Read Books Novel

Temporary Bliss

Temporary Bliss (Bliss #1)(22)
Author: B.J. Harvey

I don’t really feel the conviction in my last comment, though. They’re supposed to know the score and be fine with it. But Daniel…I’m not so sure about. He made it clear this morning that he wants to get to know me, wants to continue whatever this is that is going on between us, and definitely staking his claim as the only woman in his bed right now.

“Even Daniel?”

“Well, he doesn’t know yet, but I definitely need to have the talk with him.” And I do. I pride myself with being open and honest, and Daniel deserves to know the truth.

“Mac, I like him. I like the way he looks at you, and Goddamn, I’m definitely liking the way he looks in general. How the hell do you find these hot pieces of Chicago ass? I mean, seriously! Four of them and you’re not sharing?”

I crack up laughing. “Well, Noah is definitely out of favor right now, being Daniel’s college buddy, AND being cocky as hell at the football game. Sean called me the other day, but I blew him off because I was tired, and Zander’s MIA at the moment, probably busy with work or something. So right now it’s only Daniel. And if last night and this morning are anything to go by, I’m happy with that.”

“Well, going by the moaning and screaming I heard coming through my wall, if you don’t want him, I’ll gladly take him off your hands. Holy hell, Mac, it almost had me replacing my batteries.”

“Kate!” I admonish her before we both crash headfirst into a giggle fit.

God, I love this girl. She can handle my freak outs and listen to my screaming orgasms without batting an eyelid. If only I was willing to consider her suggestion more seriously. If only I could talk myself into taking a chance on Daniel.

Could he really be worth breaking my vow for?

Chapter 11 – “You Can Leave Your Hat On”

After Daniel’s mid-sex monogamous check in, and mulling it over in my head during my whole shift, I’ve decided we need to have that talk. The one where we confess our sexual histories and conquests. It’s not something I’ve had a problem with before.

Noah and I have always been on the same page. If we’re at work, and we’re both single, we hook up. It’s that simple. There are no feelings, no explanations, and total honesty. They are the only rules.

Sean is the same. It has been a year since I met Sean, but with his busy work schedule and frequent trips around the country, it is never going to be a serious monogamous thing even if I was looking for a relationship. Sean is not boyfriend material. We run in two different circles, and he’s a lot older than me. Can you imagine the fit my father would have if I took him home to meet my parents and he opened the door to find my boyfriend was closer to their age than mine? Holy God, I shudder to think how that would go down. They could share stories about their tennis elbow or how they’re ‘not as young as they used to be’.

Then there is Zander. We’re close friends who just happen to hook up now and then. Since that first night where he introduced me to hot public wall sex against Sophie’s house, we seem to have developed a habit of lewd public outings.

Our last ‘adventure’ happened a month ago. Zander was working down town and sent me a text asking if I wanted to meet up. He was doing a private bachelorette party at the Pink Monkey, a swanky new adult entertainment bar. With nothing else planned for a Friday night other than takeout and a Desperate Housewives marathon, I was a sure thing.

I caught a cab to the club, and after getting carded, I walked in and was immediately impressed with the atmosphere. For a high class establishment, they certainly did their homework to make sure it felt warm and welcoming. There was a circular bar in the middle of the large room, with bar stools surrounding it, then sets of booths lining the walls. There were also cool cabanas with sheer curtains surrounding, each one with a different neon muted lighting.

Scanning the room for Zander, I couldn’t find him, so I decided to go to the bar myself and order a drink while he finished up whatever he was doing. Just moments after sending him a text telling him I was there, I felt two muscular arms snake around my waist, making me jump.

“Hey, babe,” he said, kissing the back of my exposed neck. “Damn, you smell good.”

“Zander! You gave me a freaking heart attack!” I exclaimed, turning around to look at the fine specimen in front of me. He was wearing a tight black wife beater with dark denim distressed jeans that molded to his body like they were made just for him. To top off the uuber cool look as only Zander can, he’s wearing a black fedora tilted just enough to look hot as hell. Zander knows I check him out, and often. The instant spark that we had the first night we met is always buzzing between us.

“How’ve you been? You’ve been a bit MIA,” I said, poking his chest and earning a low chuckle from him.

“Yeah, been real busy with work and just been laying low. How about you?” He took the newly vacated seat beside me and signaled the bartender.

“Just working and trying to stay out of trouble,” I said with a sly smile.

“Now why don’t I believe that, Mac? You and trouble go hand in hand, and often.”

“Hey, watch it, mister. But no, nothing spectacular has been happening.”

He reached over and ran his large hand down my jean clad thigh, sending a delicious jolt of heat right to the money spot. “Now that’s a shame, hon. You deserve spectacular things. But I think your luck is about to change,” he said with a grin as he inched his hand back up towards my hip before removing it and paying the bartender who had chosen that moment to arrive with his drink.

I groaned at the loss of contact, shooting him with my best frown. “You’re not playing fair. I might start to think you’re all talk and no action.”

He spluttered as he took a sip of his bourbon. “I’m all action and very little talk. I thought we’d established that.”

“Not lately,” I said with a pout.

“Damn, you’re cute when you do that. Want to find a booth?” he asked, standing up and holding out his hand for me.

“A private room might be more suitable.” I jumped off my seat to stand beside him. With my heels on we’re the same height, and looking straight in his eyes, I can see his mind ticking over at our options.

“Done,” he said before grabbing my hand and pulling me quickly towards a closed door at the side of the club that states “Employees Only.”

“Zan, we can’t go in here. We don’t work here.”
