, about five f**king minutes ago,” I hear before his hands settle on my hips, pulling me over him. Thankfully, I have the forethought to grab a condom out of my bedside drawer. I rip the foil wrapper and pinch the end before rolling the thin latex down his c**k with my mouth.

“Damn,” he growls out before lifting me over his pelvis and pulling me down, impaling me oh so slowly. I lean forward and kiss him, licking the inside of his mouth and battling with his tongue for control as my body adjusts to his formidable size. Feeling me loosen around him, he starts to buck his hips against me while I start bearing down on him, matching his thrusts as he continues to push himself deeper into me. He moves his arms, securing one around my waist to control me while his other hand moves between us to stroke my clit with renewed vigor.

“I want you to come with me, babe. At the same f**king time,” he says between hard and fast thrusts in and out of me. I have no control over the sounds that are escaping my mouth, all caused by the thrilling fullness I feel with Daniel being buried to the hilt inside me. This is unadulterated pure heaven, and I don’t want it to end. I could stay attached to this man’s body forever, giving in to the continuous orgasms I know he’ll give me.

“Are you close, babe?” he asks, panting as he pushes deeper inside of me. “Oh, yeah you are. I can feel your pu**y strangling my cock.” I moan at his dirty words. There is something about the words tight, c**k and pu**y that amps me up when I’m in the moment. But with Daniel saying them, they push me over the damn edge.

“Oh, yes. Harder, Daniel. Yes, don’t stop. Fuck!” I cry out as I come with one last push down on him as he slams into my cervix and explodes inside me.

Collapsing on top of him, he just lies there, pulsating inside of me, his whole body shaking as the last effects of his orgasm leave his body.

“Damn, Mac, it’s never going to be bad with you, is it?” he says breathlessly.

“I aim to please, Superman,” I say against his chest as I try to reclaim my equilibrium which has scattered the moment I came hard around him.

Daniel gets up and goes to my bathroom to take care of the condom, before returning to the bed, naked as the day he was born, and crawling under the covers beside me. He pulls me in tight against his body and wraps his arm around my head, resting his hand on my bare hip.

“Do you mind if I stay?” he asks sleepily, lightly tracing circles with his thumb on my skin, sending divine tingles throughout my orgasm wracked body.

“I’m not letting you go anywhere right now,” I mumble against his chest, beyond exhausted.

I feel him chuckle. “Good, Mac, ‘cuz right now there is nowhere else I want to be.”

It scares the shit out of me how true his last statement is for me too.

Chapter 10 “Come & Get It”

My eyes slowly open as the sunlight drifts through the blinds onto the bed. I try to roll over, but feel a rather hard, ready to go man against my back. His arm wrapped around my waist, holding me close as I feel a slight thrust against me.

“It feels like a good morning,” I murmur sleepily.

“Can’t complain,” I hear as his hand snakes up to cup one of my br**sts, swiping his thumb across my hard sensitive nipple. Arching my back into his morning wood, I moan in delight when he lightly pinches me, sending a pulse straight to my now wet pu**y.

“Again,” I say as he slides his body down ever so slightly so that his hard length runs against my labia, my wetness spreading against him.

“I like waking you up like this, Mac, you’re all sleepy and pliant. It’s like I’m seeing a whole other side of the Makenna persona,” he whispers in my ear as he speeds up his delicious assault on me. My hips move against him, his slippery head hitting my clit at the perfect angle with every inward push.

“God, that feels so good,” I say, my voice cracking as my horny body gives in the craving. I move my hand between my legs, my fingers stroking my clit and swirling around his c**k as it dives into my pu**y in one perfectly positioned move.

“Fuck, you feel good, gorgeous. Your pu**y is gripping my c**k like a hot silk glove,” he spits out, leaning forward to nip and kiss my collarbone. Shit, no condom! But f**k, he feels so good. I haven’t done it bareback since Beau.

He stills, his c**k deep inside me. “I’m clean, Mac, and you’re the only women I’ve been uncovered with, but f**k if I couldn’t resist sliding deep inside you,” he says quietly between each kiss. He pulls out slightly before pushing back into me hard and fast. Each thrust of his hips ignites a spark, getting closer to the explosion we both crave. I’m too wrapped up in Daniel’s spine tingling sexual assault to contemplate what he just said.

“I have an IUD, we’re good. Fuck, you’re hard as stone Superman.” I speed up my hand, the tightly coiled spring inside me getting closer and closer to breaking free, catapulting me over the finish line. Daniel moves his hand on top of mine, his fingers mimicking mine, stroke for stroke.

“Don’t you stop that. It’s so f**king hot. God damn, Mac, don’t you dare stop.” He speeds up, pounding me relentlessly, speeding up the rubbing on my clit until I feel my pu**y strangling his cock. “Holy shit,” I spit out before I’m crying out his name, over and over again, coming apart all over him as he continues to piston in and out of me. With a final deep drive, he fills me to the hilt and lets himself go, shooting his come inside of me and biting my neck to stifle his groan as he climaxes.

We lie like that, pulsating through each other for what seems like forever. I’m so totally spent and relishing the orgasm afterglow that it takes a good five minutes to realize that he kind of had the ‘I want to be monogamous” speech in the middle of mind-bending sexual pleasure, and totally got away with it.

That sneaky bastard! He totally cockblocked my freak out.

I wince as he pulls out of me, a gush of wetness following his retreat, reminding me of how he wanted to fill me, come inside me.

“That was f**king hot, Mac,” he mumbles as he pulls me in tight against him once more.

“Yeah, you’re pretty good at that,” I say, trying to mask my screaming inner monologue.

“Why, thanks. You’re not too bad yourself,” he says with a chuckle.

I pull away from him, hoping to get to my bathroom before the panic hits me. This feels too good, too soon. It’s too much for my brain to handle at this time of the morning.
