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Temporary Bliss

Temporary Bliss (Bliss #1)(33)
Author: B.J. Harvey

“You want to dance, gorgeous girl?” he says with a smirk.

I flip my hair over my shoulder and give him what I’d like to think is my most seductive facial expression, but being three sheets to the wind, I’m sure I don’t look as hot as I think I do.

He chuckles as he pulls me in close against him and pushes his hips against mine, causing a delicious moan to escape my throat.

“You like that, Mac, don’t you? Knowing that people are watching. That they can see everything we do,” he whispers in my ear as he grinds his hardness into me.

I wrap my arms around his neck and lean in to trace my tongue along his jaw and down his neck, nipping the skin where it meets his collarbone. Moving my hips against him in time to the music, I’m gyrating like he’s a stripper pole and I’m desperate for my next dollar. Just the taste of him is making me horny as hell. Much more of this and I’m gonna want to hump him all the way into next week and not come up for air.

“Yeah, I like it. I like you too,” I say with a smile just as he positions his thigh between my legs, increasing the pressure against me as I thrust against him. I fail to hold back the breathy groan he elicits from me.

Sliding his hands down my body, he caresses my br**sts and doesn’t stop until they have a firm grip on my ass. I can feel his c**k getting hard against me, and I swear I just came a little in my panties. I’ve been pent up ever since I gave him head before we left home. I’m craving a Daniel induced orgasm, and I’m not going to be able to wait much longer. I hear a growl rumble in his chest as I continue to rub up hard against him, the pressure building between us with every move.

“Dammit, gorgeous, you’re going to make me come in my pants like a school boy in a minute.” I giggle before taking a peek over his shoulder, trying to see Kate, but I’m stopped by a piercing set of blue eyes I know all too well. I shake my head at him, and he arches his brow in confusion.

“What’s wrong?” Daniel asks as soon as I stop moving.

My drunken brain to mouth filter fails to engage. “Sean’s here. At the bar.”

He takes a quick look behind his back then looks back down at me with a furrowed brow. “Sean the spanker?”

“Yes,” I say, burying my head in his chest to hide my flaming red cheeks.

“Hey,” he says, pulling my shoulders back slightly so that I have to look at him. “If you want to go say hi, that’s okay, Mac. As long as you know, and he definitely f**king knows, that you’re coming home with me, and it’ll be my name you’re screaming when my tongue is deep inside you. Okay?”

Oh hell, yes! That’s okay!

Caveman Daniel is in the building, and it’s hot as hell.

“Daniel…” I say before he gently puts a finger over my mouth. “Mac, it’s okay. He’s a friend. But I don’t share well, especially not you.”

“But I haven’t even-”

“I don’t care, gorgeous. I just want you to know where my head is at. “

I look up at him and get lost in his possessive eyes. “I want to stay here. I like staying here with you. You’re my whipped cream,” I slur before laying my head on his shoulder and swaying my hips to the slow song that is now playing.

Wrapping his arms around my back, I swear I hear him murmur, “I like that.”

I stopped thinking and just enjoyed my moment, dancing with my Daniel in the middle of the dance floor, wrapped up in each other. Not caring that another one of my men was in the same bar, watching me dance with the man who makes my heart beat faster with a simple look, a touch, his cheeky grin…

I smile.

I’m happy and content. I have half a bottle of tequila running through me, and no cares in the world, for tonight at least.

I’m in the arms of the man that I lov…like a lot, and nothing could be better.

Until the next morning, when all hell broke loose in my head.

Chapter 16 – “Here Comes Goodbye”

It’s Sunday. Two days after my drunken night out with Daniel where we made out like horny teenagers on the dance floor in front of Sean. Then we came home and continued more adult horny antics until we both passed out.

And now I’m at a crossroads.

I like Daniel, like really like him, but I need to stop this before it turns into more than like. Because when it turns into love, you get your heart trampled on, like I did with Beau.

Beau was the nicest guy when we first met. He had bad boy charm, but he treated me like I was precious to him. When he started to change, I was blind to all the warning signs until it was too late. I held on to the old Beau, the idea of what he used to be like. But the crushing pain I endured when I left Ohio and Beau behind is always with me. It’s why I can’t let Daniel in, and why I can’t acknowledge that he may already be in.

I know I need to cut Daniel loose. As much as we try and pretend that we’re both okay with ignoring it, I know he wants more. He wants a label, an acknowledgement of what I’ve silently given him. He wants to call me his own, the age old caveman mentality of being able to beat your chest and say, “Me man, you my wo-man.”

I just can’t do it. I’ve had four years of independence. Living my life the way I want, doing who I want, when I want. No hang ups, no commitment, no questions asked.

Do I like Daniel? Hell, yes!

Does he rock my world? Yes, again.

God does he know how to rock my socks off…inside, outside, in bed, in the shower. Honest to God, I think the man has a magical penis. If I wasn’t so sure that Superman wasn’t real, I’d say that Daniel’s superhero power was in his pants…or his hands…or his mouth…

God, the things that man does to me!

It’s like he’s Noah, Sean, and Zander all mixed together with extra Daniel spice. He’s more than a walking dildo, he’s the whole friggin’ sex store. He’s proven he can be dominating like Sean, and adventurous and spontaneous like Zander. In many ways, he’s my dream man, but there is still a part of me that doesn’t trust any man, even Daniel, not to hurt me eventually.

But it’s not fair to keep him to myself when I can’t make him happy. I care about him too much to make him suffer because of my f**ked up belief system. He needs to go off and meet the woman of his dreams and have a happy, committed relationship with her.

Now to tell him.

Mac: Hey, is it okay if I come over?

Superman: Of course, gorgeous. See you soon

Getting changed into my skinny jeans and a hoodie, I hurry out the door, knowing I need to get this over with before I lose my nerve. I just hope we can stay friends after I end it. I let it go on for too long. I was selfish and didn’t stop it before we got too involved.
