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Temporary Bliss

Temporary Bliss (Bliss #1)(23)
Author: B.J. Harvey

“Tonight I do, so tonight we can and we will. Just trust me, Mac,” he said, pulling me in for a hard and fast kiss. “I’ve forgotten how good you taste. I think I’m going to need a refresher course.” Now I’m flushed, and I can feel my heart beating out of my chest in anticipation.

We walked along a short corridor, then through an open door to a gorgeous room that was lined with burgundy velvet. The cushions were made of black leather and covered in buttons, and the lighting set the mood of the room perfectly, giving it a low red hue. It screamed sex, debauchery, and x-rated beauty. In short, it was perfect.

I followed Zander into the room, before he shut the door behind us, engaging the lock with a loud click.

“I’ve been thinking about you,” he said, pulling his body hard up against my back. He ran his hands down my back, starting at my shoulders and slowly moving them down the side of my chest until they rested on my hips.

“Wanna dance?” he murmured in my ear as my body melted against him.

I looked around and found a stripper pole set to the side of the room.

Spinning around to look at him, I quirked a brow. “You want me to dance for you? You’re the professional,” I added with a wink.

“That I may be, hon, but you…you have raw talent. Just pretend you’re in a bed with me.” He wrapped his hand around my neck and pulled me in, tugging on my bottom lip before meshing out lips together as he tangled his tongue around mine.

He pulled back just a little, and I moaned in disappointment. “Naked…” He nipped my lip again before tracing his tongue along it, soothing the slight sting with a delightful mix of pain and pleasure.

“Okay,” I sighed breathlessly. “Although Zan, we’ve never actually made it to a bed.”

And so it was that my first ever pole dancing experience was in that private room of a Chicago strip club. Zander grabbed a remote from a pocket behind the seat and suddenly the room was filled with the sounds of Joe Cocker’s “You Can Leave Your Hat On”. I swiped his fedora from his head and put it on, tilting it forward over my eyes. I was totally feeling the stripper vibe.

By the end of the song, I had twirled and gyrated my way around the pole, finishing with nothing but a smile and his hat. After that performance, Zander reacquainted himself with the way I tasted, and how loud I could be when screaming out his name during a spine-tingling orgasm that left my body limp for a good ten minutes afterwards.

I pull up Daniel’s name on my phone and push the call button. I hear the phone ring twice before he answers.

“Hey, gorgeous.”

“Hi Superman. How’s your day going?”

“Well, it started with a bang, and I’m kind of hoping the night might end with one too?” he asks cheekily.

I crack up laughing. “Subtle much?”

“Hey, what can I say? I’m an optimist,” he chuckles down the phone. How can a man’s laugh be that sexy? It should be illegal, or recorded for future repetitive playback.

“I’m still at work, but I get off in a few hours,” I say, trying to disguise my uncertainty at seeing him again already. Maybe I have my own super power hidden inside my vagina that makes him want to come back for more.

“I’m hoping to get you off in a few hours…”

Shit, did it just get hot in here or what!

“…but that will work out perfectly. I’m just walking to the gym and I won’t be home until after seven anyway. Want to swing by after work? I can grab some takeout or something.”

Well, crap. Now I have a conundrum. We need to talk, and in all honesty I’d love nothing more than a good, hard screwing right now, especially after the day I’ve had. But what if he gets the wrong idea? Wait, do I want him to get the wrong idea? Ah, f**k it. I decide to go with my gut and ignore the melodramatic inner-Mac.

“Sounds good, Superman. I’ll warn you, though, I’ll be in my scrubs and I’ll be in dire need of a shower.”

“Me too. Maybe we can save the planet and save water.”

Sheesh, I’m gonna have to watch myself around this guy. I already know he’s a smooth talker, and with that firm body of his that felt so good last night as I raked my nails down his back and grabbed his tight ass, pushing him in deeper as I….

“Earth to Mac. You still with me, gorgeous?” I hear him say, snapping me out of my awesome day dream.

“Yeah, sorry,” I say hoarsely. “I was just remembering something.”

“Now I really can’t wait to hear what you were just thinking about because you’re voice sounds just the same as when I woke you up this morning with my c**k sliding against you, and then just as you were about to…”

“Okay, yes, I may have been thinking about this morning’s activities,” I say quickly, trying to clear my head of these  p**n ographic thoughts. “Enough of this talk, or else I won’t get through the rest of my shift. Text me your address and I’ll try and get there just after seven. Sound okay?”

“Sounds perfect, Mac. And for the record, I love it when you sound flustered. Just makes you even cuter. “

God save me, my panties are wet just from one phone call, and now all I can think about is Daniel making me flustered in person.

“Okay, cool. See you then, Superman,” I add cheerfully.

“Until then,” he says seductively before hanging up.

What the hell have I just done because I feel like Alice falling down the rabbit hole, head first into an insta-relationship with Daniel. Shit! I need to tell him about the other penises in my life. Then it’s up to him whether he wants to stick around or not. Yep, that’s what I’ll do. Lay it all out for him and let him decide. I kind of hope he does stick around, though. I’m not quite done with him yet.

Emblazoned by my new plan of attack, I walk back to the nurse’s station to finish my shift, pushing down the uneasy feeling in my stomach about the night ahead of me.

Chapter 12 – “Blurred Lines”

I finish my shift a little later than planned and catch a cab to Daniel’s building. I’m still dressed in my scrubs, and as much as I tried to freshen up and make myself look mildly presentable before leaving the hospital, I know I’m not looking my best. But considering Daniel saw me with less on this morning, and his actions didn’t exactly give me the impression that he was disgusted by my crazy bed hair and morning breath, I think I’m okay. What is truly unfair is that he still looked hot as hell, even just waking up after a night of crazy monkey sex.
