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Temporary Bliss

Temporary Bliss (Bliss #1)(32)
Author: B.J. Harvey

“Damn,” he says, reaching down and tangling his fingers in my loose curls.

“Mmm,” I hum against him, earning a shudder that travels through his entire body.

“Shit, that feels f**king good, gorgeous. I love your lips wrapped around me.” His low voice does wicked things to my insides, creating a none too dull ache between my legs.

“Mmm hmm.” I reply, feeling his grip tighten against my head, further fueling my desire.

“So close, babe,” he says hoarsely as I increase my speed, cupping his balls in my hand and massaging them as they draw tight up against him. His c**k swells in my mouth just before I feel his warm come fill my mouth. Swallowing it all, I pull my mouth off him, kissing the tip one last time before leaning back on the bed with a satisfied smile on my face.

He leans over me, resting his hands on mine as he moves his face in close to mine. “Fuck, I love your mouth,” he murmurs against my lips before I open and let his tongue lazily caress mine. If I thought I was wet from seeing him come apart like that in my mouth, knowing he can taste himself on my lips just increases the need for a panty change before we leave.

I lean back so I can look into his eyes. Gone is the heated gaze, now it’s replaced with adoration, devotion, and f**k me, one could almost say it was love.

I shake my head and kiss him once again before scooting off the bed around him and walking over to my underwear drawer. I peel off my soaked thong, which earns a groan from Daniel behind my back, and step into a new pair of panties. After straightening my dress, and doing a quick hairdo repair in my mirror, I turn around and see Daniel buttoning up his shirt.

“You about ready to go?” I ask, grabbing my purse from my dresser and checking that I’ve got the essentials.

“Sure,” he says deadpan. What the hell?

“Cool. I’ll meet you in the kitchen for pre-game drinks?” I say cheerfully, trying to at least get a smile from him.

“Not a problem, I’ll be out in a few,” he says quickly, failing to hide his frustrated tone. He drops his eyes to the floor as he leans down and pulls on a pair of black linen slacks.

How did this suddenly turn awkward? I shake my head and walk towards my bedroom door, taking a quick glance at him and seeing anger, frustration, maybe a little sadness on his face.

Over the last couple of weeks, I’ve noticed little nuances in the way Daniel acts, the things he says, the way he touches me. Don’t get me wrong, he still makes me happier than I’ve ever been, and I’ve never felt so fulfilled. The problem is me.

All me.

It started after Noah’s BBQ when I was in the middle of a shift and he turned up to deliver me lunch after I absentmindedly mentioned in a text that I’d been running late that morning and ran out of time to grab food. A sweet gesture, extremely thoughtful and kind, and I loved it.

But I didn’t like the fact that I loved it.

Then a couple of nights ago, we were hanging out at his place, watching a movie and snuggling on the couch (I know, who would have thought that I would snuggle, and enjoy it) when my phone started ringing. I grabbed it from the coffee table, thinking it would just be Kate ringing to vent, and froze when I saw it was Zander. I looked up at Daniel and saw his frown, immediately realizing that he had seen who was calling.

“Hey, Zan,” I said, answering the call.

“Babe, what are you up to?”

“Ah I’m just at a friend’s place. What you are doing?”

“I’m just at the club. Want to meet up?”

“Not tonight, babe. I’m bushed. Had a twelve hour shift today.”

“You sure you don’t want me to totally wear you out?”

I cracked up laughing, not realizing that Daniel’s body had stiffened behind me. “I’ll be fine, Zan. You have a good night.”

“Bye, babe.”

“See ya,” I said before ending the call.

All of a sudden Daniel pulled himself up over the back of the couch and walked down the hall into his bedroom.

That took a lot of making up. I explained to him that Zander rarely calls me and that it was something out of my control. The hurt I saw in Daniel’s eyes cut me to the core.

It was then that I knew that this whole ‘non dating’ thing was starting to get to him. I knew that it would only be a matter of time before our arrangement just wasn’t enough for him anymore. I knew he was growing feelings for me…hell, even I can admit that I like the guy.

Okay, more than like him.

But I can’t think about that now. We have a night of drinking and dancing ahead of us. Surely that will shake his mood.

When I reach the living area, Kate and Greg are sitting at the island in the kitchen talking and enjoying a glass of wine.

“Hey, you guys about ready?” I ask.

Kate looks up at me, and she can tell straight away that something’s up. Maybe it’s the confused look on my face, but I have to hand it to my bestie, she can always tell.

“Yeah, just waiting on you two. You okay?” she asks carefully.

“Yup, nothing that some tequila shots and music won’t fix.”

Daniel walks out behind me. “Hey, man, I’m Daniel, Mac’s, ah… friend,” he says with slight hesitation.

“Hey, I’m Greg. Glad you’re coming along. Not sure I’m man enough to handle Kate, let alone both of them,” he replies with a chuckle.

“I’ve got your back, man. These two are definitely a handful,” he says deadpan, wrapping his arm around my waist. Unable to stop myself, my body betrays me and leans into Daniel’s side, earning a confused look from Kate.

“Right. A round of shots first, and then we’ll get going,” Kate announces, getting off her stool and pulling out a bottle of Jose and four shot glasses.

I’ve got to hand it to her, Kate knows when to change the subject. God bless that woman.

I’m six drinks down, and feeling footloose and fancy free. Daniel hasn’t left my side, and I haven’t wanted him too. I’ve lost all the inhibitions I had left, and I think he’s liking it. My brain has switched off. I’m not thinking about him getting too attached, or that look I saw in his eyes that part of me has been aching to see. The other part, the part that is now deeply and buried under the weight of my friend Petron, can’t let myself return the feelings. Opening myself up again can only end in heart break, and I’ve had enough of that already. So I’m back to living in the now.

Hearing an upbeat dance track come over the speakers, I squeal and put my drink down on our table before grabbing Daniel’s hand and dragging him out on the dance floor with me.
